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Biodiversity Horizons


Biodiversity Horizons is an R-based project for processing climate data and analyzing primate distributions. It can be used locally (in R/RStudio) or run inside a Docker container for consistent dependencies across systems.


You can install the development version of biodiversityhorizons like so:

# Install devtools if not already installed

# Install biodiversityhorizons package


This is a basic example which shows you how to solve a common problem:

## basic example code

For more advanced usage, refer to our Contributing Guidelines

Docker Usage

We provide a Docker image so you can run the data processing scripts in a containerized environment, ensuring consistent R dependencies.

1. Prerequisites

2. Pull the Docker Image

docker pull

If this succeeds, the image is downloaded locally.

(Optional) GitHub Container Registry Authentication:

If pulling fails with a “denied” error, generate a Personal Access Token (classic) with read:packages scope and run:

echo YOUR_TOKEN | docker login -u YOUR_GITHUB_USERNAME --password-stdin

3. Obtain or Prepare your data-raw/ folder

  • Option A: Using Your Own Data

    If you already have .rds files:

    • Create a local folder (e.g., ~/my_data) and place your .rds files there.
    • That folder will be mounted as /home/biodiversity-horizons/data-raw in the container.
  • Option B: Cloning This Repo for Sample Data

    If you need sample .rds files provided by this project (in data-raw/):

    1. Clone this repository:

    git clone
    cd biodiversity-horizons

    2. Use the included data-raw/ folder. It contains sample .rds files.

4. Run the commands on the docker container using

  • Running conversion utilities:

    • .shp to .rds (see below on how to pass additional arguments)
      • use -e or --extent for extent
      • use -r or --resolution for resolution
      • use -c or --crs for crs
      • use -m or --realm for realm
      • use -p or --parallel for parallel
      • use -w or --workers for workers
      sh  "./data-raw/tier_1/data/species_ranges/subset_amphibians.shp" "./data-raw/species_new.rds"
    • .tif to .rds
      sh "./data-raw/tier_1/data/climate/historical.tif" "./data-raw/historical_climate_data_new.rds"
      or (if range is an argument)
      sh "./data-raw/tier_1/data/climate/ssp585.tif" "./data-raw/future_climate_data_new.rds" -y "2015:2100"
  • Running exposure workflow:

    • Identify your directories:
      • A data folder with the input_config.yml and .rds files (either your own or the cloned data-raw/)
      • An outputs directory for script results
      • Example command shown below:
    sh "./data-raw/input_config.yml" "./outputs"

Setup and Run Apptainer

Step 1: Navigate to the biodiversity-horizons project directory

cd ~/Desktop/biodiversity-horizons  # Adjust this path as needed

Step 2: Run Docker with Apptainer inside an AMD64 environment

docker run --rm -it --privileged \
  --platform linux/amd64 \
  -v $(pwd):/mnt \
  godlovedc/apptainer bash

Inside Docker Container:

Step 3: Pull and convert the Docker image into a .sif file for Apptainer

apptainer pull /mnt/biodiversity-horizons.sif docker://

Step 4: Verify the .sif file was created

ls -l /mnt/biodiversity-horizons.sif

Step 5: Run Apptainer shell and mount required directories

apptainer shell --bind /mnt/data-raw:/home/biodiversity-horizons/data-raw /mnt/biodiversity-horizons.sif

Inside Apptainer Shell:

Step 6: Move to the correct working directory

cd /home/biodiversity-horizons

Step 7: Run the R exposure calculation script (you can modify the arguments by updating the input_config.yml file)

Rscript scripts/main.R exposure -i data-raw/input_config.yml

Running and Developing

Instructions to run and contribute to the portal can be found in Contributing Guidelines

Please follow our UW-SSEC Code of Conduct in all interactions. For questions or issues, open an Issue or contact the maintainers.