Welcome to the Full Stack AI Mock Interview App project! In this tutorial, we'll build a powerful AI-driven mock interview application using modern technologies. This app leverages React, Drizzle ORM, Gemini AI, and Clerk to provide an interactive and realistic interview experience. Check it out here https://career-boost-ai.vercel.app
- AI Mock Interviews: Get interview questions and feedback powered by Gemini AI.
- User Authentication: Secure user login and registration using Clerk.
- Database Integration: Efficiently manage data with Drizzle ORM.
- Modern UI: Build a responsive and intuitive user interface with React and Next.js.
- Next.js: React framework for building server-side rendered applications.
- React: Library for building user interfaces.
- Drizzle ORM: Type-safe ORM for managing database operations.
- Gemini AI: AI engine for generating interview questions and feedback.
- Clerk: User management and authentication service.
- Setup: Initialize the project and install dependencies.
- Authentication: Integrate Clerk for user authentication.
- Database: Set up Drizzle ORM and configure your database.
- AI Integration: Connect to Gemini AI for generating interview content.
- UI Development: Build the user interface with React and Next.js.
- Deployment: Deploy your application to a hosting platform.
Follow these steps to get the project up and running on your local machine.
- Node.js and npm installed
- Git installed
- GitHub account
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/utsavpatel562/CareerBoost-AI.git cd CareerBoost-AI
|-- /components # React components
|-- /pages # Next.js pages
|-- /public # Public assets
|-- /styles # CSS styles
|-- /utils # Utility functions
|-- drizzle.config.js # Drizzle ORM configuration
|-- next.config.js # Next.js configuration
|-- package.json # Project dependencies and scripts
|-- README.md # Project documentation
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.
Happy coding! 🎉 Feel free to customize this README further based on your project's specific details and requirements.