TogglPy is a python library for interacting with the Toggl API.
- Make requests against any (Toggl) API endpoint with request data as a dictionary
- Generate and save PDFs of summary, weekly, or detailed reports
- Fetch reports as JSON
- Get all workspaces or all clients
- Get a specific workspace or client, by id or name
- Query projects, by client, or by a single name
- Add custom time entries
- Download the project, or download for local usage
- Import the content:
from TogglPy import Toggl
- Create a Toggl object:
toggl = Toggl()
- Authenticate either by Toggl credentials OR using your personal API token:
toggl.setAuthCredentials('<EMAIL>', '<PASSWORD>')
from TogglPy import Toggl
# create a Toggl object and set our API key
toggl = Toggl()
response = toggl.request("")
# print the client name and id for each client in the response
# list of returned values can be found in the Toggl docs (
for client in response:
print "Client name: %s Client id: %s" % (client['name'], client['id'])
Or, if you want to add some data to your request:
data = {
'id': 42,
'some_key': 'some_value',
'user_agent': 'TogglPy_test',
response = toggl.request("", parameters=data)
data = {
"name": "some project",
response = toggl.postRequest("", parameters=data)
# specify that we want reports from this week
data = {
'workspace_id': 0000, # see the next example for getting a workspace id
'since': '2015-04-27',
'until': '2015-05-03',
# download one of each type of report for this time period
toggl.getWeeklyReportPDF(data, "weekly-report.pdf")
toggl.getDetailedReportPDF(data, "detailed-report.pdf")
toggl.getSummaryReportPDF(data, "summary-report.pdf")
This will print some raw data that will give you all the info you need to identify clients and workspaces quickly:
print toggl.getWorkspaces()
print toggl.getClients()
If you want to clean it up a little replace those print statements with
for workspace in toggl.getWorkspaces():
print "Workspace name: %s\tWorkspace id:%s" % (workspace['name'], workspace['id'])
for client in toggl.getClients():
print "Client name: %s\tClient id:%s" % (client['name'], client['id'])
If you want to find a specific client or workspace:
john_doe = toggl.getClient(name="John Doe")
personal = toggl.getWorkspace(name="Personal")
print "John's client id is %s" % john_doe['id']
print "The workspace id for 'Personal' is %s" % personal['id']
The reverse can also be done; use .getClient(id=0000)
or .getWorkspace(id=000)
to find items by id.
# You can get your project pid in>Projects->(select your project) and copying the last number of the url
myprojectpid = 10959693
toggl.startTimeEntry("my description", myprojectpid)
currentTimer = currentRunningTimeEntry()
# Create a custom entry for today, of a 9 hour duration, starting at 10 AM:
toggl.createTimeEntry(hourduration=9, projectname='GoogleDrive', hour=10)
# Or speed up the query process and provide the clien't name:
toggl.createTimeEntry(hourduration=9, projectname='GoogleDrive', clientname='Google', hour=10)
# Provide *month* and/or *day* too for specific dates:
toggl.createTimeEntry(hourduration=9, projectname='GoogleDrive', clientname='Google', month=1, day=31, hour=10)
# Automate missing time entries!
for day in (29, 30, 31):
toggl.createTimeEntry(hourduration=9, projectname='someproject', day=day, hour=10)
import datetime
if not in (4, 5):
toggl.createTimeEntry(hourduration=9, projectname='someproject', hour=10)
(crontab -l ; echo "0 22 * * *")| crontab -