Miscellaneous Fixes
- Add github workflow to auto release to maven central on tags(#439)
- Add github action based build workflow (#438)
- Fix retry in case of untracked task failures (#436)
- Update README.md (#433)
- Add job_id env in container (#431)
- Added fix to return successful training with some failed worker jobs (#428)
- Exposing container diagnostic information for failed task to the tonyhistory files (#429)
- Fixing AM RPC port binding issue (#427)
- Support to specify application type (#426)
- Enable debugging with tony am (#425)
- Exposing container logs URL in tony portal (#424)
- Refine README.md about TonY in gcp (#423)
- Add support for CUDA 10.1, add generic CUDA script and update documen… (#419)
- Update install_gpu_cu10.sh (#417)
- Change default allocation timeout to -1 to avoid incompatible behavior. Bump version (#416)
- Add wait timeout for allocated container registration (#413)
- Add option to stop application on failure of certain job (#414)
- Handle untracked job type crash by failing the application for #405 (#406)
- TonY should be able to launch jobs using dependency graph (#403)