We want to rebuild one of our services (currently implemented as a set of Docker Compose containers) as a serverless app using AWS Lambda and API Gateway. We will use the Serverless Framework to package and deploy our app to AWS. Our CI/CD system, Bamboo-6.5.1, doesn't have nodejs on it so we cannot run serverless framework directly in Bamboo.
Our workaround is to build/package using Serverless Framework running in a container. That container will have a modern node verison installed, then install Serverless.
Our app itself will still be in Python.
Build the container from a node base and install Serverless Framework:
make build
Mount this directory and use Serverless Framework to build and deploy our app. We pass in our AWS_PROFILE name, and mount the AWS credentials file so it has permissions to deploy:
export AWS_PROFILE=wp-dev make sls_deploy