A curated list of awesome Haskell frameworks, libraries and software.
- koalaman/shellcheck - ShellCheck, a static analysis tool for shell scripts
- jgm/pandoc - Universal markup converter
- PostgREST/postgrest - REST API for any Postgres database
- hadolint/hadolint - Dockerfile linter, validate inline bash, written in Haskell
- purescript/purescript - A strongly-typed language that compiles to JavaScript
- simplex-chat/simplex-chat - SimpleX - the first messaging network operating without user identifiers of any kind - 100% private by design! iOS, Android and desktop apps 📱!
- unisonweb/unison - A friendly programming language from the future
- digitallyinduced/ihp - 🔥 The fastest way to build type safe web apps. IHP is a new batteries-included web framework optimized for longterm productivity and programmer happiness
- facebook/Haxl - A Haskell library that simplifies access to remote data, such as databases or web-based services.
- commercialhaskell/stack - The Haskell Tool Stack
- input-output-hk/cardano-sl - Cryptographic currency implementing Ouroboros PoS protocol
- xmonad/xmonad - The core of xmonad, a small but functional ICCCM-compliant tiling window manager
- sdiehl/write-you-a-haskell - Building a modern functional compiler from first principles. (http://dev.stephendiehl.com/fun/)
- koka-lang/koka - Koka language compiler and interpreter
- krispo/awesome-haskell - A collection of awesome Haskell links, frameworks, libraries and software. Inspired by awesome projects line.
- ghc/ghc - Mirror of the Glasgow Haskell Compiler. Please submit issues and patches to GHC's Gitlab instance (https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc). First time contributors are encouraged to get started with the newcomers info (https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/wikis/contributing).
- simonmichael/hledger - Robust, fast, intuitive plain text accounting tool with CLI, TUI and web interfaces.
- haskell/haskell-language-server - Official haskell ide support via language server (LSP). Successor of ghcide & haskell-ide-engine.
- jaspervdj/hakyll - A static website compiler library in Haskell
- caiorss/Functional-Programming - Functional Programming concepts, examples and patterns illustrated in Haskell, Ocaml and Python
- yesodweb/yesod - A RESTful Haskell web framework built on WAI.
- typelead/eta - The Eta Programming Language, a dialect of Haskell on the JVM
- wireapp/wire-server - 🇪🇺 Wire back-end services
- ghcjs/ghcjs - Haskell to JavaScript compiler, based on GHC
- sdiehl/wiwinwlh - What I Wish I Knew When Learning Haskell
- jaspervdj/patat - Terminal-based presentations using Pandoc
- haskell/haskell-ide-engine - The engine for haskell ide-integration. Not an IDE
- dmjio/miso - 🍜 A tasty Haskell front-end framework
- ekmett/lens - Lenses, Folds, and Traversals - Join us on web.libera.chat #haskell-lens
- tweag/asterius - DEPRECATED in favor of ghc wasm backend, see https://www.tweag.io/blog/2022-11-22-wasm-backend-merged-in-ghc
- haskell-servant/servant - Servat is a Haskell DSL for describing, serving, querying, mocking, documenting web applications and more!
- smallhadroncollider/taskell - Command-line Kanban board/task manager with support for Trello boards and GitHub projects
- scotty-web/scotty - Haskell web framework inspired by Ruby's Sinatra, using WAI and Warp (Official Repository)
- haskell/cabal - Official upstream development repository for Cabal and cabal-install
- jtdaugherty/brick - A declarative Unix terminal UI library written in Haskell
- tensorflow/haskell - Haskell bindings for TensorFlow
- google-research/dex-lang - Research language for array processing in the Haskell/ML family
- huangzworks/real-world-haskell-cn - 《Real World Haskell》中文翻译项目
- yi-editor/yi - The Haskell-Scriptable Editor
- ndmitchell/hlint - Haskell source code suggestions
- HuwCampbell/grenade - Deep Learning in Haskell
- valderman/haste-compiler - A GHC-based Haskell to JavaScript compiler
- clash-lang/clash-compiler - Haskell to VHDL/Verilog/SystemVerilog compiler
- google/haskell-trainings - Haskell 101 and 102: slides and codelabs
- lettier/gifcurry - 😎 The open-source, Haskell-built video editor for GIF makers.
- faylang/fay - A proper subset of Haskell that compiles to JavaScript
- haskell-beginners-2022/course-plan - 📜 Haskell course info, plan, video lectures, slides
- haskell/aeson - A fast Haskell JSON library
- quchen/articles - Miscellaneous articles. The readme is the table of contents.
- google/codeworld - Educational computer programming environment using Haskell
- ucsd-progsys/liquidhaskell - Liquid Types For Haskell
- hzlmn/haskell-must-watch - Huge list of videos, talks, courses for Haskell programming language.
- reanimate/reanimate - Haskell library for building declarative animations based on SVG graphics
- evincarofautumn/kitten - A statically typed concatenative systems programming language.
- graninas/software-design-in-haskell - Software Design in Haskell. A structured set of materials. How to build real-world applications in Haskell.
- reflex-frp/reflex - Interactive programs without callbacks or side-effects. Functional Reactive Programming (FRP) uses composable events and time-varying values to describe interactive systems as pure functions. Just like other pure functional code, functional reactive code is easier to get right on the first try, maintain, and reuse.
- hasktorch/hasktorch - Tensors and neural networks in Haskell
- GaloisInc/HaLVM - The Haskell Lightweight Virtual Machine (HaLVM): GHC running on Xen
- matterhorn-chat/matterhorn - A feature-rich Unix terminal client for the Mattermost chat system
- sdiehl/kaleidoscope - Haskell LLVM JIT Compiler Tutorial
- grin-compiler/grin - GRIN is a compiler back-end for lazy and strict functional languages with whole program optimization support.
- phuhl/linux_notification_center - A notification daemon/center for linux
- kowainik/learn4haskell - 👩🏫 👨🏫 Learn Haskell basics in 4 pull requests
- thma/LtuPatternFactory - Lambda the ultimate Pattern Factory: FP, Haskell, Typeclassopedia vs Software Design Patterns
- haskell/stylish-haskell - Haskell code prettifier
- leksah/leksah - Haskell IDE
- tweag/ormolu - A formatter for Haskell source code
- obsidiansystems/obelisk - Functional reactive web and mobile applications, with batteries included.
- lierdakil/pandoc-crossref - Pandoc filter for cross-references
- Gabriella439/turtle - Shell programming, Haskell style
- mrkkrp/megaparsec - Industrial-strength monadic parser combinator library
- pcapriotti/optparse-applicative - Applicative option parser
- NixOS/nixfmt - The official (but not yet stable) formatter for Nix code
- agentm/project-m36 - Project: M36 Relational Algebra Engine
- AccelerateHS/accelerate - Embedded language for high-performance array computations
- maralorn/nix-output-monitor - Pipe your nix-build output through the nix-output-monitor a.k.a nom to get additional information while building.
- kirel/detexify-hs-backend - Detexify Backend written in Haskell
- samtay/tetris - A terminal interface for Tetris
- composewell/streamly - High performance, concurrent functional programming abstractions
- joshuaclayton/unused - Deprecated; see https://github.com/unused-code/unused
- cachix/cachix - Command line client for Nix binary cache hosting:
- commercialhaskell/rio - A standard library for Haskell
- yesodweb/wai - Haskell Web Application Interface
- srid/emanote - Emanate a structured view of your plain-text notes
- jonschoning/espial - Espial is an open-source, web-based bookmarking server.
- hspec/hspec - A Testing Framework for Haskell
- ndmitchell/hoogle - Haskell API search engine
- 2mol/pboy - a small .pdf management tool with a command-line UI
- nick8325/quickcheck - Automatic testing of Haskell programs.
- rgleichman/glance - A visual Haskell
- snowleopard/alga - Algebraic graphs
- haskell-distributed/distributed-process - Cloud Haskell core libraries
- hstreamdb/hstream - HStreamDB is an open-source, cloud-native streaming database for IoT and beyond. Modernize your data stack for real-time applications.
- kowainik/relude - 🌀 Safe, performant, user-friendly and lightweight Haskell standard library
- kowainik/summoner - 🔮 🔧 Tool for scaffolding batteries-included production-level Haskell projects
- taffybar/taffybar - A gtk based status bar for tiling window managers such as XMonad
- lspitzner/brittany - haskell source code formatter
- agrafix/Spock - Another Haskell web framework for rapid development
- DanielG/ghc-mod - Happy Haskell Hacking for editors. DEPRECATED
- hedgehogqa/haskell-hedgehog - Release with confidence, state-of-the-art property testing for Haskell.
- Copilot-Language/copilot - A stream-based runtime-verification framework for generating hard real-time C code.
- BinRoot/Haskell-Data-Analysis-Cookbook - Accompanying Source Code for the Haskell Data Analysis Cookbook
- bos/stanford-cs240h - Course materials for Stanford CS240h, "Functional Systems in Haskell"
- fused-effects/fused-effects - A fast, flexible, fused effect system for Haskell
- UnkindPartition/tasty - Modern and extensible testing framework for Haskell
- i-am-tom/haskell-exercises - A little course to learn about some of the more obscure GHC extensions.
- transient-haskell/transient - A full stack, reactive architecture for general purpose programming. Algebraic and monadically composable primitives for concurrency, parallelism, event handling, transactions, multithreading, Web, and distributed computing with complete de-inversion of control (No callbacks, no blocking, pure state)
- qfpl/applied-fp-course - Applied Functional Programming Course - Move from exercises to a working app!
- sol/hpack - hpack: A modern format for Haskell packages
- LambdaHack/LambdaHack - Haskell game engine library for roguelike dungeon crawlers; please offer feedback, e.g., after trying out the sample game with the web frontend at
- ChrisPenner/rasa - Extremely modular text editor built in Haskell
- brendanhay/amazonka - A comprehensive Amazon Web Services SDK for Haskell.
- aviaviavi/legion - Simple blockchain server written in Haskell for educational purposes
- fjvallarino/monomer - An easy to use, cross platform, GUI library for writing Haskell applications.
- xmonad/xmonad-contrib - Contributed modules for xmonad
- ad-si/Perspec - Scriptable desktop app to correct the perspective of images
- tweag/HaskellR - The full power of R in Haskell.
- haskell/ghcide - A library for building Haskell IDE tooling
- mattgreen/hython - Haskell-powered Python 3 interpreter
- haskell-beam/beam - A type-safe, non-TH Haskell SQL library and ORM
- kowainik/stan - 🕵️ Haskell STatic ANalyser
- alpacaaa/zero-bs-haskell - Learn Haskell, with tiny lessons.
- mihaimaruseac/hindent - Haskell pretty printer
- chrisdone/hell - Haskell-based shell scripting language
- hasura/eff - 🚧 a work in progress effect system for Haskell 🚧
- quchen/stgi - A user-centric visual STG implementation to help understand GHC/Haskell's execution model.
- HeinrichApfelmus/reactive-banana - Library for functional reactive programming in Haskell.
- nikita-volkov/hasql - The fastest PostgreSQL libpq-based driver for Haskell
- haskell/attoparsec - A fast Haskell library for parsing ByteStrings
- alexwl/haskell-code-explorer - Web application for exploring and understanding Haskell codebases
- JakeWheat/intro_to_parsing - Introduction to parsing with Haskell and Parsec
- haskell/criterion - A powerful but simple library for measuring the performance of Haskell code.
- facebookincubator/retrie - Retrie is a powerful, easy-to-use codemodding tool for Haskell.
- exercism/haskell - Exercism exercises in Haskell.
- raviksharma/bartosz-basics-of-haskell - Code and exercises from Bartosz Milewski's Basics of Haskell Tutorial
- pushcx/hpffp-resources - Haskell Programming From First Principles - Follow-up Resources
- valderman/selda - A type-safe, high-level SQL library for Haskell
- chrisdone-archive/jl - Functional sed for JSON
- yesodweb/persistent - Persistence interface for Haskell allowing multiple storage methods.
- thma/WhyHaskellMatters - In this article I try to explain why Haskell keeps being such an important language by presenting some of its most important and distinguishing features and detailing them with working code examples. The presentation aims to be self-contained and does not require any previous knowledge of the language.
- haskell-foundation/foundation - Empire strikes back
- google/proto-lens - API for protocol buffers using modern Haskell language and library patterns.
- tweag/sparkle - Haskell on Apache Spark.
- ivanperez-keera/Yampa - Functional Reactive Programming domain-specific language for efficient hybrid systems
- HeinrichApfelmus/threepenny-gui - GUI framework that uses the web browser as a display.
- lsmor/snake-fury - a challenge for Haskell beginners
- haskell-CI/haskell-ci - Scripts and instructions for using CI services (e.g. Travis CI or Appveyor) with multiple GHC configurations
- timbod7/haskell-chart - A 2D charting library for haskell
- bitemyapp/bloodhound - Haskell Elasticsearch client and query DSL
- tommythorn/Reduceron - FPGA Haskell machine with game changing performance. Reduceron is Matthew Naylor, Colin Runciman and Jason Reich's high performance FPGA softcore for running lazy functional programs, including hardware garbage collection. Reduceron has been implemented on various FPGAs with clock frequency ranging from 60 to 150 MHz depending on the FPGA. A high degree of parallelism allows Reduceron to implement graph evaluation very efficiently. This fork aims to continue development on this, with a view to practical applications. Comments, questions, etc are welcome.
- lettier/movie-monad - 📺 A free and simple to use video player made with Haskell.
- gregwebs/Shelly.hs - Haskell shell scripting
- haskell/hackage-server - Hackage-Server: A Haskell Package Repository
- haskell-github/github - The github API for Haskell
- morpheusgraphql/morpheus-graphql - Haskell GraphQL Api, Client and Tools
- jaspervdj/websockets - A Haskell library for creating WebSocket-capable servers
- haskell/text - Haskell library for space- and time-efficient operations over Unicode text.
- haskell-graphql/graphql-api - Write type-safe GraphQL services in Haskell
- haskell-tls/hs-tls - TLS/SSL implementation in haskell
- protolude/protolude - A sensible starting Prelude template.
- cdepillabout/termonad - Terminal emulator configurable in Haskell.
- nh2/call-haskell-from-anything - Call Haskell functions from any programming language via serialization and dynamic libraries
- jonascarpay/apecs - a fast, extensible, type driven Haskell ECS framework for games
- eashanhatti/peridot - A fast functional language based on two level type theory
- lehins/massiv - Efficient Haskell Arrays featuring Parallel computation
- ozanmakes/markup.rocks - Pandoc based document editor and converter in your browser.
- jtdaugherty/tart - Tart - draw ASCII art in the terminal with your mouse!
- haskell/haskell-platform - Distribution of Haskell with batteries included
- Consensys/constellation - Peer-to-peer encrypted message exchange
- dbousamra/hnes - 🎮 NES Emulator written in Haskell
- jbarrow/LambdaNet - Purely functional artificial neural network library implemented in Haskell.
- haskell-effectful/effectful - An easy to use, fast extensible effects library with seamless integration with the existing Haskell ecosystem.
- knupfer/haskell-emacs - Write Emacs extensions in Haskell
- Gabriella439/Haskell-Morte-Library - A bare-bones calculus-of-constructions
- sol/doctest - An implementation of Python's doctest for Haskell
- haskell/mtl - The Monad Transformer Library
- haskell/lsp - Haskell library for the Microsoft Language Server Protocol
- ollef/Earley - Parsing all context-free grammars using Earley's algorithm in Haskell.
- haskell-game/sdl2 - Haskell bindings to the SDL2 library
- gelisam/hawk - Haskell text processor for the command-line
- NixOS/cabal2nix - Generate Nix build instructions from a Cabal file
- augustss/MicroHs - Haskell implemented with combinators
- sebastiaanvisser/clay - A CSS preprocessor as embedded Haskell.
- reflex-frp/reflex-dom - Web applications without callbacks or side-effects. Reflex-DOM brings the power of functional reactive programming (FRP) to the web. Build HTML and other Document Object Model (DOM) data with a pure functional interface.
- fourmolu/fourmolu - A fourk of ormolu that uses four space indentation and allows arbitrary configuration. Don't like it? PRs welcome!
- DimaSamoz/mezzo - A Haskell library for typesafe music composition
- simonmar/parconc-examples - Sample code to accompany the book "Parallel and Concurrent Programming in Haskell"
- theam/haskell-do - ✏️ 📊 - The Haskell code editor focused on interactive development.
- joelburget/react-haskell - React bindings for Haskell
- morphismtech/squeal - Squeal, a deep embedding of SQL in Haskell
- haskus/haskus-system - Moved to https://github.com/haskus/packages
- jepst/CloudHaskell - A distributed computing framework for Haskell
- mrkkrp/req - An HTTP client library
- tweag/linear-base - Standard library for linear types in Haskell.
- litxio/ptghci - High-powered REPL for Haskell, inspired by IPython
- higherkindness/mu-haskell - Mu (μ) is a purely functional framework for building micro services.
- chris-taylor/aima-haskell - Algorithms from AIMA in Haskell
- informatikr/hedis - A Redis client library for Haskell.
- amuletml/amulet - An ML-like functional programming language
- haskell/network - Low-level networking interface
- spell-music/csound-expression - Haskell Framework for Electronic Music
- fimad/scalpel - A high level web scraping library for Haskell.
- jtdaugherty/vty - A high-level ncurses alternative written in Haskell
- jgm/texmath - A Haskell library for converting LaTeX math to MathML.
- hakaru-dev/hakaru - A probabilistic programming language
- justinethier/husk-scheme - A full implementation of the Scheme programming language for the Haskell Platform.
- Holmusk/three-layer - 3️⃣ 🍰 Architecture of the Haskell web applications
- sweirich/dth - Examples of Dependently-typed programs in Haskell
- haskell/statistics - A fast, high quality library for computing with statistics in Haskell.
- haskell/alex - A lexical analyser generator for Haskell
- purenix-org/purenix - Nix backend for PureScript. Transpile PureScript code to Nix.
- winterland1989/magic-haskell - 魔力haskell官方网站
- quchen/prettyprinter - A modern, extensible and well-documented prettyprinter.
- acid-state/acid-state - Add ACID guarantees to any serializable Haskell data structure
- Yvee1/hascard - flashcard TUI with markdown cards
- NorfairKing/smos - A comprehensive self-management System
- iostreamer-X/FuncShell - Improve your shell by making it functional through Haskell! (An update to Awkward)
- haskell-gi/haskell-gi - Generate Haskell bindings for GObject-Introspection capable libraries
- owickstrom/gi-gtk-declarative - Declarative GTK+ programming in Haskell
- haskell/happy - The Happy parser generator for Haskell
- goldfirere/singletons - Fake dependent types in Haskell using singletons
- stevenfontanella/microlens - A lightweight (but compatible with ‘lens’) lenses library
- HaskVan/HaskellKoans - Haskell Koans for the Vancouver's Haskell UnMeetup
- blitzcode/hue-dashboard - A web interface for monitoring and controlling Philips Hue lights
- lotz84/haskell - A curated list of awesome things related to Haskell.
- snoyberg/http-client - An HTTP client engine, intended as a base layer for more user-friendly packages.
- chrisdone-archive/vado - A demo web browser engine written in Haskell
- cardano-scaling/hydra - Implementation of the Hydra Head protocol
- brendanhay/gogol - A comprehensive Google Services SDK for Haskell.
- neohaskell/NeoHaskell - ⏩ NeoHaskell is a dialect of Haskell that is focused on newcomer-friendliness and productivity.
- IntersectMBO/ouroboros-network - Specifications of network protocols and implementations of components running these protocols which support a family of Ouroboros Consesus protocols; the diffusion layer of the Cardano Node.
- byorgey/haskell-course - Introductory Haskell course materials (originally CIS 194 @ UPenn)
- anton-k/ru-haskell-book - учебник по Haskell
- ivanperez-keera/haskanoid - A free and open source breakout clone in Haskell using SDL and FRP, with Wiimote and Kinect support.
- GaloisInc/haskell-tor - A Haskell implementation of the Tor protocol.
- theam/aws-lambda-haskell-runtime - ⚡Haskell runtime for AWS Lambda
- dmbarbour/Sirea - Simply Reactive! Declarative orchestration in Haskell using RDP
- luke-clifton/shh - Simple shell like scripting from Haskell
- neovimhaskell/nvim-hs - Neovim API for Haskell plugins as well as the plugin provider
- m4dc4p/cheatsheet - A Haskell CheatSheet in PDF and literate source formats.
- discord-haskell/discord-haskell - Haskell library for writing Discord bots
- mwotton/Hubris - Bridge from Ruby to Haskell
- lukexi/halive - Live recompiler for Haskell
- VinylRecords/Vinyl - Extensible Records for Haskell. Pull requests welcome! Come visit us on #vinyl on freenode.
- haskell-beginners-2022/exercises - 💻 Exercises for the Haskell Beginners 2022 course
- denisshevchenko/ohaskell.guide - Ваша первая книга о языке Haskell
- haskell-hint/hint - Runtime Haskell interpreter
- Mesabloo/diagnose - A simple library for reporting compiler/interpreter errors
- co-log/co-log - 📓 Flexible and configurable modern #Haskell logging framework
- bravit/hid-examples - Examples to accompany the book "Haskell in Depth"
- ekmett/guanxi - Relational programming in Haskell. Mostly developed on twitch.
- kadena-io/chainweb-node - Chainweb: A Proof-of-Work Parallel-Chain Architecture for Massive Throughput
- haskell-tools/haskell-tools - Developer tools for Haskell
- standardsemiconductor/lion - Where Lions Roam: RISC-V on the VELDT
- seliopou/typo - A programming language that runs in Haskell's type system.
- tmcgilchrist/airship - Helium + Webmachine = Airship. A toolkit for building declarative, RESTful web apps.
- jyh1/mmaclone - A simple Wolfram Language clone in Haskell
- evertedsphere/silica - optics for Haskell with the most amazing type errors you've seen
- cdepillabout/pretty-simple - pretty-printer for Haskell data types that have a Show instance
- LeventErkok/sbv - SMT Based Verification in Haskell. Express properties about Haskell programs and automatically prove them using SMT solvers.
- jaspervdj/blaze-html - A blazingly fast HTML combinator library for Haskell.
- awakesecurity/gRPC-haskell - Haskell gRPC support
- Nike-Inc/hal - hal provides an AWS Lambda Custom Runtime environment for your Haskell applications.
- bijoutrouvaille/fireward - A concise and readable language for Firestore security rules, similar to Firebase Bolt.
- aristidb/aws - Amazon Web Services for Haskell
- Twinside/Juicy.Pixels - Haskell library to load & save pictures
- k-bx/owlcloud - OwnCloud for owls done via The Microservice Architecture
- khibino/haskell-relational-record - This repository includes a joined query generator based on typefull relational algebra, and mapping tools between SQL values list and Haskell record type.
- k0ral/hbro - [Unmaintained] A minimal web-browser written and configured in Haskell.
- jlouis/combinatorrent - A bittorrent client written in Haskell
- itchyny/sjsp - Simple JavaScript Profiler
- ndmitchell/tagsoup - Haskell library for parsing and extracting information from (possibly malformed) HTML/XML documents
- tweag/inline-java - Haskell/Java interop via inline Java code in Haskell modules.
- lexi-lambda/freer-simple - A friendly effect system for Haskell
- haskell-hvr/cassava - A CSV parsing and encoding library optimized for ease of use and high performance
- harpocrates/inline-rust - Use snippets of Rust inline in your Haskell programs
- passy/givegif - GIFs on the command line
- nstack/nstack - Type-safe, composable microservices for data analytics
- haskell/haskeline - A Haskell library for line input in command-line programs.
- jgoerzen/twidge - Command-line twitter/identica client [Haskell]
- ad-si/TaskLite - The CLI task manager for power users
- simonmar/par-tutorial - A tutorial on Parallel and Concurrent Haskell
- seek-oss/serverless-haskell - Deploying Haskell applications to AWS Lambda with Serverless
- tweag/capability - Extensional capabilities and deriving combinators
- blynn/compiler - The adventures of a Haskell compiler
- AllureOfTheStars/Allure - Allure of the Stars is a near-future Sci-Fi roguelike and tactical squad combat game written in Haskell; please offer feedback, e.g., after trying out the web frontend version at
- chrisdone-archive/duet - A tiny language, a subset of Haskell aimed at aiding teachers teach Haskell
- michaelochurch/summer-2015-haskell-class - Summer 2015 Haskell Class
- ekmett/quine - haskell, opengl, toy project
- typeclasses/haskell-phrasebook - The Haskell Phrasebook: a quick intro to Haskell via small annotated example programs
- runtimeverification/haskell-backend - The symbolic execution engine powering the K Framework
- eckyputrady/haskell-scotty-realworld-example-app - Exemplary real world backend API built with Haskell/Scotty https://realworld.io
- commercialhaskell/haskelldocumentation - Repository for collaborative Haskell documentation
- snowleopard/hadrian - Hadrian: a new build system for the Glasgow Haskell Compiler. Now merged into the GHC tree!
- music-suite/music-suite - Music in Haskell
- lpsmith/postgresql-simple - Mid-level client library for accessing PostgreSQL from Haskell
- ivanperez-keera/dunai - Classic FRP, Arrowized FRP, Reactive Programming, and Stream Programming, all via Monadic Stream Functions
- axellang/axel - Haskell + Lisp
- Soostone/katip - A structured logging framework for Haskell
- rzk-lang/rzk - An experimental proof assistant based on a type theory for synthetic ∞-categories.
- luc-tielen/eclair-lang - A minimal, fast Datalog implementation in Haskell that compiles to LLVM IR
- cmoog/traderjoes - Price tracking program and website for Trader Joe's, updated daily.
- david-christiansen/pie-hs - An implementation of Pie in Haskell
- ChrisPenner/slick - Static site generator built on Shake configured in Haskell
- Avi-D-coder/implicit-hie - Auto generate a stack or cabal multi component hie.yaml file
- lambdacube3d/lambdacube-edsl - Previous version of LambdaCube 3D as Embedded Domain Specific Language in Haskell. Check the latest system:
- fujimura/hi - Generate scaffold for a Haskell project
- advancedtelematic/quickcheck-state-machine - Test monadic programs using state machine based models
- klappvisor/haskell-telegram-api - Telegram Bot API for Haskell
- def-/gifstream - Make interactive games in Haskell using GIF streams that can be shown in the web browser
- ekmett/linear - Low-dimensional linear algebra primitives for Haskell.
- tfausak/flow - 💧 Write more understandable Haskell.
- Daniel-Diaz/HaTeX - The Haskell LaTeX library.
- lemmih/lhc - The LLVM LHC Haskell Optimization System
- haskell/c2hs - c2hs is a pre-processor for Haskell FFI bindings to C libraries
- CIFASIS/QuickFuzz - An experimental grammar fuzzer in Haskell using QuickCheck
- keera-studios/keera-hails - Keera Hails: Haskell on Rails - Reactive Programming Framework for Interactive Haskell applications
- jxv/dino-rush - 🌋 Endless runner game
- barrucadu/dejafu - Systematic concurrency testing meets Haskell.
- soywod/unfog - ⏱ Minimalist CLI task & time manager, written in Haskell.
- jgm/skylighting - A Haskell syntax highlighting library with tokenizers derived from KDE syntax highlighting descriptions
- haskell-suite/haskell-src-exts - Manipulating Haskell source: abstract syntax, lexer, parser, and pretty-printer
- corsis/PortFusion - Haskell-powered cross-platform transport-layer distributed reverse / forward proxy & tunneling solution – currently available for all TCP protocols (RDP, VNC, HTTP(S), SSH, ...).
- chrisdone-archive/dynamic - Dynamic typing in Haskell
- thma/PolysemyCleanArchitecture - Showcasing how the Polysemy library can be used to implement a REST application conforming to the guidelines of the Clean Architecture model.
- mikeizbicki/HerbiePlugin - GHC plugin that improves Haskell code's numerical stability
- haskell-webdriver/haskell-webdriver - A Haskell client for the Selenium WebDriver protocol.
- chrisdone-archive/tryhaskell - Try Haskell
- well-typed/cborg - Binary serialisation in the CBOR format
- airalab/hs-web3 - Web3 API for Haskell
- alpacaaa/quad-ci - A CI server written in Simple Haskell.
- Gabriella439/Haskell-Typed-Spreadsheet-Library - Typed and composable spreadsheets
- haskell/fgl - A Functional Graph Library for Haskell
- bollu/cellularAutomata - a collection of cellular automata written in Haskell with Diagrams
- sdiehl/tinyjit - Haskell JIT
- derekmcloughlin/pearls - Pearls of Functional Algorithm Design by Richard Bird - Haskell Code
- gtk2hs/gtk2hs - GUI library for Haskell based on GTK+
- facebookarchive/lex-pass - manipulate a php codebase using haskell to transform the abstract-syntax-tree
- Yuras/pdf-toolbox - A collection of tools for processing PDF files in Haskell
- ucsd-progsys/elsa - Elsa is a lambda calculus evaluator
- mstksg/backprop - Heterogeneous automatic differentiation ("backpropagation") in Haskell
- haskell/hie-bios - Set up a GHC API session for various Haskell Projects
- chshersh/iris - 🌈 Haskell CLI Framework supporting Command Line Interface Guidelines
- ennocramer/floskell - Floskell is a flexible Haskell source code pretty printer.
- yav/graphmod - A utility for displaying the module dependencies of Haskell programs.
- nominolo/scion - OLD, DEPRECATED: Use this instead https://github.com/haskell/haskell-ide-engine
- mstksg/auto - Haskell DSL and platform providing denotational, compositional api for discrete-step, locally stateful, interactive programs, games & automations. http://hackage.haskell.org/package/auto
- haskell/HTTP - Haskell HTTP package
- dmjio/stripe - 💰 Stripe API
- serokell/universum - 🌌 Prelude written in @Serokell
- awakesecurity/spectacle - Embedded specification language & model checker in Haskell
- suhailshergill/extensible-effects - Extensible Effects: An Alternative to Monad Transformers
- pmiddend/nixos-manager - Manage your NixOS packages and configuration via a simple, intuitive UI
- mchakravarty/HaskellSpriteKit - Haskell binding to Apple's SpriteKit framework
- nomeata/inspection-testing - Inspection Testing for Haskell
- kazu-yamamoto/unit-test-example - Unit test example for Haskell
- mongodb-haskell/mongodb - MongoDB driver for Haskell
- kofigumbs/codec-beam - Generate Erlang VM byte code from Haskell
- fbsamples/ghc-hotswap - Example code for how we swap compiled code within a running Haskell process.
- awakesecurity/nix-deploy - Deploy software or an entire NixOS system configuration to another NixOS system
- flannelhead/blackstar - A black hole raytracer written in Haskell
- finkel-lang/finkel - Haskell in S-expression
- apauley/hledger-flow - An hledger/ledger-cli workflow focusing on automated statement import and classification
- SimulaVR/godot-haskell - Haskell bindings for GdNative
- willbasky/Awesome-list-of-Haskell-mentors - An amazing list of Haskell developers who would like to mentor beginner-contributors in open source projects.
- tsoding/haskell-json - Source Code for JSON Parser Video
- jdnavarro/graphql-haskell - Haskell GraphQL implementation
- hercules-ci/legacy-old-hercules - Abandoned
- tzemanovic/haskell-yesod-realworld-example-app - Exemplary real world application built with Haskell + Yesod
- MondayMorningHaskell/haskellings - An automated tutorial to teach you about Haskell!
- dfinity-side-projects/dhc - Compiles Haskell to WebAssembly
- w7cook/AoPL - A book on programming languages, using Haskell
- NorfairKing/haskell-dangerous-functions - Documentation about Haskell's dangerous functions and a hlint config file to warn about them
- etorreborre/registry - Components as records of functions for Haskell
- lambdabot/lambdabot - A friendly IRC bot and apprentice coder, written in Haskell.
- joshcough/HaskellStarter - A project that demonstrates getting up and running with Haskell.
- haskell-servant/servant-elm - Automatically derive Elm functions to query servant webservices
- statebox/cql - CQL: Categorical Query Language implementation in Haskell
- mthom/shentong - A Haskell implementation of the Shen programming language.
- ekmett/coda - A language experiment -- irc.freenode.net ##coda
- snoyberg/yaml - Support for serialising Haskell to and from Yaml.
- ocharles/zero-to-quake-3 - Implementing Quake 3 in Haskell & Vulkan
- mbj/stratosphere - Haskell EDSL and type-checker for AWS CloudFormation templates
- jyp/styx - A nix-based Haskell project manager
- ekmett/hask - Category theory for Haskell with a lens flavor (you need GHC 7.8.3, not 7.8.2 to build this!)
- keera-studios/haskell-game-programming - A central repository of Haskell Game Programming resources, put together by Keera Studios
- haskell-game/tiny-games-hs - Haskell Tiny Game Jam
- glguy/irc-core - Haskell IRC library and console client - Join us on libera.chat #glirc
- erikd/language-javascript - Parser for JavaScript, in Haskell
- scarf-sh/scarf - An environment manager and development tool powered by Nomia.
- kazu-yamamoto/logger - A fast logging system for Haskell
- g-ford/cradle - Let's Build a Compiler (in Haskell)
- opqdonut/haskell-exercises - Haskell exercises with automatic tests
- mtolly/onyx - Toolkit for converting and building songs for Rock Band, Guitar Hero, Clone Hero, and other similar rhythm games
- himura/twitter-conduit - Twitter API package for Haskell, including enumerator interfaces and Streaming API supports.
- bollu/tiny-optimising-compiler - A tiny optimising compiler for an imperative programming language written in haskell
- Synthetica9/nix-linter - Linter for the Nix expression language
- AccelerateHS/accelerate-llvm - LLVM backend for Accelerate
- well-typed/generics-sop - Generic Programming using True Sums of Products
- radian-software/kalyn - ⚗️ Self-hosting compiler from a Haskell-like Lisp directly to x86-64, from scratch.
- mit-plv/riscv-semantics - A formal semantics of the RISC-V ISA in Haskell
- grpc/grpc-haskell - gRPC library binding for Haskell.
- LumiGuide/haskell-opencv - Haskell binding to OpenCV-3.x
- jgm/citeproc - CSL citation processing library in Haskell
- graninas/hierarchical-free-monads-the-most-developed-approach-in-haskell - Big article about Hierarchical Free Monads, the most developed approach to build real software in Haskell
- circuithub/rel8 - Hey! Hey! Can u rel8?
- haskell/ThreadScope - A graphical tool for profiling parallel Haskell programs
- tree-sitter/haskell-tree-sitter - Haskell bindings for tree-sitter
- SPY/haskell-wasm - Haskell WebAssembly Toolkit
- madjestic/Haskell-OpenGL-Tutorial - an attempt to create a concise modern Haskell OpenGL boilerplate with basic IO
- tfausak/rattletrap - 🚗 Parse and generate Rocket League replays.
- migamake/json-autotype - Automatic Haskell type inference from JSON input
- facebookincubator/hsthrift - The Haskell Thrift Compiler. This is an implementation of the Thrift spec that generates code in Haskell. It depends on the fbthrift project for the implementation of the underlying transport.
- dmjio/envy - 😠 Environmentally friendly environment variables
- takeoutweight/shade - Interactive, client-side web apps in Haskell
- nanotech/swift-haskell-tutorial - Integrating Haskell with Swift Mac Apps
- leepike/Copilot - A (Haskell DSL) stream language for generating hard real-time C code.
- fakedata-haskell/fakedata - Haskell Library for producing quality fake data
- DataKinds/cherchord - 🎸 Find chords for any string instrument quicky & easily 🎸
- soupi/rfc - My slides and compilation of resources.
- quchen/generative-art - I wanted to make a nicer sticker for Munihac, then things got out of hand.
- ocharles/engine.io - A Haskell server implementation of the Engine.IO and Socket.IO (1.0) protocols
- mchakravarty/language-c-inline - Inline C & Objective-C in Haskell
- tsoding/HyperNerd - Total Surveillance Automatic Ban Machine for Twitch and Discord
- mpickering/apply-refact - Refactor Haskell source files
- jaspervdj/fugacious - An example Haskell web application
- haskell-opengl/OpenGL - Haskell bindings to OpenGL
- CyberCat-Institute/open-game-engine - Haskell implementation of open games
- wavewave/hoodle - hoodle : A pen notetaking program written in haskell
- jekor/redo - djb's redo implementation in Haskell (for Haskell from Scratch video series)
- zoomhub/zoomhub - Share and view high-resolution images effortlessly
- grin-compiler/ghc-grin - GRIN backend for GHC
- ngless-toolkit/ngless - NGLess: NGS with less work
- matsumonkie/izuna - Show Haskell type annotations when doing code review on Github
- haskellweekly/haskellweekly - Publishes curated news about the Haskell programming language.
- haskell-game/dear-imgui.hs - Haskell bindings to Dear ImGui, an immediate mode GUI toolkit
- egonSchiele/chips - A clone of Chips Challenge in Haskell
- wavewave/fficxx - Haskell-C++ Foreign Function Interface Generator
- palf/haskell-sdl2-examples - SDL2 tutorial code in Haskell
- commercialhaskell/haskellers - haskellers.com site
- chrisdone-archive/hulk - Haskell IRC daemon.
- Twinside/Rasterific - A drawing engine in Haskell
- reflex-frp/reflex-vty - Build terminal applications using functional reactive programming (FRP) with Reflex FRP.
- JacquesCarette/Drasil - Generate all the things (focusing on research software)
- haskell-works/hw-kafka-client - Kafka client for Haskell, including auto-rebalancing consumers
- expipiplus1/vulkan - Haskell bindings for Vulkan
- ChrisPenner/void-space - Well-Typed Typing Tutor where you Type Types... in space... yup, you heard me
- twittner/zeromq-haskell - This repository has been moved to https://gitlab.com/twittner/zeromq-haskell
- RefactoringTools/HaRe - The Haskell Refactoring Tool
- purebred-mua/purebred - A terminal based mail user agent based on notmuch
- pkamenarsky/replica - A remote virtual DOM library for Haskell
- pkamenarsky/concur-replica - Server-side VDOM UI framework for Concur
- vimus/vimus - An MPD client with vim-like key bindings, written in Haskell
- typeable/octopod - Kubernetes self-service portal
- sigrlami/haskellcosm - Collecting information about Haskell ecosystem - companies, communities, media, etc.
- msgpack/msgpack-haskell - Haskell implementation of MessagePack / msgpack.org[Haskell]
- haskell/critbit - A Haskell implementation of crit-bit trees.
- tromp/ChessPositionRanking - Software suite for ranking chess positions and accurately estimating the number of legal chess positions
- honza/redish - A multi-threaded, TCP, key-value store inspired by Redis implemented in Haskell.
- boundedvariation/quantfin - quant finance in pure haskell
- wellposed/numerical - Numerical is the core library for Numerical Haskell
- rainbyte/frag - Frag is a 3D first person shooting game written in Haskell, by Mun Hon Cheong
- jgm/commonmark-hs - Pure Haskell commonmark parsing library, designed to be flexible and extensible
- haskell-fswatch/hfsnotify - Unified Haskell interface for basic file system notifications
- ChrisPenner/wc - Beating unix
in Haskell - sol/markdown-unlit - Literate Haskell support for Markdown
- haskell-mafia/mafia - Provides protection against cabal swindling, robbing, injuring or sabotaging people with chopsticks.
- def-/ghc-vis - Visualize live Haskell data structures in GHCi
- abailly/aws-lambda-haskell - Running Haskell code on AWS Lambda
- tfausak/haskeleton - 💀 A Haskell package skeleton.
- Bodigrim/smallcheck - Test your Haskell code by exhaustively checking its properties
- ajhc/ajhc - A fork of jhc. And also a Haskell compiler.
- tsoding/haskell-music - Source Code from "Making Music with Haskell" video
- rodrigosetti/master-plan - Project Management for Hackers
- kowainik/cake-slayer - 🍰🔪 Architecture of Haskell backend applications
- qrilka/xlsx - Simple and incomplete Excel file parser/writer
- ocharles/micro-ci - A tiny CI server built around GitHub and Nix
- freizl/hoauth2 - Haskell oauth2 binding
- bscarlet/llvm-general - Rich LLVM bindings for Haskell (with transfer of LLVM IR to and from C++, detailed compilation pass control, etc.)
- tweag/inline-js - Call JavaScript from Haskell, and vice versa!
- MarcWeber/hasktags - Produces ctags "tags" and etags "TAGS" files for Haskell programs
- dahlia/seonbi - SmartyPants for Korean language
- aisamanra/rust-haskell-ffi - Toy example of calling Rust from Haskell
- syocy/a-tour-of-go-in-haskell - Write "Concurrency" section of "A Tour of Go" in Haskell
- simonmichael/shelltestrunner - Easy, repeatable testing of CLI programs/commands
- mvoidex/hsdev - Haskell development tool
- haskelllive/haskelllive - Source code of the Haskell Live episodes.
- ollef/Bidirectional - Haskell implementation of Dunfield and Krishnaswami's "Complete and easy bidirectional typechecking for higher-rank polymorphism"
- ndmitchell/record-dot-preprocessor - A preprocessor for a Haskell record syntax using dot
- haskell/play-haskell - Haskell Playground
- augustss/djinn - Generate Haskell code from a type
- schell/steeloverseer - A file watcher and development tool.
- hdbc/hdbc - Haskell Database Connectivity
- fumieval/extensible - Extensible records, variants, structs, effects, tangles
- bos/configurator - A Haskell library supporting flexible, dynamic file-based configuration.
- saschagrunert/nn - A tiny neural network 🧠
- kubernetes-client/haskell - Haskell client for the kubernetes API. A work in progress.
- kazu-yamamoto/recursion-drill - Drill to study recursive programming in Haskell
- jberryman/unagi-chan - A haskell library implementing fast and scalable concurrent queues for x86, with a Chan-like API
- ix/calico - cat, but for colors 😼
- sam46/Paskell - A Pascal to LLVM compiler in Haskell
- hreinhardt/amqp - Haskell AMQP client library
- flora-pm/flora-server - A package index for the Haskell ecosystem
- camfort/camfort - Light-weight verification and transformation tools for Fortran
- hspec/HUnit - A unit testing framework for Haskell
- gregorycollins/hashtables - Mutable hash tables for Haskell, in the ST monad
- danstiner/hfmt - Format Haskell programs. Inspired by the gofmt utility.
- UweSchmidt/hxt - Haskell XML Toolbox
- mumuki/mulang - 🎍 Universal, Multi Language, Multi Paradigm code analyzer
- lexi-lambda/eff - 🚧 a work in progress effect system for Haskell 🚧
- lettier/webviewhs - 🌐 A Haskell binding to the webview library created by Serge Zaitsev.
- egonSchiele/HandsomeSoup - Easy HTML parsing for Haskell
- turion/rhine - Haskell Functional Reactive Programming framework with type-level clocks
- Paczesiowa/hsenv - Virtual Haskell Environment builder
- nh2/hatrace - scriptable strace
- effectfully-ou/sketches - A Haskell blog
- brunjlar/neural - Neural Nets in native Haskell
- winterland1989/mysql-haskell - Pure haskell mysql driver
- kowainik/tomland - 🏝 Bidirectional TOML serialization
- frasertweedale/hs-jose - Haskell JOSE and JWT library
- dandoh/web-haskell-graphql-postgres-boilerplate - Modern webserver in Haskell: Graphql + Postgresql + Authentication + DB migration + Dotenv and more
- noinia/hgeometry - HGeometry is a library for computing with geometric objects in Haskell. It defines basic geometric types and primitives, and it implements some geometric data structures and algorithms.
- nirum-lang/nirum - Nirum: IDL compiler and RPC/distributed object framework for microservices
- srid/rib - Haskell static site generator based on Shake (superseded by https://github.com/srid/ema)
- paf31/dovetail - A PureScript interpreter in Haskell
- cronokirby/haskell-in-haskell - Trying to write an understandable implementation of Haskell, in Haskell
- ocramz/xeno - Fast Haskell XML parser
- katychuang/getting-started-with-haskell - notes on where to find Haskell tutorials and tips to complete them
- halogenandtoast/ArkhamHorror - An unofficial rules-compliant browser based version of Arkham Horror: The Card Game. Not produced, endorsed, or supported by, or affiliated with Fantasy Flight Games.
- 1HaskellADay/1HAD - 1 Haskell A Day exercises
- sweirich/challenge - Strongly-typed System F in Haskell
- srid/ema - Change-aware static site generator for Haskell programmers
- rdnetto/powerline-hs - A lightning fast reimplementation of the Powerline prompt generator in Haskell.
- lehins/hip - Haskell Image Processing Library
- krisajenkins/elm-export - Create Elm types and JSON decoders from Haskell source.
- hansroland/reflex-dom-inbits - A tutorial for reflex-dom with small code bits
- grin-compiler/ghc-whole-program-compiler-project - GHC Whole Program Compiler and External STG IR tooling
- bgamari/b-tree - Haskell on-disk B* tree implementation
- utdemir/distributed-dataset - A distributed data processing framework in Haskell.
- NorfairKing/sydtest - A modern testing framework for Haskell with good defaults and advanced testing features.
- mzero/haskell-amuse-bouche - A short technical talk about some fun things in Haskell
- judah/pier - Yet another Haskell build system.
- jmorag/mcc - MicroC example compiler for Stephen Edward's PLT class, but in Haskell
- ianthehenry/basilica - It's kinda like a forum.
- GaloisInc/HaNS - The haskell network stack
- diffusionkinetics/open - DiffusionKinetics open-source monorepo
- cofinalsubnets/wisp - small-but-featureful embeddable lisp interpreter written in haskell.
- nikita-volkov/hasql-th - Template Haskell utilities for Hasql
- awakesecurity/hocker - Utilities for interacting with the docker registry and generating nix build instructions
- srid/slownews - 🐢 Bringing slow news for the nervous among us
- donya/Kulitta - A Haskell-based library for algorithmic and automated composition. This library was the subject of my dissertation at Yale university and is the subject of my ongoing work.
- simmsb/calamity - A library for writing discord bots in haskell
- ilya-klyuchnikov/lambdapi - Dependently Typed Lambda Calculus in Haskell
- bos/pool - A high-performance striped resource pooling implementation for Haskell
- alpmestan/hnn - haskell neural network library
- target/row-types - A Haskell library for open records and variants using closed type families and type literals
- serras/hinc - Haskell In New Clothes
- mmark-md/mmark - Strict markdown processor for writers
- MedeaMelana/Magic - Haskell implementation of Magic: The Gathering
- egonSchiele/dominion - A Dominion simulator in Haskell
- chrisnc/tangaroa - A toy implementation of the Raft protocol in Haskell, with an experimental BFT variant.
- UnkindPartition/ansi-terminal - ANSI terminal support for Haskell, with Windows compatibility
- neurocyte/android-haskell-activity - An example of an Android Activity written in Haskell
- eskimor/purescript-bridge - Create PureScript datatypes from Haskell datatypes
- typedbyte/switch - A library for interacting with Nintendo Switch controllers, written in Haskell.
- Soostone/hadron - Construct and run Hadoop MapReduce programs in Haskell
- mgsloan/store - Fast binary serialization in Haskell
- JakeWheat/hssqlppp - SQL parser and type checker in Haskell
- hadronized/luminance - Type-safe, type-level and stateless Haskell graphics framework
- ChrisPenner/eve - An extensible event-driven application framework in haskell
- cachix/elm2nix - Convert Elm project into Nix expressions
- drummyfish/haskell_game - Wolfenstein 3D, ray-casting FPS game I make to learn Haskell. No libraries used, rendering is done in terminal.
- sdiehl/repline - Haskeline wrapper for GHCi-like REPL interfaces
- meiersi/blaze-react - A blaze-html style ReactJS binding for Haskell using GHCJS
- marcosh/crem - Compositional Representable Executable Machines
- fizruk/telegram-bot-simple - Easy to use library for building Telegram bots in Haskell.
- cronokirby/haze - A bittorrent client, for learning purposes
- acowley/roshask - Haskell client library for the ROS robotics framework.
- y-taka-23/thank-you-stars - Give your dependencies stars on GitHub! 🌟
- rrnewton/haskell-lockfree - A collection of different packages for CAS based data structures.
- matthewbauer/ghc-nix - Exploring the options for incremental Haskell builds using Nix
- jdreaver/eventful - Event Sourcing library for Haskell
- haskell/binary - Efficient, pure binary serialisation using ByteStrings in Haskell.
- commercialhaskell/stackage-server - Server for stable, curated Haskell package sets
- aelve/guide - A workspace for research teams
- ZHaskell/stdio - Haskell Standard Input and Output
- gonimo/gonimo - gonimo application back & front
- xmonad/X11 - A Haskell binding to the X11 graphics library.
- smallhadroncollider/ascii-runner - An infinite runner in your terminal
- serokell/importify - 👾 Importi.fy — it's like Uber, but for Haskell modules.
- re-xyr/cleff - Fast and concise extensible effects
- monadicsystems/okapi - A data-driven micro web framework for Haskell
- commandodev/oHm - Om with Haskell in it
- bos/llvm - Haskell bindings to the LLVM compiler infrastructure project.
- pasqu4le/clifm - Command Line Interface File Manager
- travitch/datalog - A pure Haskell implementation of Datalog
- tfausak/github-release - Upload files to GitHub releases.
- m4dc4p/haskelldb - A library for building re-usable and composable SQL queries.
- japiirainen/fp - A small, weird and unpractical programming language.
- ekmett/reflection - Reifies arbitrary Haskell terms into types that can be reflected back into terms
- composewell/streaming-benchmarks - Benchmarks to compare Haskell streaming library performance
- clckwrks/clckwrks - A Haskell CMS platform
- stackbuilders/hapistrano - Deploy tool for Haskell applications, like Capistrano for Rails
- lspitzner/exference - Haskell tool to generate expressions from types
- lexi-lambda/higher-rank - A small Haskell implementation of Complete and Easy Bidirectional Typechecking for Higher-Rank Polymorphism
- leopiney/tensor-safe - A Haskell framework to define valid deep learning models and export them to other frameworks like TensorFlow JS or Keras.
- haskellfoundation/error-message-index - A community-driven collection of documentation for Haskell error messages and warnings
- freeman42x/haskell-editor-setup - Easy instructions for setting up Haskell editors / IDEs on any major operating system.
- kowainik/typerep-map - ⚡️Efficient implementation of Map with types as keys
- dhall-lang/dhall-to-cabal - Compile Dhall expressions to Cabal files
- alexandersgreen/qio-haskell - The Quantum IO Monad, implemented in Haskell
- talw/crisp-compiler - A compiler for Crisp (Lisp/Scheme-inspired language) in Haskell, with an LLVM backend
- stepchowfun/effects - A brief exploration of the various approaches to modeling side effects in a purely functional programming language.
- snapframework/io-streams - Simple, composable, and easy-to-use stream I/O for Haskell
- kosmikus/lhs2tex - Preprocessor for typesetting Haskell sources with LaTeX
- JustusAdam/mustache - Haskell implementation of mustache templates
- hercules-ci/hercules-ci-agent - https://hercules-ci.com build and deployment agent
- hdevtools/hdevtools - Persistent GHC-powered background server for FAST haskell development tools
- google/haskell-indexer - Emits code crossreference data for Haskell sources.
- dorchard/effect-monad - Provides 'graded monads' and 'parameterised monads' to Haskell, enabling fine-grained reasoning about effects.
- haskell/stm - Software Transactional Memory
- blarney-lang/blarney - Haskell library for hardware description
- ZHaskell/z-io - IO lib for haskell
- sol/tinc - A dependency manager for Haskell
- rubik/argon - Monitor cyclomatic complexity in Haskell programs
- jonascarpay/calligraphy - haskell source code visualizer
- haskell/win32 - Haskell support for the Win32 API
- google/mlir-hs - Haskell bindings for MLIR
- lymar/hastache - Haskell implementation of Mustache template
- haskell-cryptography/cacophony - A Haskell library implementing the Noise protocol.
- RKlompUU/FPSheet - FPSheet: A Spreadsheet program with Haskell as the scripting language
- owickstrom/motor - Type-safe effectful state machines in Haskell
- nandor/hcraft - Haskell clone of a certain game
- JustusAdam/language-haskell - Highlighting support for the Haskell language in visual studio code.
- goldfirere/units - The home of the units Haskell package
- dmvianna/haskellbook - Exercise solutions for haskellbook.com
- alphaHeavy/protobuf - An implementation of Google's Protocol Buffers in Haskell.
- sealchain-project/sealchain - Financial blockchain based on cardano-sl
- ndmitchell/extra - Extra Haskell functions
- haskell-waargonaut/waargonaut - JSON decoding/encoding/manipulation library.
- dwayne/haskell-programming - My notes and solutions to exercises for the book "Haskell Programming from first principles".
- dustin/gopro - Tools for making the most out of GoPro Plus.
- albertoruiz/easyVision - Haskell packages for computer vision, image processing, and pattern recognition
- 5outh/Bang - A Drum Machine DSL for Haskell
- zjhmale/Ntha - The Ntha Programming Language
- zenhack/haskell-capnp - Cap'n Proto for Haskell
- willdonnelly/dyre - A Dynamic Reconfiguration Library for Haskell Programs
- tanakh/Peggy - The Parser Generator for Haskell
- psibi/tldr-hs - Haskell tldr client
- haskell-haskey/haskey - Transactional key-value store written entirely in Haskell
- ekmett/gl - Complete raw OpenGL bindings for Haskell
- AtnNn/haskell-rethinkdb - RethinkDB client library for Haskell
- 2016rshah/heckle - ✒️ Jekyll in Haskell (feat. LaTeX)
- snowdriftcoop/snowdrift - Infrastructure for Snowdrift.coop. This is a MIRROR of https://gitlab.com/snowdrift/snowdrift. Your issue reports and merge requests are welcome, but they will be moved to gitlab.com. You are encouraged to start there instead!
- snapframework/heist - An xhtml-based templating engine, allowing Haskell functions to be bound to XML tags.
- monadfix/named - Named parameters (keyword arguments) for Haskell
- lettier/parsing-with-haskell-parser-combinators - 🔍 A step-by-step guide to parsing using Haskell parser combinators.
- lazamar/haskell-docs-cli - Browse Hackage from the terminal
- jspahrsummers/ObjectiveHaskell - Tools for making it easier to integrate Haskell and Objective-C.
- fpco/weigh - Measure allocations of a Haskell functions/values
- adamwalker/sdr - Software defined radio library in Haskell
- snoyberg/file-embed - Use Template Haskell to embed file contents directly.
- ndmitchell/cmdargs - Haskell library for command line argument processing
- kazu-yamamoto/quic - IETF QUIC library in Haskell
- hspec/hspec-example - A Haskell/Hspec skeleton project
- haskellnews/haskellnews - An aggregation of all online content related to Haskell.
- google/ghc-source-gen - Library for generating Haskell source files and code fragments.
- Gabriella439/Haskell-Annah-Library - Distributed programming language that desugars to Morte
- vincenthz/hs-gauge - Lean Haskell Benchmarking
- MichaelBurge/haskoin - Proof-of-concept Blockchain in Haskell
- I3ck/HGE2D - 2D game engine written in Haskell
- haskell-game/fungen - A lightweight, cross-platform, OpenGL-based 2D game engine in Haskell
- hailstorm-hs/hailstorm - Haskell distributed stream processing with exactly-once semantics
- YPares/porcupine - Express parametrable, composable and portable data pipelines
- tbarnetlamb/hyphen - hyphen - access Haskell modules from Python
- ShabbyX/libpandoc - C bindings to Pandoc, a markup converter library written in Haskell.
- rumblesan/improviz - DEPRECATED: A live-coded visual performance tool
- pa-ba/compdata - Haskell library implementing "Data Types a la Carte"
- mvaldesdeleon/haskell-book - Exercises and code from "Haskell Programming from First Principles"
- gregorulm/h2048 - An implementation of the game 2048 in Haskell
- cyga/real-world-haskell - parser for code samples from the book "real world haskell" (http://book.realworldhaskell.org/read/)
- abooij/sudbury - Haskell implementation of the wayland protocol
- rmehri01/thock - ⌨️ A modern TUI typing game featuring online racing against friends.
- ocramz/sparse-linear-algebra - Numerical computation in native Haskell
- Holmusk/elm-street - 🌳 Crossing the road between Haskell and Elm
- haskellari/postgresql-simple - Mid-level client library for accessing PostgreSQL from Haskell
- Euterpea/HSoM - Supporting Impelementation for Haskell School of Music
- effectfully-ou/haskell-challenges - Code challenges to solve with Haskell
- chris-taylor/Classical-Mechanics - Haskell toolbox for research and teaching in classical mechanics. Includes modules for symbolic algebra and automatic differentiation.
- Bodigrim/linear-builder - Strict Text and ByteString builder, which hides mutable buffer behind linear types and takes amortized linear time.
- bawolk/hsp - Haskell command line text stream processor
- sellout/yaya - Yet another yet another recursion scheme library in Haskell.
- qnikst/HaskellNet - Haskell library which provides client support for POP3, SMTP, and IMAP protocols.
- haskell-nix/hnix-store - Haskell implementation of the Nix store
- haskell-hvr/missingh - Utility library [Haskell]
- dpp/LispHaskellIPad - An iPad app that's a Lisp interpretter... written in Haskell (heh heh heh)
- ChrisPenner/Firefly - Simple Haskell http framework
- Lysxia/first-class-families - First-class type families
- lambdacube3d/lambdacube-compiler - LambdaCube 3D is a Haskell-like purely functional language for GPU. Try it out:
- alsonkemp/turbinado - MVC Web Framework for Haskell. See http://github.com/turbinado/turbinado-website for example code
- TomSmeets/FractalArt - Generate colorful wallpapers!
- mvr/at - Effective Algebraic Topology in Haskell
- andys8/git-brunch - Git branch checkout menu
- ameingast/postgresql-simple-migration - PostgreSQL Schema Migrations for Haskell
- ahushh/monaba - Imageboard engine written in Haskell and powered by Yesod
- abarbu/matplotlib-haskell - Haskell bindings for Python's Matplotlib
- seanhess/hyperbole - Haskell interactive serverside web framework inspired by HTMX
- ocharles/what-it-do - Automatically trace all (showable) binds in do expressions
- ice1000/Kt2Dart - 🔦 [Deprecated] Transpile Kotlin codes into Dart, Make Flutter Great Again
- fimad/prometheus-haskell - Haskell client library for exposing prometheus.io metrics.
- dnikolovv/practical-haskell - A collection of Practical Haskell bits.
- danielwaterworth/siege - [DEPRECATED] A DBMS written in Haskell
- blackhole89/macros - A more powerful C/C++ preprocessor.
- algas/haskell-servant-cookbook - Haskell Servant Cookbook
- agrafix/funblog - A simple blog software written in Haskell
- nikita-volkov/jsonifier - Fast and simple JSON encoding toolkit
- nh2/haskell-cpu-instruction-counter - Measuring CPU instructions in Haskell using Linux Performance Counters
- ifesdjeen/haskell-ffi-tutorial - A (missing) Haskell FFI tutorial: how to work with nested Structs and do bi-directional C<->Haskell interop
- haskell-works/avro - Haskell Avro Encoding and Decoding Native Support (no RPC)
- ekmett/linear-logic - They see me rollin'. They're Heyting. -- Chamillionaire, 2005
- ChrisPenner/json-to-haskell - In goes JSON, out comes a complete Haskell model complete with instances! CLI and web interface available.
- bolt12/laop - Linear Algebra of Programming - Algebraic Matrices in Haskell
- agrafix/superrecord - Haskell: Supercharged anonymous records
- zmactep/hasbolt - Haskell driver for Neo4j 3+ (BOLT protocol)
- thephoeron/quipper-language - Quipper: embedded, scalable functional programming language for quantum computing (unofficial fork)
- mark-watson/haskell_tutorial_cookbook_examples - Code samples for my book "Haskell Tutorial and Cookbook"
- jcollard/unm-hip - The University of New Mexico's Haskell Image Processing Library
- JakeWheat/simple-sql-parser - SQL parser in Haskell
- HeinrichApfelmus/operational - Implement monads by specifying instructions and their desired operational semantics.
- ezyang/compact - Compact regions library for Haskell
- bkirwi/ethereum-haskell - An independent reimplementation of Ethereum in Haskell
- awkward-squad/ki - A structured concurrency library
- xnning/EvEff - Efficient Haskell effect handlers based on evidence translation.
- reflex-frp/reflex-examples - See Reflex FRP in action with tinker-friendly code samples you can run yourself.
- phadej/cabal-extras - A tool suite to aid Haskell development using
- Nike-Inc/bartlett - A simple Jenkins command line client to serve your needs.
- mrkkrp/zip - Efficient library for manipulating zip archives
- Lysxia/generic-random - Generic random generators
- llvm-hs/llvm-hs-kaleidoscope - Kaleidoscope Tutorial using llvm-hs
- iu-parfunc/lvars - The LVish Haskell library
- hpdeifel/hledger-iadd - A terminal UI as drop-in replacement for hledger add.
- HaskellZhangSong/Introduction_to_Haskell_2ed_source - 这是Haskell函数式编程入门第2版的源码
- haskell-jp/makeMistakesToLearnHaskell - Make Mistakes to Learn Haskell - 失敗しながら学ぶHaskell入門
- Gabriella439/Haskell-Lens-Tutorial-Library - The missing tutorial module for the lens library
- bitc/lushtags - Create ctags compatible tags files for Haskell programs
- awakesecurity/proto3-suite - Haskell Protobuf Implementation
- vehicle-lang/vehicle - A toolkit for enforcing logical specifications on neural networks
- sol/aeson-qq - JSON quasiquoter for Haskell
- k-bx/protocol-buffers - Haskell protocol-buffers package
- gshen42/HasChor - Functional choreographic programming in Haskell
- felixmulder/haskell-in-production - Companion to the Haskell in Production series
- Bodigrim/tasty-bench - Featherlight benchmark framework, drop-in replacement for criterion and gauge.
- aviaviavi/cryptocompare - Haskell wrapper for the CryptoCompare API - No longer maintained, ping me if you'd like to take over
- Anut-py/h-raylib - Haskell bindings for raylib
- sdiehl/zurihac-crypto - Small minimal examples of modern cryptographic techniques in Haskell
- jwiegley/control-theory - Control theory in Haskell: Data structures, algorithms and adapters
- jfeltz/dash-haskell - dash docset builder for Haskell packages and cabal project dependencies
- hlian/linklater - A Haskell library for the Slack API (including real-time messaging!)
- haskell-github-trust/replace-megaparsec - Stream editing with Haskell Megaparsec parsers
- crabmusket/haskell-simple-concurrency - Small examples of concurrency in Haskell.
- zhangchiqing/beginner-friendly-haskell-for-web-development - A book about real world web development in beginner friendly Haskell
- YoEight/eventstore - EventStore Haskell TCP Client
- well-typed/unfolder - Repository with code snippets that accompany episodes of The Haskell Unfolder
- alevy/postgresql-orm - An Haskell ORM (Object Relational Mapping) and migrations DSL for PostgreSQL.
- tfausak/rampart - 🏰 Determine how intervals relate to each other.
- TerenceNg03/mueval - A secure sandboxed Haskell interpreter for pure function evaluation
- tdammers/ginger - A Haskell implementation of the Jinja template language.
- smart-chain-fr/tokenomia - Tokenomia is built for the Cardashift ICO, it aims to simplify the use of Native Tokens and Smart Contracts above the Cardano Platform. Cardashift is a community-driven startup platform that raises funds, builds and accelerates startups that solve social and environmental problems.
- nominolo/lambdachine - VM and tracing JIT for Haskell (work in progress)
- kowainik/hit-on - Kowainik Git Workflow Helper Tool
- jwiegley/putting-lenses-to-work - A presentation for BayHac 2017 on how I uses lenses at work
- jasonstolaruk/CurryMUD - A Multi-User Dungeon server in Haskell.
- ekmett/comonad - Haskell 98 comonads
- tmcdonell/cuda - Haskell FFI bindings to CUDA
- thumphries/hgrep - Search Haskell source code from the command line
- robstewart57/rdf4h - rdf4h is a library for working with RDF in Haskell
- jvranish/MiniKanrenT - An implementation of miniKanren in Haskell
- jaredloomis/andromeda - OpenGL-based rendering engine with embedded language that compiles to GLSL.
- intolerable/reddit - reddit api for haskell
- Haskell-Things/HSlice - HSlice - A Haskell based slicer for 3D printing.
- elaforge/fast-tags - Incremental vi and emacs tags for haskell.
- denibertovic/docker-hs - A Haskell library for the Docker Engine API
- alt-romes/hegg - Fast equality saturation in Haskell
- saurabhnanda/odd-jobs - Haskell job queue with admin UI and loads of other features.
- rudymatela/fitspec - refine properties for testing Haskell programs
- NoRedInk/haskell-libraries - Libraries we use at NoRedInk
- ndmitchell/uniplate - Haskell library for simple, concise and fast generic operations.
- jhickner/smtp-mail - Making it easy to send SMTP email from Haskell
- barbuz/Husk - Functional golfing language inspired by Haskell.
- tfausak/witch - 🧙♀️ Convert values from one type into another.
- randomthought/xmonad-config - xmonad config
- mchakravarty/lazy-lambda - Lazy Lambda — a Flappy Bird clone in Haskell with SpriteKit
- kowainik/prolens - 👓 Profunctor based lightweight implementation of Lenses
- eldr-io/hastl - Production ready, modern web-application starter template using haskell and htmx
- dstcruz/Write-Yourself-A-Scheme-In-48-Hours - My solutions to the popular Haskell tutorial
- chshersh/dr-cabal - 📊 Haskell dependencies build times profiler
- xtendo-org/chips - A fast, lightweight, and concurrent plugin manager for the fish shell, written in Haskell
- mmirman/ImperativeHaskell - Proof that Haskell can look and act like an imperative language.
- isovector/suavemente - 💃 an applicative functor that seamlessly talks to HTML inputs
- ekmett/contravariant - Haskell 98 contravariant functors
- cdepillabout/servant-checked-exceptions - type-level errors for Servant APIs.
- basvandijk/scientific - Arbitrary-precision floating-point numbers represented using scientific notation
- turtlesoupy/haskakafka - Kafka bindings for Haskell
- ryukinix/discrete-mathematics - A computational way to study discrete mathematics using Haskell
- robrix/starlight - spaceships in space
- lvm/tidal-drum-patterns - TidalCycles / Haskell modules of drum patterns.
- LeventErkok/hArduino - Control your Arduino board from Haskell, using the Firmata protocol
- ku-fpg/blank-canvas - A Haskell API into HTML5 Canvas
- JeanHuguesdeRaigniac/effects-landscape - Effects libraries in Haskell
- hauxir/haskell-tetris - Tetris game written in Haskell using ncurses
- colah/HaskSymb - An Experiment in Haskell Symbolic Algebra
- balsoft/lambda-launcher - Application launcher in haskell. Mostly Just For Fun.
- vmchale/command-line-tweeter - Tweets in from a pipe
- siraben/mini-haskell - A self-hosting mini Haskell compiler with a mini C runtime.
- llvm-hs/llvm-hs-examples - Examples for Haskell bindings to LLVM
- kowainik/smuggler - 🚣 Smuggle all imports
- iand675/hs-opentelemetry - OpenTelemetry support for the Haskell programming language
- cjdev2/monad-mock - A Haskell package that provides a monad transformer for mocking mtl-style typeclasses
- bsl/GLFW-b - Haskell bindings to GLFW
- anton-k/mig - Lightweight and composable servers for Haskell
- sol/reserve - Universal and robust reloading for Haskell web applications
- snoyberg/xml - Various XML utility packages for Haskell
- ncaq/dic-nico-intersection-pixiv - ニコニコ大百科とピクシブ百科事典の共通部分のIME辞書
- mroman42/mikrokosmos - (λ) Educational lambda calculus interpreter
- kowainik/shellmet - 🐚 Out of the shell solution for scripting in Haskell
- jdreaver/amy - Strict Haskell-like programming language that compiles to LLVM
- i-am-tom/learn-me-a-haskell - Trying to get back all the stuff I had in JavaScript.
- haskellfoundation/tech-proposals - The Haskell Foundation Tech Proposal Process
- ekmett/profunctors - Haskell 98 Profunctors
- anton-k/processing-for-haskell - Graphics for kids and artists. Processing implemented in Haskell
- alanz/ghc-exactprint - GHC version of haskell-src-exts exactPrint
- abhin4v/hastatic - hastatic is a tiny static content web server for Docker
- wyager/Example-Distributed-App - An example distributed systems application in Haskell using Cloud Haskell
- TOTBWF/refinery - ⛏️ A refinement proof framework for haskell
- tfausak/wuss - 🔒 Secure WebSocket (WSS) clients in Haskell.
- stevana/property-based-testing-stateful-systems-tutorial - A tutorial about how to apply property-based testing to stateful systems.
- qmuli/qmuli - Qmuli - Serverless framework for Haskell
- politrons/Dive_into_Haskell - Dive into Haskell: Examples of all features of this Pure Functional programing language
- podenv/podenv - a container wrapper
- Paczesiowa/virthualenv - Virtual Haskell Environment builder
- kowainik/policeman - 👮 Haskell PVP adviser
- IFCA-Advanced-Computing/opencl - Haskell high-level wrapper for OpenCL
- iand675/haskell-checklist - Preflight checklist for Haskell code. Aspire to greatness!
- haskell/pretty - Haskell Pretty-printer library
- alexmingoia/twain - Tiny web application framework for WAI.
- transient-haskell/axiom - Client-side and server-side web framework over Transient and GHCJS (Haskell to JavaScript compiler)
- tonyday567/numhask - A haskell numeric prelude, providing a clean structure for numbers and operations that combine them.
- raaz-crypto/raaz - Cryptographic library for Haskell
- mrkkrp/modern-uri - Modern library for working with URIs
- lambdacube3d/lambdacube-quake3 - Quake 3 map viewer in Haskell using LambdaCube 3D
- jekor/hesh - Haskell Extensible Shell
- codedownio/sandwich - Yet another test framework for Haskell.
- vincenthz/language-java - Java parser and printer for haskell
- takenobu-hs/haskell-ethereum-assembly - EVM (Ethereum virtual machine) Assembly on Haskell DSL
- rickeyski/slack-api - Haskell bindings to the Slack RTM API
- puffnfresh/sonic2 - Sonic the Hedgehog 2 in Haskell
- poor-a/erlang-ffi - A Foreign Function Interface that lets Haskell and Erlang programs communicate.
- lukasmartinelli/hwk - A Haskell based awk and sed alternative
- kazu-yamamoto/hhp - Happy Haskell Programming
- HaskellZhangSong/Introduction_to_Haskell - This is source code of my book.
- cpennington/h4sh - Fork of Don Stewarts h4sh haskell shell scripts
- chiroptical/declarative-programming-streams - Active streaming declarative programmers. See who's online at the following URL:
- bitc/hs-term-emulator - Terminal Emulator written in 100% Haskell
- vincenthz/hs-git - git protocol and storage in pure haskell
- vaibhavsagar/duffer - A git-compatible content tracker in Haskell.
- typedbyte/hagato - Haskell Gamedev Toolkit, a library for developing games from scratch.
- sebastiaanvisser/fclabels - First class composable record labels for Haskell.
- kowainik/validation-selective - 💂♂️ Lightweight pure validation based on Applicative and Selective functors
- kowainik/colourista - ️🌈 Convenient interface for printing colourful messages
- kim/leveldb-haskell - Haskell bindings to LevelDB (https://github.com/google/leveldb)
- itchyny/miv - Vim plugin manager written in Haskell
- haskell-lisp/liskell - Haskell Semantics with Lisp Syntax
- haskell/filepath - Haskell FilePath core library
- guibou/PyF - Haskell QuasiQuoter for String Formatting
- geniusyield/atlas - Application backend for Plutus smart contracts on Cardano
- elaforge/karya - music sequencer and generalized notation
- dorchard/type-level-sets - Type-level sets for Haskell (with value-level counterparts and various operations)
- crufter/haquery - jQuery for Haskell
- Bodigrim/poly - Fast polynomial arithmetic in Haskell (dense and sparse, univariate and multivariate, usual and Laurent)
- bendyworks/api-server - A JSON API server written in Haskell
- AtifChy/xmonad - my Xmonad configuration
- asivitz/Hickory - Tools for building 3D interactive programs in Haskell
- acowley/ffmpeg-light - Minimal Haskell bindings to the FFmpeg library
- stackbuilders/dotenv-hs - Load environment variables from dotenv files for Haskell
- spl/dlist - Difference lists in Haskell
- paulrzcz/hquantlib - HQuantLib, financial math in Haskell
- ethercrow/opentelemetry-haskell - The OpenTelemetry Haskell Client https://opentelemetry.io
- ocharles/effect-zoo - Comparing Haskell effect systems for ergonomics and speed
- HeinrichApfelmus/frp-guides - A collection of tutorials, guidelines, examples, patterns and half-baked ideas on functional reactive programming (FRP).
- ff-notes/ron - Haskell implementation of RON and RON-RDT
- dhall-lang/dhall-json - This repository has moved to https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-haskell/tree/master/dhall-json
- basvandijk/nixtodo - A demonstration on how to use Nix to build, test and deploy a Haskell application
- judah/haskeline - A Haskell library for line input in command-line programs.
- kolmodin/binary - Efficient, pure binary serialisation using ByteStrings in Haskell.
- ocharles/assert-explainer - Py.test style assertions in Haskell
- haskell-hvr/hslogger - Logging framework for Haskell
- fosskers/aura - A multilingual package manager for Arch Linux and the AUR.
- Haskell-Things/ImplicitCAD - A math-inspired CAD program in haskell. CSG, bevels, and shells; 2D & 3D geometry; 2D gcode generation...
- cjdev/monad-mock - A Haskell package that provides a monad transformer for mocking mtl-style typeclasses
- input-output-hk/hydra - Implementation of the Hydra Head protocol
- gvolpe/shopping-cart-haskell - 💎 Haskell version of the Shopping Cart application developed in the book "Practical FP in Scala: A hands-on approach"
- Gabriella439/Haskell-Errors-Library - Type-safe error handling
- postgres-haskell/postgres-wire - A native Haskell driver for PostgreSQL
- ivan-m/graphviz - Haskell bindings to the Graphviz toolkit
- yamadapc/haskell-ascii-progress - A simple Haskell progress bar for the console. Heavily borrows from TJ Holowaychuk's Node.JS project
- tfausak/hairy - 💇 A JSON REST API built in Haskell.
- jaseemabid/Olifant - A simple programming language targeting LLVM
- IxpertaSolutions/freer-effects - An implementation of "Freer Monads, More Extensible Effects".
- chrisdone/jl - Functional sed for JSON
- chrisdone/vado - A demo web browser engine written in Haskell
- chrisdone/duet - A tiny language, a subset of Haskell aimed at aiding teachers teach Haskell
- chrisdone/tryhaskell - Try Haskell
- chrisdone/dynamic - Dynamic typing in Haskell
- snoyberg/haskellers - haskellers.com site
- chrisdone/hulk - Haskell IRC daemon.
- fpco/stackage-server - Server for stable, curated Haskell package sets
- huangz1990/real-world-haskell-cn - 《Real World Haskell》中文翻译项目
- feramhq/Perspec - Scriptable desktop app to correct the perspective of images
- serokell/nixfmt - A formatter for Nix code
- jaspervdj/psqueues - Priority Search Queues in three different flavors for Haskell
- achirkin/vulkan - Low-level low-overhead haskell bindings to vulkan API
- phaazon/luminance - Type-safe, type-level and stateless Haskell graphics framework
- roman/Haskell-capataz - OTP-like supervision trees in Haskell
- owainlewis/http-dispatch - A high level HTTP client for Haskell that focuses on ease of use
- ekmett/structures - A playground for working on advanced data structures in Haskell
- Chase-C/Flocking-Simulation - A 3D Boids-like flocking simulation coded in Haskell.
- bydriv/mhc - Minimal Haskell Compiler
- hslua/hslua - Haskell bindings to Lua, an embeddable scripting language.
- sleexyz/hylogen - GLSL embedded in Haskell
- rnons/ted2srt - Download bilingual subtitles of TED talks
- Frost-Lord/HaskMate - HaskMate is a Haskell-based project monitoring and automation tool designed to continuously watches for changes in your Haskell source files and automatically triggers a rebuild and re-execution of the project whenever a modification is detected.
- osener/markup.rocks - Pandoc based document editor and converter in your browser.
- kowainik/treap - 🍃 🌳 🍂 Efficient implementation of the implicit treap data structure
- kazu-yamamoto/dns - DNS libary in Haskell
- Gabriella439/Haskell-MVC-Library - Model-view-controller
- wasp-lang/wasp - The fastest way to develop full-stack web apps with React & Node.js.
- alpacaaa/zero-bullshit-haskell - Learn Haskell, without the bullshit.
- mtolly/onyxite-customs - Toolkit for converting and building songs for Rock Band, Guitar Hero, Clone Hero, and other similar rhythm games
- IFCA/opencl - Haskell high-level wrapper for OpenCL
- serras/lambdaconf-2015-web - Projects for LambdaConf 2015 Haskell web workshop
- bgamari/ghc-debug - Moved to Haskell.org GitLab.
- gw000/wisp - small-but-featureful embeddable lisp interpreter written in haskell.
- aspiwack/porcupine - Express parametrable, composable and portable data pipelines
- razvan-flavius-panda/haskell-editor-setup - Easy instructions for setting up Haskell editors / IDEs on any major operating system.
- gwern/mueval - A secure sandboxed Haskell interpreter for pure function evaluation
- nponeccop/HNC - HN Compiler
- haskell-tls/hs-certificate - Certificate and Key Reader/Writer in haskell
- blitzcode/hackage-diff - Compare the public API of different versions of a Hackage library
- ConsenSys/constellation - Peer-to-peer encrypted message exchange
- input-output-hk/nix-tools - Translate Cabals Generic Package Description to a Nix expression
- fizruk/rzk - An experimental proof assistant based on a type theory for synthetic ∞-categories.
- ed-o-saurus/PLHaskell - A Haskell extension for PostgreSQL that allows embedded Haskell code.
- ekmett/semigroups - Haskell 98 semigroups
- zepto-lang/zepto - A schemy Lisp backed by Haskell
- migamake/homplexity - Haskell code complexity and quality measurement
- CGenie/haskell-snake - Snake game implemetation in Haskell using SDL2
- jamesdbrock/replace-megaparsec - Stream editing with Haskell Megaparsec parsers
- nh2/haskell-from-python - Example how to call Haskell from Python easily (using ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary)
- killy971/hpc-coveralls - coveralls.io support for haskell code coverage with hpc
- kallisti-dev/hs-webdriver - A Haskell client for the Selenium WebDriver protocol.
- agda/agda2hs - Compiling Agda code to readable Haskell
- guardians-of-life/haskell-editor-setup - Easy instructions for setting up Haskell editors / IDEs on any major operating system.
- kowainik/membrain - 🧠 Type-safe memory units
- kowainik/issue-wanted - 🏷 Web application to help beginners to start contributing into Haskell projects
- tibbe/hyena - A Haskell web application server.
- ocramz/aeson-schema - Haskell JSON schema validator and parser generator
- kowainik/eio - 🎯 IO with Exceptions tracked on the type-level
- coinmetrics/haskell-tools - Tools for exporting blockchain data to analytical databases
- vincenthz/hs-connection - simple client connection library in haskell with builtin features: SSL/TLS, SOCKS, session management.
- tmcgilchrist/postgresql-transactional - Transactional monadic actions on top of PostgreSQL.
- Quid2/flat - Principled and efficient binary serialization
- NinjaTrappeur/ex-hack - Example-based Haskell Documentation Engine
- mrkkrp/ghc-syntax-highlighter - Syntax highlighter for Haskell using the lexer of GHC
- djv/VisualProf - http://www.reddit.com/r/haskell/comments/cr15z/visualprof_profiles_your_haskell_program_and/?sort=hot
- TiltMeSenpai/Discord.hs - Have you heard of our lord and savior Haskell?
- mstksg/tensor-ops - Type-safe tensor manipulation operations in Haskell with tensorflow-style automatic differentiation
- seanhess/robotquest - RobotQuest is a MMO, programming game. Instead of playing RobotQuest directly, you write a program that plays it for you. Your program communicates with the game server API over HTTP by sending and receiving JSON messages. Written in HTML, Haskell, with MongoDB
- pietervdvn/Haskell - Introduction to haskell
- hasura/graphql-parser-hs - A GraphQL query parser for Haskell
- haskell-opengl/GLUT - Haskell bindings to GLUT
- EmaApps/emanote - Emanate a structured view of your plain-text notes
- EmaApps/ema - Haskell static site generator that is change-aware
- jules-hedges/open-games-hs - Haskell implementation of open games
- rnons/shadowsocks-haskell - shadowsocks in haskell
- input-output-hk/hydra-poc - Proof of concept for the Hydra Head protocol 👷
- chetant/LibClang - Haskell FFI to libclang
- haskell-hvr/uuid - A Haskell library for creating, printing and parsing UUIDs
- unrelentingtech/magicbane - A web framework that integrates Servant, EKG, fast-logger, wai-cli…
- fortytools/holumbus - A Haskell library which provides the basic building blocks for creating powerful indexing and search applications.
- tomahawkins/improve - An imperative programming language in Haskell for high assurance embedded applications. ImProve programs are verified with model checking. ImProve compiles to C and Simulink.
- mrkkrp/facts - Refined types
- geekrelief/as3tohaxe - An Actionscript 3 to haXe source converter written in Haskell
- Erdwolf/prolog - A prolog interpreter written in Haskell.
- hasura/graphql-engine - Blazing fast, instant realtime GraphQL APIs on your DB with fine grained access control, also trigger webhooks on database events.
- Gabriella439/Haskell-Pipes-Library - Compositional pipelines
- Gabriella439/Haskell-Optparse-Generic-Library - Auto-generate a command-line parser for your datatype
- Gabriella439/Haskell-List-Transformer-Library - List monad transformer
- skogsbaer/hscurses - ncurses binding for Haskell
- basvandijk/monad-control - Lift control operations, like exception catching, through monad transformers
- tidalcycles/Tidal - Pattern language
- Gabriel439/turtle - Shell programming, Haskell style
- Gabriel439/Haskell-Pipes-Library - Compositional pipelines
- phadej/github - The github API for Haskell
- Gabriel439/Haskell-Morte-Library - A bare-bones calculus-of-constructions
- anoma/juvix - Juvix empowers developers to write code in a high-level, functional language, compile it to gas-efficient output VM instructions, and formally verify the safety of their contracts prior to deployment and execution.
- tweag/monad-bayes - A library for probabilistic programming in Haskell.
- monadfix/microlens - A lightweight (but compatible with ‘lens’) lenses library
- helium/airship - Helium + Webmachine = Airship. A toolkit for building declarative, RESTful web apps.
- Gabriel439/Haskell-Optparse-Generic-Library - Auto-generate a command-line parser for your datatype
- aquarial/discord-haskell - Haskell library for writing Discord bots
- Gabriel439/Haskell-Typed-Spreadsheet-Library - Typed and composable spreadsheets
- freckle/stratosphere - Haskell EDSL and type-checker for AWS CloudFormation templates
- eashanhatti/konna - A fast functional language based on two level type theory
- Gabriel439/Haskell-Foldl-Library - Composable, streaming, and efficient left folds
- raxod502/kalyn - ⚗️ Self-hosting compiler from a Haskell-like Lisp directly to x86-64, from scratch.
- Gabriel439/Haskell-Annah-Library - Distributed programming language that desugars to Morte
- Gabriel439/Haskell-Lens-Tutorial-Library - The missing tutorial module for the lens library
- tweag/porcupine - Express parametrable, composable and portable data pipelines
- ocharles/ghc-nix - Exploring the options for incremental Haskell builds using Nix
- Gabriel439/Haskell-MVC-Library - Model-view-controller
- Gabriel439/Haskell-Errors-Library - Type-safe error handling
- giovanifss/Dumb - Dumain Bruteforcer - a fast and flexible domain bruteforcer
- pkamenarsky/concur-static - Generate semi-dynamic UIs with Concur
- moonmaster9000/bird - A sinatra-ish framework written in haskell, riding on top of Hack
- davean/waldo - A small Haskell server for generating visual stories based on some ascertainable data about the requester.