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Now the time to say "Goodbye" to Cisco Spark and say "Hello" to Cisco Webex Teams.

The Cisco Spark became Cisco Webex Teams.

The Thrzn41.CiscoSpark also became Thrzn41.WebexTeams.
The repository moved to WebexTeamsAPIClient.

I decided to move the repository instead of branch or forking.

[Obsoleted] Cisco Spark API Client for .NET

nuget MIT license

Cisco Spark API Client is a Library that wraps Cisco Spark REST API.
Also, some useful features for developers are provided.

README in other language

Available Platforms

  • .NET Standard 1.3 or later
  • .NET Core 1.0 or later
  • .NET Framework 4.5.2 or later

NOTE: If you use Simple Webhook Listener/Server feature,
.NET Stardard 2.0+, .NET Core 2.0+ or .NET Framework 4.5.2+ is required.

Available Features

  • Basic Cisco Spark APIs(List/Get/Create Message, Space, etc.).
  • Cisco Spark Admin APIs(List/Get Event, License, etc.).
  • Encrypt/Decrypt Cisco Spark token in storage.
  • Pagination for list APIs.
  • Retry-after value, Retry executor.
  • Markdown builder
  • Error code, error description.
  • Webhook secret validator, Webhook notification manager, Webhook event handler.
  • OAuth2 helper
  • Simple Webhook Listener/Server(.NET Standard 2.0+, .NET Core 2.0+, .NET Framework 4.5.2+)

Basic Features

Spark Resource Available Feature Description
Person/People List/Get Available. Get Me is also available
Space(Room) List/Create/Get/Update/Delete Available. Room is called 'Space' in this API Client.
SpaceMembership(Membership) List/Create/Get/Update/Delete Available. Membership is called 'SpaceMembership' in this API Client.
Message List/Create/Get/Delete Available. Attach file from local stream is also available
Team List/Create/Get/Update/Delete Available.
TeamMembership List/Create/Get/Update/Delete Available.
Webhook List/Create/Get/Update/Delete Available.
File GetInfo/GetData/Upload Available.

Admin Features

Spark Resource Available Feature Description
Person/People Create/Update/Delete Available.
Event List/Get Available.
Organization List/Get Available.
License List/Get Available.
Role List/Get Available.

Token encryption/decryption in storage

ProtectedString provides token encryption/decryption.
More details are described later.


Cisco Spark API pagination is described on here.

result.HasNext and result.ListNextAsync() are available in the Cisco Spark API Client.
More details are described later.

Gets retry-after

result.HasRetryAfter and result.RetryAfter are available in the Cisco Spark API Client.
Also, RetryExecutor is available.
More details are described later.

Gets HttpStatus code

result.HttpStatusCode is available in the Cisco Spark API Client.
More details are described later.

Gets Error code/description

There are cases when Cisco Spark API returns error with error code and description.
result.Data.HasErrors and result.Data.GetErrors() are available in the Cisco Spark API Client.

Gets Partial Errors

There are cases when Cisco Spark API returns partial errors.
This is described on here.
Item.HasErrors and Item.GetPartialErrors() are available in the Cisco Spark API Client.

Gets trackingId

The trackingId may be used on technical support of Cisco Spark API side.

result.TrackingId is available in the Cisco Spark API Client.
More details are described later.

Validates webhook secret

Webhook.CreateEventValidator() is available in the Cisco Spark API Client.
Also, WebhookNotificationManager is available to facilicate event handling.
More details are described later.

CreateWebhookAsync() method in the Cisco Spark API Client generates webhook secret dynamically by default option.

Markdonw builder

MarkdownBuilder is available in the Cisco Spark API Client.
More details are described later.

OAuth2 Helper

SparkOauth2Client is available in the Cisco Spark API Client.

Webhook Listener(.NET Standard 2.0+, .NET Core 2.0+, .NET Framework 4.5.2+)

Webhook listener feature provides simple Webhook server feature.

NOTE: This feature is intended to be used for quick testing purpose.
In production environment, more reliable server solution should be used.

WebhookListener is available in the Cisco Spark API Client.
More details are described later.

Basic Usage

Install Cisco Spark API Client

You can install Cisco Spark API Client from NuGet package manager by any of the following methods.

  • NuGet Package Manager GUI
    Search "Thrzn41.CiscoSpark" package and install.

  • NuGet Package Manager CLI

PM> Install-Package Thrzn41.CiscoSpark
  • .NET Client
> dotnet add package Thrzn41.CiscoSpark

using Directive to import Cisco Spark API Client related types

If you want to use using directive, the following namespaces could be used.

using Thrzn41.Util
using Thrzn41.CiscoSpark
using Thrzn41.CiscoSpark.Version1

You can also use Thrzn41.CiscoSpark.Version1.Admin namespace, if needed.

Create a Cisco Spark API Client instance

A Cisco Spark API Client instance should be re-used as long as possible.

/// Basic APIs.
SparkAPIClient spark = SparkAPI.CreateVersion1Client(token);

If you use Admin APIs, an instance for Admin APIs is required.
SparkAdminAPIClient has all the features of SparkAPIClient and Admin Features.

/// Admin APIs.
SparkAdminAPIClient spark = SparkAPI.CreateVersion1AdminClient(token);

NOTE: The 'token' is very sensitive information for Cisco Spark API.
You MUST protect the 'token' carefully.
NEVER put it in source code directly or NEVER save it in unsecure manner.
Cisco Spark API Client provides some token encryption/decryption methods.
If you use your own token encryption/decryption/protection methods, you can create an instance with the decrypted token string.

Save encrypted token to storage

char[] tokens = GetBotTokenFromBotOwner();

var protectedToken = LocalProtectedString.FromChars(tokens);

Save("token.dat",   protectedToken.EncryptedData);
Save("entropy.dat", protectedToken.Entropy);

NOTE: LocalProtectedString does not provide in-memory protection.
This is intended to be used to save and load encrypted token.

Load encrypted token from storage and create a Cisco Spark API Client

byte[] encryptedData = Load("token.dat");
byte[] entropy       = Load("entropy.dat");

var protectedToken = LocalProtectedString.FromEncryptedData(encryptedData, entropy);

/// Basic APIs.
SparkAPIClient spark = SparkAPI.CreateVersion1Client(protectedToken);

NOTE: The encrypted data can be decrypted only on the same local user or local machine as encrypted based on option parameter.

Post a message to a Cisco Spark Space

var result = await spark.CreateMessageAsync("xyz_space_id", "Hello, Spark!");

   Console.WriteLine("Message was posted: id = {0}", result.Data.Id);

Success, fail, error handling

You can use result.IsSuccessStatus to check if the request is succeeded or not. You can also use result.Data.HasErrors and result.Data.GetErrorMessage() to retrieve error code value of error description from Cisco Spark API service.

var result = await spark.CreateMessageAsync("xyz_space_id", "Hello, Spark!");

   Console.WriteLine("Message was posted: id = {0}", result.Data.Id);
  Console.WriteLine("Failed to post a message: status = {0}, trackingId = {1}", result.HttpStatusCode, result.TrackingId);

    Console.WriteLine( result.Data.GetErrorMessage() );

If you preferred to catch Exception, you can use result.GetData() to get data.
The result.GetData() will throw SparkResultException on request error.
(On the other hand, result.Data does not throw SparkResultException.)

  var result = await spark.CreateMessageAsync("xyz_space_id", "Hello, Spark!");

  var message = result.GetData();

  Console.WriteLine("Message was posted: id = {0}", message.Id);
catch(SparkResultException sre)
  Console.WriteLine("Failed to post a message: status = {0}, trackingId = {1}, description = {2}",
                      sre.HttpStatusCode, sre.TrackingId, sre.Message);

Post a message with attachment to a Cisco Spark Space

using (var fs   = new FileStream("path/myfile.png", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read))
using (var data = new SparkFileData(fs, "imagefile.png", SparkMediaType.ImagePNG))
    var result = await spark.CreateMessageAsync("xyz_space_id", "Hello Spark with Attachment", data);

       Console.WriteLine("Message was posted with attachment: id = {0}", result.Data.Id);

Post a message to a Cisco Spark 1:1 Space

var result = await spark.CreateDirectMessageAsync("[email protected]", "Hello, Spark!");

   Console.WriteLine("Message was posted: id = {0}", result.Data.Id);

List spaces

var result = await spark.ListSpacesAsync();

if(result.IsSuccessStatus && result.Data.HasItems)
  foreach (var item in result.Data.Items) {
    Console.WriteLine("Space: title = {0}", item.Title);

Get File info or File data

Get File info without downloading the file.

var result = await spark.GetFileInfoAsync(new Uri(""));

  var file = result.Data;

  Console.WriteLine("File: Name = {0}, Size = {1}, Type = {2}", file.Name, file.Size?.Value, file.MediaType?.Name);

Download the file.

var result = await spark.GetFileDataAsync(new Uri(""));

  var file = result.Data;

  Console.WriteLine("File: Name = {0}, Size = {1}, Type = {2}", file.Name, file.Size?.Value, file.MediaType?.Name);

  using(var stream = file.Stream)
    // File data will be contained in the stream...


var result = await spark.ListSpacesAsync();

  // Do something...

    // List next result.
    result = await result.ListNextAsync();

      // ...

Gets Http status code of the request

var result = await spark.ListSpacesAsync();

Console.WriteLine("Status is {0}", result.HttpStatusCode);

Gets retry after value

var result = await spark.ListSpacesAsync();

  // Do something...
else if(result.HasRetryAfter)
  Console.WriteLine("Let's retry: {0}", result.RetryAfter.Delta);  

Retry Executor

RetryExecutor facilitates retry.

// RetryExecutor.One requests with 1 time retry at most.
var result = await RetryExecutor.One.ListAsync(
  () =>
      // This function will be executed again if needed.
      return spark.ListSpacesAsync();

  (r, retryCount) =>
      // This function will be executed before evry retry request.

      // You can output logs or other things at this point.
      Log.Info("Retry is required: delta = {0}, counter = {1}", r.RetryAfter.Delta, retryCount);

      // Return 'true' when you want to proceed retry.
      return true;

Gets TrackingId

var result = await spark.ListSpacesAsync();

Console.WriteLine("Tracking id is {0}", result.TrackingId);  

Markdown Builder

var md = new MarkdownBuilder();

// Creates markdown with mention and ordered list.
md.Append("Hi ").AppendMentionToPerson("xyz_person_id", "PersonName").AppendLine();

var result = await spark.CreateMessageAsync("xyz_space_id", md.ToString());

Validates webhook event data

var webhook = await spark.GetWebhookAsync("xyz_webhook_id");

var validator = webhook.CreateEventValidator();

When an event is notified on webhook uri,
x-Spark-Signature will have hash code.

The validator can be used to validate the data.

byte[] webhookEventData = GetWebhookEventData();

if( validator.Validate(webhookEventData, "xyz_x_spark_signature_value") )
  Console.WriteLine("Notified data is valid!");

Webhook Notification manager

Webhook notification manager manages webhooks and event notification.

  • Create instance.
var notificationManager = new WebhookNotificationManager();
  • Then, add webhook to manager with notification function.
var webhook = await spark.GetWebhookAsync("xyz_webhook_id");

  (eventData) =>
    Console.WriteLine("Event is notified, id = {0}", eventData.Id);
  • On receiving webhook event.
byte[] webhookEventData = GetWebhookEventData();

// Signature will be checked and notified to function which is added earlier.
notificationManager.ValidateAndNotify(webhookEventData, "xyz_x_spark_signature_value", encodingOfData);

Webhook Listener

  • Create webhook listener instance.
var listener = new WebhookListener();
  • Add listening host and port.

The TLS/https connection SHOULD be used for listening port.
To do this, a valid certificate for the listener SHOULD be bound in your environment first by netsh tools or related tools.

Add listening endpoint with the bound address and port.

var endpointUri = listener.AddListenerEndpoint("", 8443);
  • Create webhook for the listener.

The endpointUri returned by listener.AddListenerEndpoint() is Uri of the webhook.

var result = await spark.CreateWebhookAsync(
  "my webhook for test",
  • Add webhook to listener with notification function.
var webhook = result.Data;

  async (eventData) =>
    Console.WriteLine("Event is notified, id = {0}", eventData.Id);

    if(eventData.Resouce == EventResouce.Message)
      Console.WriteLine("Message, id = {0}", eventData.MessageData.Id);
  • Start listener.

After starting listener, events will be notified to registered notification function.


Webhook Listener with ngrok

If you do not have global ip address.
You may be able to use tunneling services such as ngrok.

  • Get ngrok and start it.

You can download ngrok command line tool from here.

The following command will start tunneling that will forward to port 8080 of localhost.

prompt> ngrok http 8080 --bind-tls=true
  • Create webhook listener instance.
var listener = new WebhookListener();
  • Add listening host and port.

The ngrok will forward to localhost.

var endpointUri = listener.AddListenerEndpoint("localhost", 8080, false);
  • Create webhook for the listener.

In this case, a tunneling service is used with ngrok,
The endpointUri returned by listener.AddListenerEndpoint() is Uri to be forwarded.

You should create webhook with ngrok uri.

If ngrok assigns,
You need to create webhook with String.Format("{0}", endpointUri.AbsolutePath).

var result = await spark.CreateWebhookAsync(
  "my webhook for test",
  new Uri(String.Format("{0}", endpointUri.AbsolutePath)),
  • Add webhook to listener with notification function.
var webhook = result.Data;

  async (eventData) =>
    Console.WriteLine("Event is notified, id = {0}", eventData.Id);

    if(eventData.Resouce == EventResouce.Message)
      Console.WriteLine("Message, id = {0}", eventData.MessageData.Id);
  • Start listener.

After starting listener, events will be notified to registered notification function.
