Kuriimu is a general purpose game translation project manager and toolkit for authors of fan translations and game mods.
- Kontract - The main API host for all interfaces and base classes. Defines interfaces like ITextAdapter, IFontAdapter, ILoadFiles, etc...
- Komponent - A series of tools used by plugins, Kore and sometimes the UI, contains BinaryReader/WriterX and a bunch of other utility classes and helpers.
- Kanvas - The image library. Handles all things images, ETC1/A4, DXT, PVRTC, ATC, IndexedColor, etc...
- Kryptography - Contains all compression, encryption, and hashing classes.
- Kore - The main API that the UI and eventual CLI uses to load plugins and do all Plugin-bound functions. Batch import/export and other functions.
- Kuriimu2 - The WPF UI that is the main user-side program.
- Plugins currently make use of a dev-side nuget package that contains all five of the main libraries.
- The libraries will be separated later on down the road.