A pure JSON Resume theme, using a modern Javascript dev stack (vite, tailwindCSS)
Demo deployed on Netlify: https://tiny-hummingbird-69b970.netlify.app/
Suitable for European CV:
- Personal information like date of birth and profile image (sigh, we are not there yet...)
- European date format
- Clone the
local theme example template with degit - Copy or link the content of this repo as a subdirectory
- Modify the file package.json in the local theme example template to look like this:
"private": true,
"type": "module",
"scripts": {
"init": "resumed init",
"start": "resumed --theme jsonresume-theme-pure"
"dependencies": {
"jsonresume-theme-pure": "file:./jsonresume-theme-pure",
"resumed": "^3.0.0"
- Install dependencies, create and render resume:
npx degit rbardini/resumed/examples/with-local-theme
npm install
npm run init
npm start