- http://towardsdatascience.com/multi-class-text-classification-with-pyspark-7d78d022ed35
- http://www.datasciencecentral.com/profiles/blogs/practical-apache-spark-in-10-minutes-part-4-mllib
- http://opensource.com/article/19/3/apache-spark-and-dataframes-tutorial
$ dnf -y install hadoop-common-native hadoop-client parquet-format libhdfs hadoop-hdfs-fuse parquet-format hadoop-maven-plugin
The following four files need to be set up:
Download the configuration files from Ambari.
$ dnf -y install hadoop-mapreduce hadoop-yarn hadoop-httpfs hive
See also http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Denisarnaud/Hadoop
- Install the Hadoop packages
$ su -
$ dnf install hadoop-common hadoop-hdfs hadoop-mapreduce \
hadoop-mapreduce-examples hadoop-yarn maven-* xmvn*
- Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable within the Hadoop configuration file (the default does not seem to work)
$ vi /etc/hadoop/hadoop-env.sh
For instance, with the OpenJDK on Fedora 23, the line should read something like:
$ export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk-
Or with Oracle Java JDK 8, the line would become:
$ export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.8.0_51
- You may want to adjust the amount of memory and the number of cores for the YARN cluster, by adding the following lines to /etc/hadoop/yarn-site.xml (derived from http://hadoop.apache.org/docs/r2.4.1/hadoop-yarn/hadoop-yarn-common/yarn-default.xml):
<description>Number of CPU cores that can be allocated for containers.</description>
<description>Amount of physical memory, in MB, that can be allocated for containers.</description>
<description>The maximum allocation for every container request at the RM, in MBs. Memory requests higher than this won't take effect, and will get capped to this value.</description>
- A few parameters need to be adjusted for the examples with YARN and the
stand-alone Hadoop cluster (distinct from the Spark cluster embedded in
the JVM launched by sbt)
- /etc/hadoop/core-site.xml (add 20000 to the port number):
- /etc/hadoop/mapred-site.xml (add 20000 to the port number):
- /etc/hadoop/hdfs-site.xml:
- Format the name-node:
$ runuser hdfs -s /bin/bash /bin/bash -c "hdfs namenode -format"
- Start the Hadoop services:
$ systemctl start hadoop-namenode hadoop-datanode hadoop-nodemanager hadoop-resourcemanager tomcat@httpfs
- Check that the Hadoop services have been started:
$ systemctl status hadoop-namenode hadoop-datanode hadoop-nodemanager hadoop-resourcemanager tomcat@httpfs
Note that, as of January 2016, tomcat@httpfs was not able to start, due to a bug on Fedora 23+ (http://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1295968). A version fixing the bug should reach the Fedora 23 repositories soon.
- Enable the Hadoop services permanently, in case everything went smoothly:
$ systemctl enable hadoop-namenode hadoop-datanode hadoop-nodemanager hadoop-resourcemanager tomcat@httpfs
Check that the Hadoop cluster works normally, thanks to Jetty:
- Resource Manager (RM): http://localhost:8088
- Node Manager: http://localhost:8042
- HDFS Mamangement (dfs.http.address value in /etc/hadoop/hdfs-site.xml): http://localhost:50070. In particular:
- Browse HDFS: http://localhost:50070/explorer.html
- Data Node (dfs.datanode.http.address value in /etc/hadoop/hdfs-site.xml): http://localhost:50075
Create the default HDFS directories:
$ hdfs-create-dirs
- Add
as a group to your Unix user:
$ usermod <username> -a -G hdfs
- Create the HDFS home directory for your Unix user:
$ runuser hdfs -s /bin/bash /bin/bash -c "hadoop fs -mkdir /user/<username>"
$ runuser hdfs -s /bin/bash /bin/bash -c "hadoop fs -chown <username> /user/<username>"
- Create a data directory for the data, and give the write access to the Unix user:
$ runuser hdfs -s /bin/bash /bin/bash -c "hadoop fs -mkdir -p /data/induction"
$ runuser hdfs -s /bin/bash /bin/bash -c "hadoop fs -chown -R <username> /data"
- Create a directory for the JAR artifacts, and give the write access to the Unix user:
$ runuser hdfs -s /bin/bash /bin/bash -c "hadoop fs -mkdir -p /artefacts/common"
$ runuser hdfs -s /bin/bash /bin/bash -c "hadoop fs -mkdir -p /artefacts/users/<username>"
$ runuser hdfs -s /bin/bash /bin/bash -c "hadoop fs -chown -R <username> /artefacts/users/<username>"
As you may choose to use an external cluster, rather than setting up your own, in the remainder of that introduction, an alias and some environment variable will be used. A few examples are given; so, just pick one.
- Use your own set up HDFS:
$ echo "# HDFS cluster" >> ~/.bashrc
$ echo "alias hdfsfs='hdfs dfs'" >> ~/.bashrc
$ echo "export HDFS_URL=hdfs://localhost:28020" >> ~/.bashrc
$ . ~/.bashrc
- Use an external cluster HDFS:
$ echo "# HDFS cluster" >> ~/.bashrc
$ echo "alias hdfsfs='hdfs dfs -Dfs.defaultFS=hdfs://'" >> ~/.bashrc
$ echo "export HDFS_URL=hdfs://" >> ~/.bashrc
$ . ~/.bashrc
That example instanciates (Spark) DataFrames through RDD structures. Those latter may retrieve data from CSV files. Two ways are explored in that example:
- The RDD retrieves the full content of the CSV file, and then creates the DataFrame. That way seems more direct and easier, but it implies that the whole data set fits in memory. So, it does not scale to big data cases.
- The RDD retrieves one row at a time, converts it to a RDD thanks to a case class (Student), and then adds the RDD to the DataFrame.
$ mkdir -p ~/dev/bi
$ cd ~/dev/bi
$ git clone [email protected]:travel-intelligence/induction-spark.git tiinductionsparkgit
$ cd ~/dev/bi/tiinductionsparkgit
$ sbt compile
[info] Loading global plugins from ~/.sbt/0.13/plugins
[info] Loading project definition from ~/dev/bi/tiinductionsparkgit/project
[info] Set current project to ti-induction-spark (in build file:~/dev/bi/tiinductionsparkgit/)
[success] Total time: 0 s, completed Dec 28, 2015 8:54:18 PM
$ sbt run 2>&1 | grep -v "error"
[info] Loading project definition from ~/dev/bi/tiinductionsparkgit/project
[info] Set current project to induction-spark (in build file:~/dev/bi/tiinductionsparkgit/)
[info] Running com.amadeus.ti.induction.Introduction
[info] //////////// First way: without case classes //////////////
[info] studentsDF:
[info] root
[info] |-- id: string (nullable = true)
[info] |-- studentName: string (nullable = true)
[info] |-- phone: string (nullable = true)
[info] |-- email: string (nullable = true)
[info] +--+-----------+--------------+--------------------+
[info] |id|studentName| phone| email|
[info] +--+-----------+--------------+--------------------+
[info] | 1| Burke|1-300-746-8446|ullamcorper.velit...|
[info] | 2| Kamal|1-668-571-5046|pede.Suspendisse@...|
[info] | 3| Olga|1-956-311-1686|Aenean.eget.metus...|
[info] +--+-----------+--------------+--------------------+
[info] +--+-----------+--------------+--------------------+
[info] |id|studentName| phone| email|
[info] +--+-----------+--------------+--------------------+
[info] | 1| Burke|1-300-746-8446|ullamcorper.velit...|
[info] | 2| Kamal|1-668-571-5046|pede.Suspendisse@...|
[info] | 3| Olga|1-956-311-1686|Aenean.eget.metus...|
[info] | 4| Belle|1-246-894-6340|vitae.aliquet.nec...|
[info] | 5| Trevor|1-300-527-4967|dapibus.id@acturp...|
[info] | 6| Laurel|1-691-379-9921|adipiscing@consec...|
[info] | 7| Sara|1-608-140-1995|Donec.nibh@enimEt...|
[info] | 8| Kaseem|1-881-586-2689|cursus.et.magna@e...|
[info] | 9| Lev|1-916-367-5608|Vivamus.nisi@ipsu...|
[info] |10| Maya|1-271-683-2698|accumsan.convalli...|
[info] |11| Emi|1-467-270-1337| [email protected]|
[info] |12| Caleb|1-683-212-0896|Suspendisse@Quisq...|
[info] |13| Florence|1-603-575-2444|sit.amet.dapibus@...|
[info] |14| Anika|1-856-828-7883|euismod@ligulaeli...|
[info] |15| Tarik|1-398-171-2268|[email protected]|
[info] |16| Amena|1-878-250-3129|lorem.luctus.ut@s...|
[info] |17| Blossom|1-154-406-9596|Nunc.commodo.auct...|
[info] |18| Guy|1-869-521-3230|senectus.et.netus...|
[info] |19| Malachi|1-608-637-2772|Proin.mi.Aliquam@...|
[info] |20| Edward|1-711-710-6552|lectus@aliquetlib...|
[info] +--+-----------+--------------+--------------------+
[info] [1,Burke,1-300-746-8446,[email protected]]
[info] [2,Kamal,1-668-571-5046,[email protected]]
[info] [3,Olga,1-956-311-1686,[email protected]]
[info] [4,Belle,1-246-894-6340,[email protected]]
[info] [5,Trevor,1-300-527-4967,[email protected]]
[info] [1,Burke,1-300-746-8446,[email protected]]
[info] [2,Kamal,1-668-571-5046,[email protected]]
[info] [3,Olga,1-956-311-1686,[email protected]]
[info] [4,Belle,1-246-894-6340,[email protected]]
[info] [5,Trevor,1-300-527-4967,[email protected]]
[info] emailDataFrame:
[info] +--------------------+
[info] | email|
[info] +--------------------+
[info] |ullamcorper.velit...|
[info] |pede.Suspendisse@...|
[info] |Aenean.eget.metus...|
[info] +--------------------+
[info] studentEmailDF:
[info] +-----------+--------------------+
[info] |studentName| email|
[info] +-----------+--------------------+
[info] | Burke|ullamcorper.velit...|
[info] | Kamal|pede.Suspendisse@...|
[info] | Olga|Aenean.eget.metus...|
[info] +-----------+--------------------+
[info] +--+-----------+--------------+--------------------+
[info] |id|studentName| phone| email|
[info] +--+-----------+--------------+--------------------+
[info] | 6| Laurel|1-691-379-9921|adipiscing@consec...|
[info] | 7| Sara|1-608-140-1995|Donec.nibh@enimEt...|
[info] | 8| Kaseem|1-881-586-2689|cursus.et.magna@e...|
[info] | 9| Lev|1-916-367-5608|Vivamus.nisi@ipsu...|
[info] |10| Maya|1-271-683-2698|accumsan.convalli...|
[info] |11| Emi|1-467-270-1337| [email protected]|
[info] |12| Caleb|1-683-212-0896|Suspendisse@Quisq...|
[info] +--+-----------+--------------+--------------------+
[info] +--+-----------+--------------+--------------------+
[info] |id|studentName| phone| email|
[info] +--+-----------+--------------+--------------------+
[info] |21| |1-598-439-7549|consectetuer.adip...|
[info] |32| |1-184-895-9602|accumsan.laoreet@...|
[info] |45| |1-245-752-0481|Suspendisse.eleif...|
[info] |83| |1-858-810-2204|sociis.natoque@eu...|
[info] |94| |1-443-410-7878|Praesent.eu.nulla...|
[info] +--+-----------+--------------+--------------------+
[info] +--+-----------+--------------+--------------------+
[info] |id|studentName| phone| email|
[info] +--+-----------+--------------+--------------------+
[info] |21| |1-598-439-7549|consectetuer.adip...|
[info] |32| |1-184-895-9602|accumsan.laoreet@...|
[info] |33| NULL|1-105-503-0141|[email protected]|
[info] |45| |1-245-752-0481|Suspendisse.eleif...|
[info] |83| |1-858-810-2204|sociis.natoque@eu...|
[info] |94| |1-443-410-7878|Praesent.eu.nulla...|
[info] +--+-----------+--------------+--------------------+
[info] +--+-----------+--------------+--------------------+
[info] |id|studentName| phone| email|
[info] +--+-----------+--------------+--------------------+
[info] |10| Maya|1-271-683-2698|accumsan.convalli...|
[info] |19| Malachi|1-608-637-2772|Proin.mi.Aliquam@...|
[info] |24| Marsden|1-477-629-7528|Donec.dignissim.m...|
[info] |37| Maggy|1-910-887-6777|facilisi.Sed.nequ...|
[info] |61| Maxine|1-422-863-3041|aliquet.molestie....|
[info] |77| Maggy|1-613-147-4380| [email protected]|
[info] |97| Maxwell|1-607-205-1273|metus.In@musAenea...|
[info] +--+-----------+--------------+--------------------+
[info] dfFilteredBySQL:
[info] +--+-----------+--------------+--------------------+
[info] |id|studentName| phone| email|
[info] +--+-----------+--------------+--------------------+
[info] |87| Selma|1-601-330-4409|vulputate.velit@p...|
[info] |96| Channing|1-984-118-7533|viverra.Donec.tem...|
[info] | 4| Belle|1-246-894-6340|vitae.aliquet.nec...|
[info] |78| Finn|1-213-781-6969|vestibulum.massa@...|
[info] |53| Kasper|1-155-575-9346|velit.eget@pedeCu...|
[info] |63| Dylan|1-417-943-8961|vehicula.aliquet@...|
[info] |35| Cadman|1-443-642-5919|ut.lacus@adipisci...|
[info] +--+-----------+--------------+--------------------+
[info] +--+-----------+--------------+--------------------+
[info] |id|studentName| phone| email|
[info] +--+-----------+--------------+--------------------+
[info] |50| Yasir|1-282-511-4445|eget.odio.Aliquam...|
[info] |52| Xena|1-527-990-8606|in.faucibus.orci@...|
[info] |86| Xandra|1-677-708-5691|libero@arcuVestib...|
[info] |43| Wynter|1-440-544-1851|amet.risus.Donec@...|
[info] |31| Wallace|1-144-220-8159| [email protected]|
[info] |66| Vance|1-268-680-0857|pellentesque@netu...|
[info] |41| Tyrone|1-907-383-5293|non.bibendum.sed@...|
[info] | 5| Trevor|1-300-527-4967|dapibus.id@acturp...|
[info] |65| Tiger|1-316-930-7880|nec@mollisnoncurs...|
[info] |15| Tarik|1-398-171-2268|[email protected]|
[info] +--+-----------+--------------+--------------------+
[info] +--+-----------+--------------+--------------------+
[info] |id|studentName| phone| email|
[info] +--+-----------+--------------+--------------------+
[info] |21| |1-598-439-7549|consectetuer.adip...|
[info] |32| |1-184-895-9602|accumsan.laoreet@...|
[info] |45| |1-245-752-0481|Suspendisse.eleif...|
[info] |83| |1-858-810-2204|sociis.natoque@eu...|
[info] |94| |1-443-410-7878|Praesent.eu.nulla...|
[info] |91| Abel|1-530-527-7467| [email protected]|
[info] |69| Aiko|1-682-230-7013|turpis.vitae.puru...|
[info] |47| Alma|1-747-382-6775| [email protected]|
[info] |26| Amela|1-526-909-2605| [email protected]|
[info] |16| Amena|1-878-250-3129|lorem.luctus.ut@s...|
[info] +--+-----------+--------------+--------------------+
[info] copyOfStudentsDF:
[info] +--------+--------------------+
[info] | name| email|
[info] +--------+--------------------+
[info] | Burke|ullamcorper.velit...|
[info] | Kamal|pede.Suspendisse@...|
[info] | Olga|Aenean.eget.metus...|
[info] | Belle|vitae.aliquet.nec...|
[info] | Trevor|dapibus.id@acturp...|
[info] | Laurel|adipiscing@consec...|
[info] | Sara|Donec.nibh@enimEt...|
[info] | Kaseem|cursus.et.magna@e...|
[info] | Lev|Vivamus.nisi@ipsu...|
[info] | Maya|accumsan.convalli...|
[info] | Emi| [email protected]|
[info] | Caleb|Suspendisse@Quisq...|
[info] |Florence|sit.amet.dapibus@...|
[info] | Anika|euismod@ligulaeli...|
[info] | Tarik|[email protected]|
[info] | Amena|lorem.luctus.ut@s...|
[info] | Blossom|Nunc.commodo.auct...|
[info] | Guy|senectus.et.netus...|
[info] | Malachi|Proin.mi.Aliquam@...|
[info] | Edward|lectus@aliquetlib...|
[info] +--------+--------------------+
[info] newStudentsDF:
[info] root
[info] |-- name: string (nullable = true)
[info] |-- email: string (nullable = true)
[info] +--------+--------------------+
[info] | name| email|
[info] +--------+--------------------+
[info] | Burke|ullamcorper.velit...|
[info] | Kamal|pede.Suspendisse@...|
[info] | Olga|Aenean.eget.metus...|
[info] | Belle|vitae.aliquet.nec...|
[info] | Trevor|dapibus.id@acturp...|
[info] | Laurel|adipiscing@consec...|
[info] | Sara|Donec.nibh@enimEt...|
[info] | Kaseem|cursus.et.magna@e...|
[info] | Lev|Vivamus.nisi@ipsu...|
[info] | Maya|accumsan.convalli...|
[info] | Emi| [email protected]|
[info] | Caleb|Suspendisse@Quisq...|
[info] |Florence|sit.amet.dapibus@...|
[info] | Anika|euismod@ligulaeli...|
[info] | Tarik|[email protected]|
[info] | Amena|lorem.luctus.ut@s...|
[info] | Blossom|Nunc.commodo.auct...|
[info] | Guy|senectus.et.netus...|
[info] | Malachi|Proin.mi.Aliquam@...|
[info] | Edward|lectus@aliquetlib...|
[info] +--------+--------------------+
[info] //////////// Second way: with case classes //////////////
[info] empFrame:
[info] root
[info] |-- id: integer (nullable = false)
[info] |-- name: string (nullable = true)
[info] +--+-----+
[info] |id| name|
[info] +--+-----+
[info] | 1| Arun|
[info] | 2|Jason|
[info] | 3| Abhi|
[info] +--+-----+
[info] empFrameWithRenamedColumns:
[info] root
[info] |-- empId: integer (nullable = false)
[info] |-- name: string (nullable = true)
[info] +-----+-----+
[info] |empId| name|
[info] +-----+-----+
[info] | 2|Jason|
[info] | 1| Arun|
[info] | 3| Abhi|
[info] +-----+-----+
[info] root
[info] |-- _1: integer (nullable = false)
[info] |-- _2: string (nullable = true)
[info] +--+-------+
[info] |_1| _2|
[info] +--+-------+
[info] | 1|Android|
[info] | 2| iPhone|
[info] +--+-------+
[success] Total time: 9 s, completed Jan 3, 2016 5:25:13 PM
If the outcome is not the same as shown just above, then re-run the program without filtering for errors:
$ sbt run 2>&1
If the error appears similar to spark Service 'sparkDriver' could not bind on port 0
you may fix it by specifying that Spark is running locally:
$ export SPARK_LOCAL_IP=
$ sbt run 2>&1 | grep -v "error"
Some parts of the code use data files on HDFS.
$ cd ~/dev/bi/tiinductionsparkgit/embedded
$ hadoop fs -mkdir -p /data/induction/embedded
$ hadoop fs -put data/profiles.json /data/induction/embedded
$ hadoop fs -ls /data/induction/embedded
-rw-r--r-- 1 <username> supergroup 161820 2016-01-05 23:05 /data/induction/embedded/profiles.json
$ sbt run 2>&1 | grep -v "error"
[info] Loading project definition from ~/dev/bi/tiinductionsparkgit/embedded/project
[info] Set current project to induction-spark (in build file:~/dev/bi/tiinductionsparkgit/embedded/)
[info] Running com.amadeus.ti.induction.Introduction
[info] /////////// First way: with a class extending Product /////////////
[info] root
[info] |-- school: string (nullable = true)
[info] |-- sex: string (nullable = true)
[info] |-- age: integer (nullable = false)
[info] |-- address: string (nullable = true)
[info] |-- famsize: string (nullable = true)
[info] |-- pstatus: string (nullable = true)
[info] |-- medu: integer (nullable = false)
[info] |-- fedu: integer (nullable = false)
[info] |-- mjob: string (nullable = true)
[info] |-- fjob: string (nullable = true)
[info] |-- reason: string (nullable = true)
[info] |-- guardian: string (nullable = true)
[info] |-- traveltime: integer (nullable = false)
[info] |-- studytime: integer (nullable = false)
[info] |-- failures: integer (nullable = false)
[info] |-- schoolsup: string (nullable = true)
[info] |-- famsup: string (nullable = true)
[info] |-- paid: string (nullable = true)
[info] |-- activities: string (nullable = true)
[info] |-- nursery: string (nullable = true)
[info] |-- higher: string (nullable = true)
[info] |-- internet: string (nullable = true)
[info] |-- romantic: string (nullable = true)
[info] |-- famrel: integer (nullable = false)
[info] |-- freetime: integer (nullable = false)
[info] |-- goout: integer (nullable = false)
[info] |-- dalc: integer (nullable = false)
[info] |-- walc: integer (nullable = false)
[info] |-- health: integer (nullable = false)
[info] |-- absences: integer (nullable = false)
[info] |-- g1: integer (nullable = false)
[info] |-- g2: integer (nullable = false)
[info] |-- g3: integer (nullable = false)
[info] For input string: "age"
[info] +------+---+---+-------+-------+-------+----+----+--------+--------+----------+--------+----------+---------+--------+---------+------+----+----------+-------+------+--------+--------+------+--------+-----+----+----+------+--------+--+--+--+
[info] |school|sex|age|address|famsize|pstatus|medu|fedu| mjob| fjob| reason|guardian|traveltime|studytime|failures|schoolsup|famsup|paid|activities|nursery|higher|internet|romantic|famrel|freetime|goout|dalc|walc|health|absences|g1|g2|g3|
[info] +------+---+---+-------+-------+-------+----+----+--------+--------+----------+--------+----------+---------+--------+---------+------+----+----------+-------+------+--------+--------+------+--------+-----+----+----+------+--------+--+--+--+
[info] | GP| F| 18| U| GT3| A| 4| 4| at_home| teacher| course| mother| 2| 2| 0| yes| no| no| no| yes| yes| no| no| 4| 3| 4| 1| 1| 3| 6| 5| 6| 6|
[info] | GP| F| 17| U| GT3| T| 1| 1| at_home| other| course| father| 1| 2| 0| no| yes| no| no| no| yes| yes| no| 5| 3| 3| 1| 1| 3| 4| 5| 5| 6|
[info] | GP| F| 15| U| LE3| T| 1| 1| at_home| other| other| mother| 1| 2| 3| yes| no| yes| no| yes| yes| yes| no| 4| 3| 2| 2| 3| 3| 10| 7| 8|10|
[info] | GP| F| 15| U| GT3| T| 4| 2| health|services| home| mother| 1| 3| 0| no| yes| yes| yes| yes| yes| yes| yes| 3| 2| 2| 1| 1| 5| 2|15|14|15|
[info] | GP| F| 16| U| GT3| T| 3| 3| other| other| home| father| 1| 2| 0| no| yes| yes| no| yes| yes| no| no| 4| 3| 2| 1| 2| 5| 4| 6|10|10|
[info] | GP| M| 16| U| LE3| T| 4| 3|services| other|reputation| mother| 1| 2| 0| no| yes| yes| yes| yes| yes| yes| no| 5| 4| 2| 1| 2| 5| 10|15|15|15|
[info] | GP| M| 16| U| LE3| T| 2| 2| other| other| home| mother| 1| 2| 0| no| no| no| no| yes| yes| yes| no| 4| 4| 4| 1| 1| 3| 0|12|12|11|
[info] | GP| F| 17| U| GT3| A| 4| 4| other| teacher| home| mother| 2| 2| 0| yes| yes| no| no| yes| yes| no| no| 4| 1| 4| 1| 1| 1| 6| 6| 5| 6|
[info] | GP| M| 15| U| LE3| A| 3| 2|services| other| home| mother| 1| 2| 0| no| yes| yes| no| yes| yes| yes| no| 4| 2| 2| 1| 1| 1| 0|16|18|19|
[info] | GP| M| 15| U| GT3| T| 3| 4| other| other| home| mother| 1| 2| 0| no| yes| yes| yes| yes| yes| yes| no| 5| 5| 1| 1| 1| 5| 0|14|15|15|
[info] | GP| F| 15| U| GT3| T| 4| 4| teacher| health|reputation| mother| 1| 2| 0| no| yes| yes| no| yes| yes| yes| no| 3| 3| 3| 1| 2| 2| 0|10| 8| 9|
[info] | GP| F| 15| U| GT3| T| 2| 1|services| other|reputation| father| 3| 3| 0| no| yes| no| yes| yes| yes| yes| no| 5| 2| 2| 1| 1| 4| 4|10|12|12|
[info] | GP| M| 15| U| LE3| T| 4| 4| health|services| course| father| 1| 1| 0| no| yes| yes| yes| yes| yes| yes| no| 4| 3| 3| 1| 3| 5| 2|14|14|14|
[info] | GP| M| 15| U| GT3| T| 4| 3| teacher| other| course| mother| 2| 2| 0| no| yes| yes| no| yes| yes| yes| no| 5| 4| 3| 1| 2| 3| 2|10|10|11|
[info] | GP| M| 15| U| GT3| A| 2| 2| other| other| home| other| 1| 3| 0| no| yes| no| no| yes| yes| yes| yes| 4| 5| 2| 1| 1| 3| 0|14|16|16|
[info] | GP| F| 16| U| GT3| T| 4| 4| health| other| home| mother| 1| 1| 0| no| yes| no| no| yes| yes| yes| no| 4| 4| 4| 1| 2| 2| 4|14|14|14|
[info] | GP| F| 16| U| GT3| T| 4| 4|services|services|reputation| mother| 1| 3| 0| no| yes| yes| yes| yes| yes| yes| no| 3| 2| 3| 1| 2| 2| 6|13|14|14|
[info] | GP| F| 16| U| GT3| T| 3| 3| other| other|reputation| mother| 3| 2| 0| yes| yes| no| yes| yes| yes| no| no| 5| 3| 2| 1| 1| 4| 4| 8|10|10|
[info] | GP| M| 17| U| GT3| T| 3| 2|services|services| course| mother| 1| 1| 3| no| yes| no| yes| yes| yes| yes| no| 5| 5| 5| 2| 4| 5| 16| 6| 5| 5|
[info] | GP| M| 16| U| LE3| T| 4| 3| health| other| home| father| 1| 1| 0| no| no| yes| yes| yes| yes| yes| no| 3| 1| 3| 1| 3| 5| 4| 8|10|10|
[info] +------+---+---+-------+-------+-------+----+----+--------+--------+----------+--------+----------+---------+--------+---------+------+----+----------+-------+------+--------+--------+------+--------+-----+----+----+------+--------+--+--+--+
[info] /////////// Second way: from JSON schema /////////////
[info] DataFrame made directly from a JSON schema:
[info] root
[info] |-- _id: string (nullable = true)
[info] |-- about: string (nullable = true)
[info] |-- address: string (nullable = true)
[info] |-- age: long (nullable = true)
[info] |-- company: string (nullable = true)
[info] |-- email: string (nullable = true)
[info] |-- eyeColor: string (nullable = true)
[info] |-- favoriteFruit: string (nullable = true)
[info] |-- gender: string (nullable = true)
[info] |-- name: string (nullable = true)
[info] |-- phone: string (nullable = true)
[info] |-- registered: string (nullable = true)
[info] |-- tags: array (nullable = true)
[info] | |-- element: string (containsNull = true)
[info] +--------------------+--------------------+--------------------+---+---------+--------------------+--------+-------------+------+------------------+-----------------+-------------------+--------------------+
[info] | _id| about| address|age| company| email|eyeColor|favoriteFruit|gender| name| phone| registered| tags|
[info] +--------------------+--------------------+--------------------+---+---------+--------------------+--------+-------------+------+------------------+-----------------+-------------------+--------------------+
[info] |55578ccb0cc5b350d...|Eu excepteur esse...|694 Oriental Cour...| 30| ENDIPIN|tracynguyen@endip...| brown| apple|female| Tracy Nguyen|+1 (971) 504-2050|2014-07-14 11:36:28|List(laboris, fug...|
[info] |55578ccb6975c4e2a...|Proident exercita...|267 Amber Street,...| 23| WARETEL|leannagarrett@war...| brown| strawberry|female| Leanna Garrett|+1 (827) 480-2869|2014-05-13 17:36:02|List(sunt, offici...|
[info] |55578ccb33399a615...|Aute proident Lor...|243 Bridgewater S...| 24| IMPERIUM|blairwhite@imperi...| brown| banana| male| Blair White|+1 (987) 458-2435|2014-03-13 16:47:44|List(officia, non...|
[info] |55578ccb0f1d5ab09...|Officia cillum nu...|647 Loring Avenue...| 24| BEADZZA|andrearay@beadzza...| blue| apple|female| Andrea Ray|+1 (992) 473-2206|2014-06-08 11:16:28|List(sint, repreh...|
[info] |55578ccb591a45d4e...|Sit fugiat mollit...|721 Bijou Avenue,...| 27| AUSTECH|penningtongilbert...| green| apple| male|Pennington Gilbert|+1 (857) 533-3476|2015-04-14 08:54:56|List(eiusmod, vel...|
[info] |55578ccb9f0cd20c4...|Minim do eiusmod ...|694 Llama Court, ...| 21| PYRAMIA|shelleyburns@pyra...| green| banana|female| Shelley Burns|+1 (965) 409-2401|2014-11-28 19:08:22|List(ea, et, veni...|
[info] |55578ccb8d0accc28...|Qui proident ulla...|498 Perry Terrace...| 40| EDECINE|nicolefigueroa@ed...| green| apple|female| Nicole Figueroa|+1 (944) 445-3666|2014-08-26 08:59:55|List(ut, enim, en...|
[info] |55578ccbd682cca21...|Labore exercitati...|243 Stillwell Ave...| 32|SINGAVERA|galealvarado@sing...| blue| banana|female| Gale Alvarado|+1 (984) 410-3690|2014-12-17 12:02:42|List(do, laborum,...|
[info] |55578ccb0d9025ddd...|Velit cillum Lore...|649 Beard Street,...| 36|FURNITECH|melindaparker@fur...| blue| strawberry|female| Melinda Parker|+1 (860) 401-3246|2014-03-14 17:30:44|List(officia, fug...|
[info] |55578ccb5be70de0d...|Laborum tempor mi...|972 Marconi Place...| 36| DIGIAL|byerscarson@digia...| blue| apple| male| Byers Carson|+1 (807) 591-3568|2014-01-04 07:54:01|List(non, veniam,...|
[info] |55578ccbc5a1050a5...|Duis fugiat Lorem...|483 Hanson Place,...| 31| ASSURITY|kristiemckinney@a...| green| banana|female| Kristie Mckinney|+1 (905) 511-3302|2014-06-07 05:23:58|List(culpa, fugia...|
[info] |55578ccb07fa02369...|Consequat fugiat ...|540 Woodpoint Roa...| 40|MICROLUXE|salazarburks@micr...| brown| strawberry| male| Salazar Burks|+1 (939) 455-3286|2014-10-02 22:33:54|List(ipsum, adipi...|
[info] |55578ccb809e55bf0...|Lorem culpa Lorem...|442 Ainslie Stree...| 32| VIOCULAR|hopkinspatterson@...| green| apple| male| Hopkins Patterson|+1 (998) 499-2682|2015-04-16 12:18:35|List(dolore, offi...|
[info] |55578ccb204ff8ee6...|Qui ad cillum mag...|444 Argyle Road, ...| 23| IMKAN|maysrosario@imkan...| green| apple| male| Mays Rosario|+1 (869) 589-3296|2014-02-03 13:44:13|List(quis, nulla,...|
[info] |55578ccb4b062fc61...|Duis ex velit dui...|571 Sunnyside Ave...| 38| HELIXO|atkinshancock@hel...| blue| strawberry| male| Atkins Hancock|+1 (949) 582-3230|2014-01-13 09:04:34|List(dolore, nisi...|
[info] |55578ccba5ff361a9...|Et magna laboris ...|385 Meeker Avenue...| 40| SLOFAST|edwinarobertson@s...| blue| strawberry|female| Edwina Robertson|+1 (830) 409-2817|2015-01-08 15:02:38|List(excepteur, c...|
[info] |55578ccb386940ac3...|Labore sit mollit...|936 Cheever Place...| 37| FLEETMIX|elsienoel@fleetmi...| blue| apple|female| Elsie Noel|+1 (880) 439-2520|2015-04-14 15:29:40|List(voluptate, e...|
[info] |55578ccbfc41ff7fe...|Consequat eiusmod...|406 Lake Place, M...| 36| EVENTAGE|mirandamarsh@even...| green| apple|female| Miranda Marsh|+1 (836) 586-2989|2014-10-31 19:51:46|List(pariatur, du...|
[info] |55578ccbfa6b6c300...|Duis fugiat conse...|364 Metropolitan ...| 31| BALOOBA|sharronmcconnell@...| brown| apple|female| Sharron Mcconnell|+1 (947) 432-2612|2014-05-30 08:51:01|List(enim, veniam...|
[info] |55578ccbdd6650d81...|Consequat et magn...|113 Applegate Cou...| 29| EURON|mcdowellwelch@eur...| blue| strawberry| male| Mcdowell Welch|+1 (866) 439-3371|2014-10-17 21:30:54|List(ipsum, do, c...|
[info] +--------------------+--------------------+--------------------+---+---------+--------------------+--------+-------------+------+------------------+-----------------+-------------------+--------------------+
[info] DataFrame made directly from a RDD, itself made from a JSON schema:
[info] root
[info] |-- _id: string (nullable = true)
[info] |-- about: string (nullable = true)
[info] |-- address: string (nullable = true)
[info] |-- age: long (nullable = true)
[info] |-- company: string (nullable = true)
[info] |-- email: string (nullable = true)
[info] |-- eyeColor: string (nullable = true)
[info] |-- favoriteFruit: string (nullable = true)
[info] |-- gender: string (nullable = true)
[info] |-- name: string (nullable = true)
[info] |-- phone: string (nullable = true)
[info] |-- registered: string (nullable = true)
[info] |-- tags: array (nullable = true)
[info] | |-- element: string (containsNull = true)
[info] +--------------------+--------------------+--------------------+---+---------+--------------------+--------+-------------+------+------------------+-----------------+-------------------+--------------------+
[info] | _id| about| address|age| company| email|eyeColor|favoriteFruit|gender| name| phone| registered| tags|
[info] +--------------------+--------------------+--------------------+---+---------+--------------------+--------+-------------+------+------------------+-----------------+-------------------+--------------------+
[info] |55578ccb0cc5b350d...|Eu excepteur esse...|694 Oriental Cour...| 30| ENDIPIN|tracynguyen@endip...| brown| apple|female| Tracy Nguyen|+1 (971) 504-2050|2014-07-14 11:36:28|List(laboris, fug...|
[info] |55578ccb6975c4e2a...|Proident exercita...|267 Amber Street,...| 23| WARETEL|leannagarrett@war...| brown| strawberry|female| Leanna Garrett|+1 (827) 480-2869|2014-05-13 17:36:02|List(sunt, offici...|
[info] |55578ccb33399a615...|Aute proident Lor...|243 Bridgewater S...| 24| IMPERIUM|blairwhite@imperi...| brown| banana| male| Blair White|+1 (987) 458-2435|2014-03-13 16:47:44|List(officia, non...|
[info] |55578ccb0f1d5ab09...|Officia cillum nu...|647 Loring Avenue...| 24| BEADZZA|andrearay@beadzza...| blue| apple|female| Andrea Ray|+1 (992) 473-2206|2014-06-08 11:16:28|List(sint, repreh...|
[info] |55578ccb591a45d4e...|Sit fugiat mollit...|721 Bijou Avenue,...| 27| AUSTECH|penningtongilbert...| green| apple| male|Pennington Gilbert|+1 (857) 533-3476|2015-04-14 08:54:56|List(eiusmod, vel...|
[info] |55578ccb9f0cd20c4...|Minim do eiusmod ...|694 Llama Court, ...| 21| PYRAMIA|shelleyburns@pyra...| green| banana|female| Shelley Burns|+1 (965) 409-2401|2014-11-28 19:08:22|List(ea, et, veni...|
[info] |55578ccb8d0accc28...|Qui proident ulla...|498 Perry Terrace...| 40| EDECINE|nicolefigueroa@ed...| green| apple|female| Nicole Figueroa|+1 (944) 445-3666|2014-08-26 08:59:55|List(ut, enim, en...|
[info] |55578ccbd682cca21...|Labore exercitati...|243 Stillwell Ave...| 32|SINGAVERA|galealvarado@sing...| blue| banana|female| Gale Alvarado|+1 (984) 410-3690|2014-12-17 12:02:42|List(do, laborum,...|
[info] |55578ccb0d9025ddd...|Velit cillum Lore...|649 Beard Street,...| 36|FURNITECH|melindaparker@fur...| blue| strawberry|female| Melinda Parker|+1 (860) 401-3246|2014-03-14 17:30:44|List(officia, fug...|
[info] |55578ccb5be70de0d...|Laborum tempor mi...|972 Marconi Place...| 36| DIGIAL|byerscarson@digia...| blue| apple| male| Byers Carson|+1 (807) 591-3568|2014-01-04 07:54:01|List(non, veniam,...|
[info] |55578ccbc5a1050a5...|Duis fugiat Lorem...|483 Hanson Place,...| 31| ASSURITY|kristiemckinney@a...| green| banana|female| Kristie Mckinney|+1 (905) 511-3302|2014-06-07 05:23:58|List(culpa, fugia...|
[info] |55578ccb07fa02369...|Consequat fugiat ...|540 Woodpoint Roa...| 40|MICROLUXE|salazarburks@micr...| brown| strawberry| male| Salazar Burks|+1 (939) 455-3286|2014-10-02 22:33:54|List(ipsum, adipi...|
[info] |55578ccb809e55bf0...|Lorem culpa Lorem...|442 Ainslie Stree...| 32| VIOCULAR|hopkinspatterson@...| green| apple| male| Hopkins Patterson|+1 (998) 499-2682|2015-04-16 12:18:35|List(dolore, offi...|
[info] |55578ccb204ff8ee6...|Qui ad cillum mag...|444 Argyle Road, ...| 23| IMKAN|maysrosario@imkan...| green| apple| male| Mays Rosario|+1 (869) 589-3296|2014-02-03 13:44:13|List(quis, nulla,...|
[info] |55578ccb4b062fc61...|Duis ex velit dui...|571 Sunnyside Ave...| 38| HELIXO|atkinshancock@hel...| blue| strawberry| male| Atkins Hancock|+1 (949) 582-3230|2014-01-13 09:04:34|List(dolore, nisi...|
[info] |55578ccba5ff361a9...|Et magna laboris ...|385 Meeker Avenue...| 40| SLOFAST|edwinarobertson@s...| blue| strawberry|female| Edwina Robertson|+1 (830) 409-2817|2015-01-08 15:02:38|List(excepteur, c...|
[info] |55578ccb386940ac3...|Labore sit mollit...|936 Cheever Place...| 37| FLEETMIX|elsienoel@fleetmi...| blue| apple|female| Elsie Noel|+1 (880) 439-2520|2015-04-14 15:29:40|List(voluptate, e...|
[info] |55578ccbfc41ff7fe...|Consequat eiusmod...|406 Lake Place, M...| 36| EVENTAGE|mirandamarsh@even...| green| apple|female| Miranda Marsh|+1 (836) 586-2989|2014-10-31 19:51:46|List(pariatur, du...|
[info] |55578ccbfa6b6c300...|Duis fugiat conse...|364 Metropolitan ...| 31| BALOOBA|sharronmcconnell@...| brown| apple|female| Sharron Mcconnell|+1 (947) 432-2612|2014-05-30 08:51:01|List(enim, veniam...|
[info] |55578ccbdd6650d81...|Consequat et magn...|113 Applegate Cou...| 29| EURON|mcdowellwelch@eur...| blue| strawberry| male| Mcdowell Welch|+1 (866) 439-3371|2014-10-17 21:30:54|List(ipsum, do, c...|
[info] +--------------------+--------------------+--------------------+---+---------+--------------------+--------+-------------+------+------------------+-----------------+-------------------+--------------------+
[info] DataFrame made from a DataType:
[info] root
[info] |-- id: string (nullable = true)
[info] |-- about: string (nullable = true)
[info] |-- address: string (nullable = true)
[info] |-- age: integer (nullable = true)
[info] |-- company: string (nullable = true)
[info] |-- email: string (nullable = true)
[info] |-- eyeColor: string (nullable = true)
[info] |-- favoriteFruit: string (nullable = true)
[info] |-- gender: string (nullable = true)
[info] |-- name: string (nullable = true)
[info] |-- phone: string (nullable = true)
[info] |-- registered: timestamp (nullable = true)
[info] |-- tags: array (nullable = true)
[info] | |-- element: string (containsNull = true)
[info] +----+--------------------+--------------------+---+---------+--------------------+--------+-------------+------+------------------+-----------------+--------------------+--------------------+
[info] | id| about| address|age| company| email|eyeColor|favoriteFruit|gender| name| phone| registered| tags|
[info] +----+--------------------+--------------------+---+---------+--------------------+--------+-------------+------+------------------+-----------------+--------------------+--------------------+
[info] |null|Eu excepteur esse...|694 Oriental Cour...| 30| ENDIPIN|tracynguyen@endip...| brown| apple|female| Tracy Nguyen|+1 (971) 504-2050|2014-07-14 11:36:...|List(laboris, fug...|
[info] |null|Proident exercita...|267 Amber Street,...| 23| WARETEL|leannagarrett@war...| brown| strawberry|female| Leanna Garrett|+1 (827) 480-2869|2014-05-13 17:36:...|List(sunt, offici...|
[info] |null|Aute proident Lor...|243 Bridgewater S...| 24| IMPERIUM|blairwhite@imperi...| brown| banana| male| Blair White|+1 (987) 458-2435|2014-03-13 16:47:...|List(officia, non...|
[info] |null|Officia cillum nu...|647 Loring Avenue...| 24| BEADZZA|andrearay@beadzza...| blue| apple|female| Andrea Ray|+1 (992) 473-2206|2014-06-08 11:16:...|List(sint, repreh...|
[info] |null|Sit fugiat mollit...|721 Bijou Avenue,...| 27| AUSTECH|penningtongilbert...| green| apple| male|Pennington Gilbert|+1 (857) 533-3476|2015-04-14 08:54:...|List(eiusmod, vel...|
[info] |null|Minim do eiusmod ...|694 Llama Court, ...| 21| PYRAMIA|shelleyburns@pyra...| green| banana|female| Shelley Burns|+1 (965) 409-2401|2014-11-28 19:08:...|List(ea, et, veni...|
[info] |null|Qui proident ulla...|498 Perry Terrace...| 40| EDECINE|nicolefigueroa@ed...| green| apple|female| Nicole Figueroa|+1 (944) 445-3666|2014-08-26 08:59:...|List(ut, enim, en...|
[info] |null|Labore exercitati...|243 Stillwell Ave...| 32|SINGAVERA|galealvarado@sing...| blue| banana|female| Gale Alvarado|+1 (984) 410-3690|2014-12-17 12:02:...|List(do, laborum,...|
[info] |null|Velit cillum Lore...|649 Beard Street,...| 36|FURNITECH|melindaparker@fur...| blue| strawberry|female| Melinda Parker|+1 (860) 401-3246|2014-03-14 17:30:...|List(officia, fug...|
[info] |null|Laborum tempor mi...|972 Marconi Place...| 36| DIGIAL|byerscarson@digia...| blue| apple| male| Byers Carson|+1 (807) 591-3568|2014-01-04 07:54:...|List(non, veniam,...|
[info] |null|Duis fugiat Lorem...|483 Hanson Place,...| 31| ASSURITY|kristiemckinney@a...| green| banana|female| Kristie Mckinney|+1 (905) 511-3302|2014-06-07 05:23:...|List(culpa, fugia...|
[info] |null|Consequat fugiat ...|540 Woodpoint Roa...| 40|MICROLUXE|salazarburks@micr...| brown| strawberry| male| Salazar Burks|+1 (939) 455-3286|2014-10-02 22:33:...|List(ipsum, adipi...|
[info] |null|Lorem culpa Lorem...|442 Ainslie Stree...| 32| VIOCULAR|hopkinspatterson@...| green| apple| male| Hopkins Patterson|+1 (998) 499-2682|2015-04-16 12:18:...|List(dolore, offi...|
[info] |null|Qui ad cillum mag...|444 Argyle Road, ...| 23| IMKAN|maysrosario@imkan...| green| apple| male| Mays Rosario|+1 (869) 589-3296|2014-02-03 13:44:...|List(quis, nulla,...|
[info] |null|Duis ex velit dui...|571 Sunnyside Ave...| 38| HELIXO|atkinshancock@hel...| blue| strawberry| male| Atkins Hancock|+1 (949) 582-3230|2014-01-13 09:04:...|List(dolore, nisi...|
[info] |null|Et magna laboris ...|385 Meeker Avenue...| 40| SLOFAST|edwinarobertson@s...| blue| strawberry|female| Edwina Robertson|+1 (830) 409-2817|2015-01-08 15:02:...|List(excepteur, c...|
[info] |null|Labore sit mollit...|936 Cheever Place...| 37| FLEETMIX|elsienoel@fleetmi...| blue| apple|female| Elsie Noel|+1 (880) 439-2520|2015-04-14 15:29:...|List(voluptate, e...|
[info] |null|Consequat eiusmod...|406 Lake Place, M...| 36| EVENTAGE|mirandamarsh@even...| green| apple|female| Miranda Marsh|+1 (836) 586-2989|2014-10-31 19:51:...|List(pariatur, du...|
[info] |null|Duis fugiat conse...|364 Metropolitan ...| 31| BALOOBA|sharronmcconnell@...| brown| apple|female| Sharron Mcconnell|+1 (947) 432-2612|2014-05-30 08:51:...|List(enim, veniam...|
[info] |null|Consequat et magn...|113 Applegate Cou...| 29| EURON|mcdowellwelch@eur...| blue| strawberry| male| Mcdowell Welch|+1 (866) 439-3371|2014-10-17 21:30:...|List(ipsum, do, c...|
[info] +----+--------------------+--------------------+---+---------+--------------------+--------+-------------+------+------------------+-----------------+--------------------+--------------------+
[info] All records count (should be 200): 200
[info] Filtered based on timestamp count (should be 106): 106
[info] Retrieved JSON schema:
[info] {
[info] "type" : "struct",
[info] "fields" : [ {
[info] "name" : "id",
[info] "type" : "string",
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[info] "type" : "string",
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[info] "metadata" : { }
[info] }, {
[info] "name" : "address",
[info] "type" : "string",
[info] "nullable" : true,
[info] "metadata" : { }
[info] }, {
[info] "name" : "age",
[info] "type" : "integer",
[info] "nullable" : true,
[info] "metadata" : { }
[info] }, {
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[info] "type" : "string",
[info] "nullable" : true,
[info] "metadata" : { }
[info] }, {
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[info] "type" : "string",
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[info] "metadata" : { }
[info] }, {
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[info] "type" : "string",
[info] "nullable" : true,
[info] "metadata" : { }
[info] }, {
[info] "name" : "favoriteFruit",
[info] "type" : "string",
[info] "nullable" : true,
[info] "metadata" : { }
[info] }, {
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[info] "type" : "string",
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[info] "metadata" : { }
[info] }, {
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[info] "type" : "string",
[info] "nullable" : true,
[info] "metadata" : { }
[info] }, {
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[info] "type" : "string",
[info] "nullable" : true,
[info] "metadata" : { }
[info] }, {
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[info] "type" : "timestamp",
[info] "nullable" : true,
[info] "metadata" : { }
[info] }, {
[info] "name" : "tags",
[info] "type" : {
[info] "type" : "array",
[info] "elementType" : "string",
[info] "containsNull" : true
[info] },
[info] "nullable" : true,
[info] "metadata" : { }
[info] } ]
[info] }
[info] /////////// Third way: with Parquet Storage /////////////
[success] Total time: 8 s, completed Jan 10, 2016 11:56:40 PM
See also:
Download Apache Spark. From http://spark.apache.org/downloads.html, select:
- Spark release: 1.6.3
- Package type: pre-build with user-provided Hadoop
- Download type: Select Apache mirror
- As root, expand the tar-ball, for instance in /opt/spark
$ su -
$ mkdir -p /opt/spark
$ cd /opt/spark
$ wget http://d3kbcqa49mib13.cloudfront.net/spark-$SPARK_VERSION-bin-without-hadoop.tgz
$ tar zxf spark-$SPARK_VERSION-bin-without-hadoop.tgz
$ echo "# Spark" >> ~/.bashrc
$ echo "export SPARK_HOME=/opt/spark/spark-$SPARK_VERSION-bin-without-hadoop" >> ~/.bashrc
$ . ~/.bashrc
- Adjust the Classpath of Spark, so as to tap onto the provided Hadoop distribution. In the conf/spark-env.sh file, as root:
$ su -
$ cd $SPARK_HOME/conf
$ cp -a spark-env.sh.template spark-env.sh
$ cat >> spark-env.sh << _EOF
# To be run through YARN
# See: http://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/running-on-yarn.html
export SPARK_DIST_CLASSPATH=$(/usr/bin/hadoop classpath)
export HADOOP_CONF_DIR=/etc/hadoop
- Copy the data file to HDFS
$ cd ~/dev/bi/tiinductionsparkgit
$ hadoop fs -mkdir -p /data/induction/yarn/data
$ hadoop fs -put data/StudentData.csv /data/induction/yarn/data
$ hadoop fs -ls /data/induction/yarn/data
-rw-r--r-- 1 build supergroup 5393 2016-01-11 21:57 /data/induction/yarn/data/StudentData.csv
- Create an Uber JAR artifact from the project code
$ sbt clean assembly
[info] SHA-1: f0e2911bb88c8d3e94d90f0a4ca596f7864ed59d
[info] Packaging ~/dev/bi/tiinductionsparkgit/target/scala-2.10/induction-spark-yarn-assembly-0.1.0.jar ...
[info] Done packaging.
[success] Total time: 131 s, completed Jan 11, 2016 3:43:49 PM
- Checking the dependency tree for the artifact. If there are duplicates, they should be excluded from the dependencies.
$ sbt dependency-tree > deptree.txt
$ sbt test:dependency-tree > deptree-test.txt
$ sbt dependency-dot
$ dot -Tpng target/dependencies-compile.dot > deptree/deptree.png # dot comes with the graphviz package
$ eog deptree/deptree.png & # eog is the command-line for the Gnome Image Viewer
- As an alternative, create a light JAR:
$ sbt clean package
- Copy the JAR artifact to HDFS
$ hdfsfs -put target/scala-2.10/induction-spark-yarn_2.10-0.1.0.jar /artefacts/users/<username>
$ hdfsfs -ls /artefacts/users/<username>
-rw-r--r-- 1 <username> supergroup 182256661 2017-03-11 22:22 /artefacts/users/<username>/induction-spark-yarn_2.10-0.1.0.jar
- As root, alter the Spark setup, so as to tell where the executor is. And check that the setup is correct by running Spark as yarn-client:
$ su -
$ cat >> $SPARK_HOME/conf/spark-env.sh << _EOF
# See the yarn project of http://github.com/travel-intelligence/induction-spark
- Check that the Spark setup works. As the standard Unix developer, launch
the Spark Shell. A
prompt should appear.
$ $SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-shell --master yarn --deploy-mode client
The driver program stays on the client JVM side.
$ cd ~/dev/bi/tiinductionsparkgit
$ export MVN_CHD_REPO=~/.coursier/cache/v1/https/repo1.maven.org/maven2
$ $SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-submit \
--class com.amadeus.ti.induction.Introduction \
--master yarn --deploy-mode client \
--queue default \
--jars file:$MVN_CHD_REPO/com/databricks/spark-csv_2.10/1.5.0/spark-csv_2.10-1.5.0.jar,\
file:$MVN_CHD_REPO/org/apache/commons/commons-csv/1.1/commons-csv-1.1.jar \
The driver program runs on the Application master. The logs may be seen on the Web UI, with a URL like http://localhost:8088/cluster/app/application_NNNNNNNN_NNNN
But, first, all the JARs, i.e., dependency JARs and the application JAR itself, must be pushed onto the HDFS cluster:
- Push the application JAR onto HDFS:
$ export ATF_USR_DIR=/artefacts/users/<username>
$ hdfsfs -put -f target/scala-2.10/induction-spark-yarn_2.10-0.1.0.jar $ATF_USR_DIR
- Push the dependency JARs onto HDFS:
$ export ATF_MVN_DIR=/artefacts/common
$ hdfsfs -put -f $MVN_CHD_REPO/com/databricks/spark-csv_2.10/1.5.0/spark-csv_2.10-1.5.0.jar \
$MVN_CHD_REPO/org/apache/commons/commons-csv/1.1/commons-csv-1.1.jar \
- Then, the Spark job may be launched:
$ cd ~/dev/bi/tiinductionsparkgit
$ $SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-submit \
--class com.amadeus.ti.induction.Introduction \
--master yarn --deploy-mode cluster \
--queue default \
--jars $ATF_MVN_URL/spark-csv_2.10-1.5.0.jar,$ATF_MVN_URL/commons-csv-1.1.jar \
- List all the applications. Either on the Web UI (http://localhost:8088/cluster), or through the command line:
$ yarn application -list
- Browse the logs of an application. Either on the Web UI (http://localhost:8088/cluster/app/application_NNNNNNNNNNN_NNNN), or through the command line:
$ yarn logs -applicationId application_NNNNNNNNNNNN_NNNN
- Kill an application
$ yarn application -kill application_NNNNNNNNNNNN_NNNN