🐘 Postgres + 🐍 Flask + React supervised access program admin platform.
Made with starter-code-v2, brought to you by the @uwblueprint/internal-tools team!
Frontend Staging: https://childrens-aid-society.web.app
Confirm that you have the following files added to your repository, with the correct environment variables set:
Verify that you have docker and npx installed:
docker info
docker-compose --version
npx -v
Note: if you have already built the project before, run this to remove your database and any stored data as well:
docker-compose down --volumes
To run the project:
docker-compose up
To rebuild the containers with any newly added packages, run:
docker-compose up --build
To run the existing migrations against your database, run:
docker exec -it cas_py_backend /bin/bash -c "flask db upgrade"
Be sure to lint your code prior to opening pull requests! To lint the backend, run:
docker exec -it cas_py_backend /bin/bash -c "black . && isort --profile black ."
To test your backend, run:
docker exec -it cas_py_backend /bin/bash -c "pip install -e . && pytest"
Alternatively, inside the backend container you can run:
python -m pytest
To run E2E tests, first create a .env
file in your e2e-tests
directory, and populate it with the necessary variables. Then run:
$ pip3 install pytest python-dotenv inflection --user
$ cd e2e-tests
$ python3 -m pytest --lang python --auth --fs
To generate a test coverage report, run:
docker exec -it cas_py_backend /bin/bash -c "bash ./tests/coverage.sh"
To access the database:
docker exec -it cas_db /bin/bash -c "psql -U postgres -d cas"
We are currently maintaining our database with Flask-Migrate. To apply existing migrations, run:
docker exec -it cas_py_backend /bin/bash -c "flask db upgrade"
To roll back the previous migration, run:
docker exec -it cas_py_backend /bin/bash -c "flask db downgrade"
To undo all migrations, run:
docker exec -it cas_py_backend /bin/bash -c "flask db downgrade base"
When making database changes, a new migration must be generated. Import any new model files into backend/python/app/models/__init__.py and run:
docker exec -it cas_py_backend /bin/bash -c "flask db migrate -m '<short description of the migration>'"
To check the migration currently applied to your database, run:
docker exec -it cas_py_backend /bin/bash -c "flask db current -v"
Insert test data into the database with the provided script. Your environment variables need to be correctly configured in .env
docker exec -it cas_py_backend /bin/bash -c "python -m tools.db_seed"
To clear rows from the CAS database. Your environment variables need to be correctly configured in .env
docker exec -it cas_py_backend /bin/bash -c "python -m tools.db_seed clear"
Ensure that a new revision file is created in the directory backend/python/migrations/versions. Do not change the alembic revision/identifiers. Generally these auto-generated revision files will encompass all schema changes, and thus do not need to be modified!
For more information, take a look at the Starter Code getting started docs.