twelvedata-exporter is a Prometheus Exporter to fetch quotes from Twelvedata API.
This exporter allows a prometheus instance to monitor prices of stocks, ETFs, and mutual funds.
To access the Twelvedata API, you need an access token. Please register with Twelvedata in advance and generate an access token by referring to the official document: Getting Started - Authentication.
The Twelvedata API has some limitations based on the license. For example, API limit, accessible market and others. For the limitations, please refer to twelvedata - Pricing with following documents:
docker run -p 10016:10016 -e TWELVEDATA_API_KEY
: Publish a container's port10016/tcp
, to the host10016/tcp
: Forward environment variableTWELVEDATA_API_KEY
into a container.
If you would like to use binaries, please download them from release page.
are supported.
Fetch quotes from Twelvedata API - twelvedata-exporter
twelvedata-exporter COMMAND [options...]
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
--web.listen-address value, -I value Set IP address (default: "")
--web.listen-port value, -P value Set port number (default: 10016)
--web.scrape-path value, -p value Set the path to expose metrics (default: "/price")
--twelvedata.api-key value, -a value Set key to use twelvedata API [$TWELVEDATA_API_KEY]
--help, -h show help
--version, -v print the version
This exporter supports following environment variables:
Environment Variable | Description |
The API Key to be used for requests. |
This exporter returns following metrics:
Metric Name | Description | Type | Example Value |
twelvedata_change_percent |
Changed percent since last close price. | Gauge | 1.00975 |
twelvedata_change_price |
Changed price since last close price. | Gauge | 1.72 |
twelvedata_price |
Real-time or the latest available price. | Gauge | 172.06 |
twelvedata_previous_close_price |
Closing price of the previous day. | Gauge | 170.34 |
twelvedata_volume |
Trading volume during the bar. | Gauge | 1.5206856e+07 |
Click to show full metrics
# HELP twelvedata_change_percent Changed percent since last close price.
# TYPE twelvedata_change_percent gauge
twelvedata_change_percent{currency="USD",exchange="NASDAQ",name="Alphabet Inc",symbol="GOOGL"} 1.00975
# HELP twelvedata_change_price Changed price since last close price.
# TYPE twelvedata_change_price gauge
twelvedata_change_price{currency="USD",exchange="NASDAQ",name="Alphabet Inc",symbol="GOOGL"} 1.72
# HELP twelvedata_failed_queries_total Count of failed queries
# TYPE twelvedata_failed_queries_total counter
twelvedata_failed_queries_total 0
# HELP twelvedata_previous_close_price Closing price of the previous day.
# TYPE twelvedata_previous_close_price gauge
twelvedata_previous_close_price{currency="USD",exchange="NASDAQ",name="Alphabet Inc",symbol="GOOGL"} 170.34
# HELP twelvedata_price Real-time or the latest available price.
# TYPE twelvedata_price gauge
twelvedata_price{currency="USD",exchange="NASDAQ",name="Alphabet Inc",symbol="GOOGL"} 172.06
# HELP twelvedata_queries_total Count of completed queries
# TYPE twelvedata_queries_total counter
twelvedata_queries_total 1
# HELP twelvedata_query_duration_seconds Duration of queries to the upstream API
# TYPE twelvedata_query_duration_seconds summary
twelvedata_query_duration_seconds_sum 0
twelvedata_query_duration_seconds_count 0
# HELP twelvedata_volume Trading volume during the bar.
# TYPE twelvedata_volume gauge
twelvedata_volume{currency="USD",exchange="NASDAQ",name="Alphabet Inc",symbol="GOOGL"} 1.5206856e+07
To refer to the usage, please access http://localhost:10016/ after starting the exporter.
$ TWELVEDATA_API_KEY="foobarbaz"
$ docker run -p 10016:10016 -e TWELVEDATA_API_KEY
INFO[0000] Listening on port
or using a binary:
$ TWELVEDATA_API_KEY="foobarbaz"
$ ./twelvedata-exporter
INFO[0000] Listening on port
Please refer to prometheus.sample.yml#L27-L42.
- To know how to write technical indicators as PromQL, please refer to prometheus.rules.sample.yml.
The repository includes a ready to use Dockerfile
. Run the following command to build a new image:
make image
The new image is named as $USER/twelvedata-exporter
and exports 10016/tcp
to your host.
I'm releasing this exporter manually.
git tag vX.Y.Z && git push --tags
Run the release workflow.
- Fork (
- Create a feature branch
- Commit your changes
- Rebase your local changes against the master branch
- Create a new Pull Request
I used to use Marco Paganini's quotes-exporter before. However, due to changes in the external endpoint, that exporter was broken and archived. Now, I built this exporter taking Marco's exporter as a reference. My thanks to Marco the predecessor, and Tristan Colgate-McFarlane the creator of yquotes-exporter who preceded Marco.