If you're using the provider this was forked from, you can run the following to use the new provider:
terraform state replace-provider current-owner/uptimerobot tinybirdco/uptimerobot
To install this provider, check out the installation instructions on Terraform's registry page.
terraform {
required_providers {
uptimerobot = {
source = "tinybirdco/uptimerobot"
version = "~> 0.8.0"
provider "uptimerobot" {
api_key = "[YOUR MAIN API KEY]" # or pass via environment variable UPTIMEROBOT_API_KEY
data "uptimerobot_account" "account" {}
data "uptimerobot_alert_contact" "default_alert_contact" {
friendly_name = data.uptimerobot_account.account.email
resource "uptimerobot_alert_contact" "slack" {
friendly_name = "Slack Alert"
type = "slack"
value = "https://hooks.slack.com/services/XXXXXXX"
resource "uptimerobot_monitor" "main" {
friendly_name = "My Monitor"
type = "http"
url = "http://example.com"
# pro allows 60 seconds
interval = 300
alert_contact {
id = uptimerobot_alert_contact.slack.id
# threshold = 0 # pro only
# recurrence = 0 # pro only
alert_contact {
id = data.uptimerobot_alert_contact.default_alert_contact.id
resource "uptimerobot_monitor" "custom_port" {
url = "doe.john.me"
type = "port"
sub_type = "custom"
port = 5678
friendly_name = "Custom port"
resource "uptimerobot_status_page" "main" {
friendly_name = "My Status Page"
custom_domain = "status.example.com"
password = "WeAreAwsome"
sort = "down-up-paused"
monitors = [uptimerobot_monitor.main.id]
resource "aws_route53_record" {
zone_id = "[MY ZONE ID]"
type = "CNAME"
records = [uptimerobot_status_page.main.dns_address]
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!