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tom2208 edited this page Aug 23, 2020 · 2 revisions

This is a quick overview of all Permissions for ChestCleaner.


Permission Description
chestcleaner.autorefill.* allow all autorefills
chestcleaner.autorefill.blocks allows the player to automatically get blocks refilled in the hotbar
chestcleaner.autorefill.consumables allows the player to automatically get blocks refilled in the hotbar
chestcleaner.autorefill.brokenitems allows the player to automatically get breakables refilled in the hotbar
chestcleaner.cleaningitem.use allows the player to sort inventories of blocks
chestcleaner.cleaningitem.use.owninventory allows the player to sort their own inventory
chestcleaner.cooldown.immune whether the player is unaffected by the cooldown
chestcleaner.clicksort To sort via Click Sort.
chestcleaner.update whether the player gets a notification when a ChestCleaner update is available
chestcleaner.cmd.sortingconfig.* parent permission for sortingconfig
chestcleaner.cmd.sortingconfig.categories allow player to override the category order for themself using the /sortingconfig categories command
chestcleaner.cmd.sortingconfig.categories.reset allow a player to use the command /sortingconfig categories reset
chestcleaner.cmd.sortingconfig.pattern allow player to override the sorting pattern for themself using the /sortingconfig pattern command
chestcleaner.cmd.sortingconfig.setautosort allow player to override the autosort toggle for themself using the /sortingconfig autosort command
chestcleaner.cmd.cleaningitem.get allow player to get a cleaningitem using the /cleaningitem get command
chestcleaner.cmd.cleaningitem.give allow player to give a player/all players a cleaningitem using the /cleaningitem give command
chestcleaner.cmd.sortingconfig.setchatnotification allow player to toggle the chat sorting notification.
chestcleaner.cmd.sortingconfig.setsortingsound allow player to toggle the sorting sound.
chestcleaner.cmd.sortingconfig.reset allow a player to reset her/his configuration.
chestcleaner.cmd.sortingconfig.clicksort Permission to execute: /sortingadmin clicksort <true/false>
chestcleaner.cmd.cleaninventory.sort allow a player to use the /cleaninventory command
chestcleaner.cmd.cleaninventory.own allow a player to use the /cleaninventory own command
chestcleaner.cmd.cleaninventory.others allow player to use the /cleaninventory command
chestcleaner.cmd.admin.* allow all changes to the defaults
chestcleaner.cmd.admin.config whether the player can use the /sortingadmin command
chestcleaner.cmd.admin.cooldown whether the player can use the /sortingadmin cooldown command
chestcleaner.cmd.admin.blacklist whether the player can use the /blacklist command
chestcleaner.cmd.admin.cleaningitem.* allow all changes to the default cleaningitem and get & give commands
chestcleaner.cmd.admin.cleaningitem.setitem whether the player can use the /cleaningitem set command
chestcleaner.cmd.admin.cleaningitem.rename whether the player can use the /cleaningitem rename command
chestcleaner.cmd.admin.cleaningitem.setlore whether the player can use the /cleaningitem lore command
chestcleaner.cmd.admin.cleaningitem.setactive whether the player can use the /cleaningitem active command
chestcleaner.cmd.admin.cleaningitem.setdurabilityloss whether the player can use the /cleaningitem durabilityLoss command
chestcleaner.cmd.admin.cleaningitem.setopenevent whether the player can use the /cleaningitem openEvent command