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The lua-resty-libjwt module is a Lua library with C bindings that validates JWT tokens directly in Nginx. Built with OpenResty and leveraging FFI (Foreign Function Interface), it provides Lua bindings to libjwt. By handling JWT validation at the Nginx level, it prevents unauthorized requests from reaching the API, reducing the load on application servers.



You can easily install it with Luarocks:

luarocks install lua-resty-libjwt

Configuration and Usage

To use Libjwt, you need to provide the path to the jwks.json file, which contains the public keys for JWT token verification.

Configuration Parameters

The module accepts the following parameters:

jwks_files (Required)

  • An array of paths pointing to files containing JWKS (JSON Web Key Set) keys.
  • At least one file must be valid; otherwise, an error will be returned.

Configuration example:

    jwks_files = {"/usr/share/tokens/jwks.json"}

header_token (Optional)

  • Defines the HTTP header field where the JWT token will be retrieved.
  • The default value is "Authorization".
  • If the token is in a different header, this value can be modified.


    jwks_files = {"/usr/share/tokens/jwks.json"},
    header_token = "X-Custom-Token"

return_unauthorized_default (Optional)

  • Defines whether a 401 Unauthorized response should be automatically returned if the token is invalid.
  • The default value is true (automatically generates an error).
  • If set to false, the error must be handled manually in nginx.conf.


    jwks_files = {"/usr/share/tokens/jwks.json"},
    return_unauthorized_default = false

If return_unauthorized_default is false, the error must be handled directly:

local token, err = libjwt.validate({
    jwks_files = {"/usr/share/tokens/jwks.json"},
    return_unauthorized_default = false

Example Nginx Configuration

Here is an example of how to configure libjwt in nginx.conf:

server {
    listen 80;
    location /private {
        access_by_lua_block {
            local libjwt = require("resty.libjwt")
            local token, err = libjwt.validate({
                jwks_files = {"/usr/share/tokens/jwks.json"}
            if token then
                -- You may add logic as needed, accessing the JWT claims:
                -- token.claim.sub
                -- token.claim.iss

        proxy_pass http://your_backend;

JWT Token Validation

The libjwt.validate() function returns the decoded claim of the token or an error if the token is invalid.


local token, err = libjwt.validate()
if token then
    ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "Valid JWT token: ", token)
    ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "Token validation error: ", err)

Final Considerations

  • Ensure that the jwks.json file is accessible by Nginx.
  • If using a custom header_token, make sure the client is sending it correctly.
  • The module improves system efficiency by preventing unauthorized requests from reaching the API.