Convert database to Dictan(zd/fdb/dsl) and GoldenDict(dsl) format
- Index by pinyin (汉语拼音)
- Index by traditional characters (繁體字)
- Show traditional variant where appropriate
- Examples injected into correspondent articles
- Abbreviations added
Dictan version is combined: RU->ZH and ZH->RU versions in single file.
GoldenDict version contains two separate dictionaries: RU->ZH (with pinyin, traditional index and examples) and ZH->RU.
- Install Node.js
- git clone
- cd bkrs
- npm install --production
Download current BKRS sources (*_yymmdd.gz files, see bottom of page)
or just say
node lib/fetch
;-) -
Put them into src folder
npm start [--tags=format]
See sources for makezd in src folder
Feed src/articles.txt to makezd or Dictan converter.
Command npm start --tags=dsl
will generate DSL formatted sources,
so feed it to new Dictan converter.
In addition src/*.dsl are good for GoldenDict.
This converter runs every night with fresh BKRS sources. Generated files are:
- bkrs.zd - for Dictan
- (mirror) - for GoldenDict
- (mirror) - for GoldenDict on Android (packed with dictzip)
- npm install
- npm test