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Trevor DeVore edited this page Dec 12, 2020 · 9 revisions

The File System helper adds support for managing files and url protocols. It adds the following features:

  • Allows you to define file extensions that your application supports.
  • Allows you to organize file extensions into groups that can be used with the answer file with type command in LiveCode.
  • Define url protocols that the operating system will ask your application to process.
  • Manage a recently opened files list.
  • Dispatches the ProcessFiles message to your app stack when the operating system asks your application to open a file with an extension that your application supports.
  • Dispatches the ProcessURL message to your app stack when the operating system asks your application to process a URL protocol that your application supports.


Activate the File System framework helper

To add the File System helper to your application add it under the helpers section of the app.yml file:

# app.yml

  - folder: ./helpers
  - filename: "[[FRAMEWORK]]/helpers/file_system"


All configuration settings for the helper are stored in the app.yml file. There are three root level keys you can add:

  • file extensions
  • file extension groups
  • url protocols

The syntax looks like this:

# app.yml

file extensions:
  [Type]: [Extensions (comma-delimited)]
file extension groups:
  [Group Name]:
    - name: [Category Name]
      extensions: [Extensions (comma-delimited)]
url protocols:
  [Protocol]: [Description]

file extensions

The file extensions key contains a list of file extensions that your application supports. Each list entry consists of type and a comma delimited list of extensions associated with that type. An extension item can include a file type by adding the file type separated from the extension with the "|" character.

Example entry in app.yml:

file extensions:
  JPEG File: jpeg,jpg|JPEG
  PNG File: png
  BMP file: bmp
  GIF file: gif

Once you've defined your extensions you can use the fileSystemFileExtensionsForTypes() function to return all extensions with a given type.


put fileSystemFileExtensionsForTypes("jpeg file") into tExtensions

tExtensions now contain a CR delimited list of extensions:


You can also generate a type filter string for use with ask file with type.

put fileSystemFileDialogTypeFilterFromExtension("jpeg file") into tFilterStr
ask file "Select a JPEG file" with type tFilterStr

tFilterStr contains the following value:

JPEG file|jpeg,jpg|JPEG

file extension groups

The file extension groups key contains groups which contain categories of file extensions. These groups can be used to create filters for the answer file with type command in LiveCode.

Example entry in app.yml:

file extension groups:
  Media Files:
    - name: All Files
      extensions: jpg,jpeg,png,bmp,gif,mp4,mp3
    - name: Image Files
      extensions: jpg,jpeg,png,bmp,gif
    - name: Audio Files
      extensions: mp4,mp3

Once you have defined your groups and categories it is simple to generate filter strings for use with answer file with type.

put fileSystemFileDialogTypeFilterFromGroup("Media Files") into tFilterStr

tFilterStr now contains the following value:

All Files|jpg,jpeg,png,bmp,gif,mp4,mp3|
Image Files|jpg,jpeg,png,bmp,gif|
Audio Files|mp4,mp3|

You can now use the string to filter files with answer file with type:

answer file "Select a media file" with type tFilterStr

You can also get a list of all extensions in a group or a group category:

put fileSystemFileExtensionGroupExtensions("Media Files") into tExtensions

tExtensions now contains the following value:


If you want extensions for a particular category use fileSystemFileExtensionGroupExtensionsForCategory:

put fileSystemFileExtensionGroupExtensionsForCategory("Medai Files", "Audio Files") into tExtensions

tExtensions now contains the following value:


url protocols

The url protocols entry defines protocols that the operating system should pass off to your application for processing. For example, when the user clicks a link in a web browser that uses the my-cool-app protocol the url should be passed to your application so you can open the url.

Example entry in app.yml for processing a url such as my-application://

url protocols:
  my-application: "My Application Protocol"

Each time your application starts up on Windows the helper will call fileSystemRegisterURLProtocol to make sure that your application is registered to handle the protocol.

Note: On macOS and iOS you need to manually add your protocol to the Info.plist file.

    <string>My Application URL</string>

Processing requests to open files or urls

By configuring file extensions the File System helper can help you process requests to open supported files. The helper does two things:

  1. Creates a list of supported files that were passed to the application on the command line.
  2. Sends the ProcessFiles message to app.livecodescript whenever the operating system requests that your application open a supported file.

When an application is launched the command line parameters will be checked for files with supported extensions. A CR-delimited list of files is stored and will be accessible via the fileSystemFilesToProcessOnOpen() function. You can then check this function in the OpenApplication message. Here is an example:

# app.livecodescript

command OpenApplication
  if fileSystemFilesToProcessOnOpen() is not empty then
    ProcessMyFiles fileSystemFilesToProcessOnOpen()  # YOU MUST WRITE A 'ProcessMyFiles' ROUTINE
  end if
end OpenApplication

If the operating system notifies your application that a supported file should be opened (e.g. the user drops a file on your application) then the ProcessFiles message will be sent. Here is an example:

# app.livecodescript

command ProcessFiles pFiles
  ProcessMyFiles pFiles # YOU MUST WRITE A 'ProcessMyFiles' ROUTINE
end ProcessFiles

A similiar function and message exist for URLs.

fileSystemURLsToProcessOnOpen() example:

# app.livecodescript

command OpenApplication
  if fileSystemURLsToProcessOnOpen() is not empty then
    ProcessMyURL fileSystemURLsToProcessOnOpen() # YOU MUST WRITE A 'ProcessMyURL' ROUTINE
  end if
end OpenApplication

ProcessURL example:

# app.livecodescript

command ProcessURL pURL
  ProcessMyFiles pURL # YOU MUST WRITE A 'ProcessMyURL' ROUTINE
end ProcessURL

Recent Files

The File System helper API provides handlers to help manage lists of recent files that your application has opened. There are handlers to add and remove files from a list as well as generate a string suitable for displaying a File* > Recent Files menu.

Important: The recent files API handlers assume the presence of the Preferences helper.

Add a file to a list of recently opened files:

answer file "Select file to open:" with type fileSystemFileDialogTypeFilterFromGroup("Articles")
put it into tFilename
if tFilename is empty then exit to top

# fileSystemAddToRecentlyOpened pCategory, pFile, pTag, pSecurityBookmark
fileSystemAddToRecentlyOpened "articles", tFilename, empty, empty

put fileSystemRecentlyOpenedMenuText("articles") into tRecentFilesMenu
# Now add tRecentFilesMenu to your File menu...

To list the recently opened files without any formatting applied for displaying in a menu use fileSystemRecentlyOpened(). It takes a second parameter that if true will truncate the file paths to their shortest unique length.

# fileSystemRecentlyOpened pCategory, pShortVersion
put true into tShortVersion
put fileSystemRecentlyOpened("articles", tShortVersion) into tRecentFiles

To remove a file from a list call fileSystemRemoveFromRecentlyOpened.

fileSystemRemoveFromRecentlyOpened "articles", tFilename

You can specify the maximum number of files to be stored in a list using fileSystemSetMaxRecentFiles:

fileSystemSetMaxRecentFiles 15

If you are working in a sandboxed environment and need the security bookmark to open a file then use the fileSystemSecurityBookmarkForRecentlyOpenedFile() function:

# fileSystemSecurityBookmarkForRecentlyOpenedFile pCategory, pTag
put fileSystemSecurityBookmarkForRecentlyOpenedFile("articles", tFilename) into tSecurityBookmark

# Use tSecurityBookmark to generate a security scoped filename...

The helper does not currently provide an API for working with security scoped filenames. Consider using the sandbox helper if you are working in a sandboxed enviroment on macOS.



Type: command

Syntax: appleEvent <pClass>,<pID>,<pSender>

Summary: Processes files and urls that are sent to the application via appleEvents on macOS.


On macOS appleEvents are sent when an application should open a file or url. URLs and supported files will be extracted from the message. If the application is running then ProcessFiles or ProcessURL will be sent to the app stack. If the application is still loading then the files and urls will be accessible using the fileSystemFilesToProcessOnOpen() and fileSystemURLsToProcessOnOpen() functions.


Type: command

Syntax: fileSystemAddToRecentlyOpened <pCategory>,<pFile>,<pTag>,<pSecurityBookmark>

Summary: Adds a file to the list of recently opened files for a specific category.

the result: Error message
it: Numerically indexed array


Name Description
pCategory The category to add the file to. This is simply a string that helps you organize multiple lists of recent files.
pFile The full path to the file to add to the recent file list.
pTag This will be used as the tag in the menu that is generated by fileSystemRecentlyOpenedMenuText. If empty then pFile is used. A tag can be useful if you are opening something other than a file. For example, perhaps it is a database record and you want to store the record id.
pSecurityBookmark Pass in any security related bookmark data. Security bookmarks are required when opening a file in a sandboxed environment on macos. This will be stored with the entry as it may be needed to open the file.


If adding the file will exceed the maximum number of recent files that can be stored then a numerically indexed array will be returned. The array representes the files that were removed from the recently opened list. Each value is an array with "file" and "tag" keys.

Calling this handler will save preferences.


Type: function

Syntax: fileSystemFileDialogTypeFilterFromExtension(<pExtensionName>)

Summary: Creates a file type filter string from an extension that is suitable for use with ask file with type.

Returns: filter type string


Name Description
pExtensionName A file extension name that has been defined in the file extensions key of the app.yml file.


ask file with type filters the available files that a user can select in the dialog using a specially formatted string. This function will generate that string based on file extensions that you have defined in your application using the file extensions key of the app.yml file. The string will look something similar to this:

JPEG file|jpg|JPEG


# app.yml
file extensions:
  JPEG File: jpeg,jpg

put fileSystemFileDialogTypeFilterFromExtension("JPEG File") into theTypeFilter
ask files "Select JPEG Files" with theTypeFilter


Type: function

Syntax: fileSystemFileDialogTypeFilterFromGroup(<pFileExtGroupName>)

Summary: Creates a file type filter string from a file extension group that is suitable for use with ask file with type.

Returns: filter type string


Name Description
pFileExtGroupName A file extension group name that has been defined in the file extension groups key of the app.yml file.


ask file with type filters the available files that a user can select in the dialog using a specially formatted string. This function will generate that string based on the file extensions that have been defined in the file extension groups key of the app.yml file. The string will look something similar to this:

JPEG file|jpg|JPEG
PNG file|png|PNG
GIF file|gif|GIF


# app.yml
file extension groups:
  Media Files:
    - name: All Files


Type: function

Syntax: fileSystemFileExtensionGroupExtensions(<pFileExtGroupName>)

Summary: Returns a list of file extensions for a File Type Filter Group.

Returns: CR-delimited list


Name Description
pFileExtGroupName A file extension group name that has been defined in the file extension groups key of the app.yml file.


put fileSystemFileExtensionGroupExtensions("Select Image", "Image Files") into theExtensions


Type: function

Syntax: fileSystemFileExtensionGroupExtensionsForCategory(<pFileExtGroupName>,<pCategoryName>)

Summary: Returns a list of extensions for a specific category within a file extension group.

Returns: A CR-delimited list of file extensions


Name Description
pFileExtGroupName A file extension group name that has been defined in the file extension groups key of the app.yml file.
pCategoryName A category of file extensions within pFileExtGroupName.


# app.yml
file extension groups:
  Media Files:
    - name: All Files


Type: function

Syntax: fileSystemFileExtensionsForTypes(<pTypes>)

Summary: Returns a CR delimited list of extensions associated with a given type.

Returns: CR-delimited list of extensions


Assume the following configuration in the app.yml file:

file extensions:
  JPEG File: jpeg,jpg
  PNG File: png
  BMP file: bmp
  GIF file: gif

You can get a list of JPEG extensions using the following code:

put fileSystemFileExtensionsForTypes("jpeg file") into tExtensions

tExtensions now contains the following value:



Type: function

Syntax: fileSystemFilesToProcessOnOpen()

Summary: Returns a list of files that the operating system passed to your application at launch.

Returns: CR-delimited list


The helper will look at files passed to the application at launch and create a list of files that are supported. A file is supported if the file extension is listed in the file extensions key in the app.yml file.


Type: function

Syntax: fileSystemGetFilenameFromMenuOption(<pMenuPickItem>)

Summary: Extracts the filename from the parameter passed to a menuPick message.

Returns: String


Name Description
pMenuPickItem The first parameter passed to the menuPick message.


The fileSystemRecentlyOpenedMenuText() function is used to create menu items for a recently opened files menu. The full path to the file is encoded as UTF-8 and the passed through urlEncode() and used as the tag for the menu line. This function will grab the tag from the selected menu item, urldecode it and then convert the text back to LiveCode text.


on menuPick pItemName
  set the itemdelimiter to "|"

  switch item 1 of pItemName
    case "open recent"
      put fileSystemGetFilenameFromMenuOption(pItemName) into tFilename
      uiOpenDocument tFilename
  end switch
end menuPick


Type: function

Syntax: fileSystemRecentlyOpened(<pCategory>,<pShortVersion>)

Summary: Returns a list of recently opened files for a particular category.

Returns: CR-delimited list


Name Description
pCategory The category to retrieve the list of recently opened files for.
pShortVersion Pass in true if you would like the file paths truncated to their shortest unique length. Default is full file path.


Type: function

Syntax: fileSystemRecentlyOpenedMenuText(<pCategory>)

Summary: Returns a list of recently opened files for a particular category which has been encoded for display in a menu.

Returns: CR-delimited list


Name Description
pCategory The category to retrieve the list of recently opened files for.


Each line of the returned list will be prefixed with a tab and will have special characters escaped for display in a menu. The filename will be encoded as UTF-8 and urlencoded. To extract the filename in the menuPick message use the fileSystemGetFilenameFromMenupick() function.


Type: command

Syntax: fileSystemRegisterURLProtocol <pProtocol>,<pDescription>

Summary: Registers the application to process a particular URL handler on Windows.

pProtocol The protocol to register (i.e. x-myapplication). pDescription Description of the protocol.

Returns: Error


Calling this handler on platforms other than Windows does nothing.


Type: command

Syntax: fileSystemRemoveFromRecentlyOpened <pCategory>,<pFile>

Summary: Removes a file from the list of recently opened files for a specific category.

Returns: Error message


Name Description
pCategory The category to remove the file from. This is simply a string that helps you organize multiple lists of recent files.
pFile The full path to the file to remove from the recent file list.


Calling this handler will save preferences.


Type: function

Syntax: fileSystemSecurityBookmarkForRecentlyOpenedFile(<pCategory>,<pTag>)

Summary: Returns the security scoped bookmark data for a file.

Returns: bookmark data


Name Description
pCategory The category to retrieve the list of recently opened files for.
pTag The tag assigned to the recently opened file. Unless you explicitly set a tag this will be the filename.


Type: command

Syntax: fileSystemSetMaxRecentFiles <pMax>

Summary: Sets the maximum number of files that will be stored in the recent files list.

Returns: empty


Name Description
pMax The maximum number of files to store in the list.


Once the threshold is met the last file in the list will be removed when another file is added.


Type: function

Syntax: fileSystemURLsToProcessOnOpen()

Summary: Returns a list of URLs that the operating system passed to your application at launch.

Returns: CR-delimited list


Type: command

Syntax: ProcessCommandLineParameters <pParams>

Summary: Process parameters passed to the application on the command line.

Returns: empty


The ProcessCommandLineParameters message is sent from the framework when an application is loading up. This handler processes URLs and files passed in on the command line. If '-url' appears in the params then the next param is considered a URL that needs to be processed. Otherwise all params are treated as files and any files with supported extensions are extracted and made available to the application for processing.

If the application is running then ProcessFiles or ProcessURL will be sent to the app stack. If the application is still loading then the files and urls will be accessible using the fileSystemFilesToProcessOnOpen() and fileSystemURLsToProcessOnOpen() functions.


Type: command

Syntax: urlWakeUp <pUrl>

Summary: Process the file/url so that levure handlers can be used for processing the request.


Name Description
pUrl If this is a file then it starts with file://


If a url caused the OS to open the app then this is called before levure app finishes loading. It can be handled like other events triggered by file/url open requests.

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