Imaginary Traveler provides a platform for users with a love of the written word and travel, on which they can virtually experience geographic locations significant to narratives or themes in a library of books and poems. When the user enters their login, they can browse an array of curated books represented on a bookshelf. Each book is a clickable portal that draws the audience into an interactive cinematic experience via specific plot points connected to Google maps. The app also creates an innovative platform for literary talents to showcase their own interpretations or musings on familiar passages from books of their own selection. By searching and adding a title to their personalized bookshelf, a user can link to a page where they add text and sync it with a google map street view of their choice as a saveable entry, thus building a unique library of journal entries on reading and travel.
- React Library
- React Animation: Typed.js
- Javascript/ HTML5 Canvas
- CSS Keyframes
- Jesse’s Artwork( Group Team-mate & Contributor )
- React-Google-Map-Street-View Api
- MongoDb
- User Schema
- Book Schema
- Passport
run -- npm install