What's Changed
- Fixed Codecov plugin issues
- Refresh container image every Sunday night
- Git auto CRLF set to false
git config --global core.autocrlf false
- Bumped multiple actions
- Bash CI to automate go version bump from one source of truth (
- golang:1.22 as builder containerfile image
- The k8s service resource is now settable from the values.yaml
- Introduced Fuzz testing for profile filenames
- If POLL_TIME is set less than 1 it will default to 1 second
Project Security Fixes
- Signed commits:
git config commit.gpgsign true
- Added repository Security policy
- Added OpenSSF scorecard workflow
- Least Privileged GitHub Actions Token Permissions: setting minimum token permissions for the GITHUB_TOKEN
- Pinning actions to full length commit
- Intergated Harden-Runner in the CI: it prevents exfiltration of credentials, detects tampering of source code during build, and enables running jobs without sudo access.
- Pinned image tags to digests in Dockerfiles.
- Closed 44 (!) security issues coming from Scorecard security scanner. Also with the help of stepsecurity.io
Full Changelog: v0.1.5...v0.1.9