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This package provides tools to calculate and visualize a PERT (Program Evaluation and Review Technique) diagram.


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๐ŸŒŸ Overview

This package provides tools to calculate and visualize a PERT (Program Evaluation and Review Technique) diagram. It includes the following components and utilities:

  • Pert: A component to render the PERT diagram.
  • usePert: A custom hook to retrieve PERT results.
  • Chart Interaction: Allows interaction with the diagram, enabling the selection of tasks and displaying only the path related to the selected task.

๐Ÿš€ Progress

  • โœ… PERT Calculator: Fully functional.
  • โœ… PERT Diagram: Fully functional.

๐Ÿ’ป Demo

Check out the live demo here.

๐Ÿ“‹ Installation

Install the package via npm:

npm install react-pert

๐Ÿ“– Usage

Using Pert Component

import { Pert, type TaskInput } from "react-pert";

const App = () => {
  const tasks: TaskInput[] = [
    { key: "1", duration: 5, text: "A" },
    { key: "2", duration: 4, text: "B" },
    { key: "3", duration: 2, text: "C", dependsOn: ["1"] },
    { key: "4", duration: 3, text: "D", dependsOn: ["2"] },

  return <Pert tasks={tasks} />;

Using usePert Hook

You need to wrap your application with PertProvider to use the usePert hook. Here is an example of how you can use it:

  • Note: You should put the Pert component and usePert hook in the same PertProvider to ensure that the PERT data is available to both.
import { PertProvider, usePert, type TaskInput } from "react-pert";

const App = () => {
  const tasks: TaskInput[] = [
    { key: "1", duration: 5, text: "A" },
    { key: "2", duration: 4, text: "B" },
    { key: "3", duration: 2, text: "C", dependsOn: ["1"] },
    { key: "4", duration: 3, text: "D", dependsOn: ["2"] },
  return (
      <Pert tasks={tasks} />
      <PertDetails />
import { usePert } from "react-pert";

const PertDetails = () => {
  const { projectDuration, criticalPaths } = usePert();

  return (
      <h3>Project Duration : {projectDuration}</h3>
      <h3>Critical Paths:</h3>
        {, index) => (
          <div key={index}>
            {, i) => (
              <span key={i}>
                {i < cp.length - 1 && " โ†’ "}

๐Ÿ’ก Examples

  • setSelectedTask

You can use the setSelectedTask function to select a task in the PERT diagram. This function is available when you import setSelectedTask from react-pert.

setSelectedTask: (taskKey: string | null) => void;
import { Pert, PertProvider, setSelectedTask } from "react-pert";

const App = () => {
  const tasks = [
    { key: "1", duration: 5, text: "A" },

  const handleClick = () => {
  const handleClear = () => {

  return (
    // PertProvider is optional if you are using only setSelectedTask
      <Pert tasks={tasks} />
      <button onClick={handleClick}>Select Task 1</button>
      <button onClick={handleClear}>Clear Selection</button>
  • onSelect

You can use the onSelect prop to get the selected task when a task is selected in the PERT diagram.

onSelect?: (task: Task) => void;
import { Pert } from "react-pert";

const App = () => {
  const tasks = [/*...*/];
  const handleSelect = (task) => {
    console.log("Selected Task:", task);

  return <Pert tasks={tasks} onSelect={handleSelect} />;
  • usePert with PertOptions

You can pass options to the usePert hook to customize the output data.

const results = usePert({ bounds: true });
  • Default: true

The usePert hook can be customized using the bounds option to include or exclude boundary tasks (Start and Finish) in the returned tasks.


const input: TaskInput[] = [
  { key: "1", duration: 5, text: "A" },
  { key: "2", duration: 4, text: "B", dependsOn: ["1"] },
  { key: "3", duration: 2, text: "C", dependsOn: ["2"] },

Output with bounds = true

When bounds is set to true, the Start and Finish tasks are included:

const output: Task[] = [
  { key: "Start", text: "Start", duration: 0, dependsOn: [] },
  { key: "1", text: "A", duration: 5, dependsOn: ["Start"], /* other properties */ },
  { key: "2", text: "B", duration: 4, dependsOn: ["1"], /* other properties */ },
  { key: "3", text: "C", duration: 2, dependsOn: ["2"], /* other properties */ },
  { key: "Finish", text: "Finish", duration: 0, dependsOn: ["3"] },

Output with bounds = false

When bounds is set to false, the Start and Finish tasks are excluded:

const output: Task[] = [
  { key: "1", text: "A", duration: 5, dependsOn: [], /* other properties */,},
  { key: "2", text: "B", duration: 4, dependsOn: ["1"], /* other properties */ },
  { key: "3", text: "C", duration: 2, dependsOn: ["2"], /* other properties */ },

๐Ÿ“š API Reference


Attribute Type Description
tasks TaskInput[] Array of tasks to be used for the calculation and PERT diagram.
styles? PertStyles Optional styles configuration for the PERT chart.
onSelect? (task: Task) => void Optional callback invoked when a task is selected.


A visual representation of the PERT diagram (currently in development).




Attribute Type Description
bounds boolean Determines whether the boundary tasks (Start and Finish) should be included in the returned tasks. Default: true
  • If true, the Start and Finish tasks will be included.
  • If false, the Start and Finish tasks will be excluded.
  • Default: true


  • PertDataType: Contains all PERT data including tasks, levels, links, critical paths, and project duration.


Attribute Type Description
tasks Task[] Array of tasks with PERT calculation results.
levels LevelType Mapping of task keys to their respective levels.
links LinkType[] Array of links representing the dependencies between tasks.
criticalPaths CriticalPath[] Array of critical paths in the project.
projectDuration number Total duration of the project.
error? string | null Current error message, if any.


Represents a task with input data for PERT calculation.

Attribute Type Description
key string Unique identifier for the task.
text string Description or name of the task.
duration number Duration of the task in some unit (e.g., days).
dependsOn? string[] Array of task keys that the current task depends on (optional).


Represents a task with PERT calculation results.

Attribute Type Description
key string Unique identifier for the task.
text string Description or name of the task.
duration number Duration of the task.
dependsOn? string[] Array of task keys the task depends on.
earlyStart number The earliest start time for the task.
earlyFinish number The earliest finish time for the task.
lateStart number The latest start time for the task.
lateFinish number The latest finish time for the task.
level number The level of the task in the PERT diagram.
critical boolean Indicates if the task is on a critical path.
freeFloat number The free float time of the task.
totalFloat number The total float time of the task.
index number Index of the task in the sequence.


Styles configuration for the PERT chart.

Attribute Type Description
disableGrid? boolean Whether to disable grid lines in the chart.
taskSize? number Size of the task node in pixels.
fontFamily? string Font family for the text in the task nodes.
fontSize? FontSize Font size for the text in the task nodes.
textColor? string Color of the text inside the task nodes.
chartBackground? string Background color of the entire chart.
taskBackground? string Background color of the task nodes.
gridColor? string Color of the grid lines in the chart.
borderWidth? number Width of the border for task nodes.
selectedBorderWidth? number Width of the border for selected task nodes.
hoverBorderWidth? number Width of the border when hovering over task nodes.
borderColor? string Color of the border for task nodes.
selectedBorderColor? string Color of the border for selected task nodes.
criticalColor? string Color for critical path elements (e.g., tasks or links).
arrowColor? string Color of the arrows (links) between task nodes.
arrowWidth? number Width of the arrows (links) between task nodes.
gap? { x?: number; y?: number } Gap between task nodes in the chart.


Type Description
"sm", "md", "lg", "xl", "2xl", "3xl", string & {}, number Font size options for text in the task nodes.


Represents a mapping of task keys to their respective levels in the PERT diagram.

Attribute Type Description
key number The level number in the PERT diagram.
value string[] Array of task keys at the specific level.


Represents a link between two tasks in the PERT diagram.

Attribute Type Description
from string The task key from which the link originates.
to string The task key to which the link leads.
critical boolean Indicates if the link is part of a critical path.


Represents a critical path in the PERT diagram.

Type Description
CriticalPath PathItem[] An array of tasks (PathItem) forming the critical path.


Attribute Type Description
text string Description or name of the task.
key string Task key identifier.

๐Ÿค Contributing

We welcome contributions! If you encounter any bugs or have feature requests, please open an issue or submit a pull request.

๐Ÿ“ƒ License

This package is open-source and licensed under the MIT License.

Enjoy building with PERT Diagram! โ˜บ๏ธ


This package provides tools to calculate and visualize a PERT (Program Evaluation and Review Technique) diagram.








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