- Moodle 4.0 (build 2022041900) or later.
Copy the deleteoldquizattempts folder into your Moodle /local directory and visit your Admin Notification page to complete the installation.
Navigate to plugin settings and specify maximum lifetime of quiz attempts. Older attempts will be automatically deleted with scheduler task.
You can also specify to delete unused hidden questions. Hidden questions are questions, that were logically deleted, but were not deleted physically, because they were referenced in some quiz attempts. After quiz attempts deletion, such questions are probably no longer required.
You can also delete quiz attempts and unused hidden questions with command line job.
Dispay help.
sudo -u www-data /usr/bin/php local/deleteoldquizattempts/cli/delete_attempts.php --help
Delete attempts that are older than 90 days and shows progress.
sudo -u www-data /usr/bin/php local/deleteoldquizattempts/cli/delete_attempts.php --days=90 --verbose
Delete attempts that are created before specified timestamp.
sudo -u www-data /usr/bin/php local/deleteoldquizattempts/cli/delete_attempts.php --timestamp=1514764800 --timelimit=300
Delete attempts that are created before 2018-01-01 00:00:00 (UTC).
sudo -u www-data /usr/bin/php local/deleteoldquizattempts/cli/delete_attempts.php --date="2018-01-01 00:00:00"
Delete attempts for specified quiz (check id in *_quiz table).
sudo -u www-data /usr/bin/php local/deleteoldquizattempts/cli/delete_attempts.php --days=90 --quizid=99
Delete attempts for all quizzes in specified course.
sudo -u www-data /usr/bin/php local/deleteoldquizattempts/cli/delete_attempts.php --days=90 --courseid=99
Deleting unused hidden questions with CLI
Dispay help.
sudo -u www-data /usr/bin/php local/deleteoldquizattempts/cli/delete_unused_questions.php --help
Delete unused hidden questions.
sudo -u www-data /usr/bin/php local/deleteoldquizattempts/cli/delete_unused_questions.php --timelimit=300 --verbose
- Vadim Dvorovenko ([email protected])
- Updates: https://moodle.org/plugins/view.php?plugin=local_deleteoldquizattempts
- Latest code: https://github.com/vadimonus/moodle-local_deleteoldquizattempts
Release 3.0.0 (build 2024011400):
- Moodle 4 support.
- Dropped support for Moodle versions lower than 4.0 due to changes in core.
Release 2.2.1 (build 2022010200):
- Added option for 3, 7 and 15 days.
Release 2.2 (build 2020060600):
- CLI options to delete attempts for specified quizzes and courses.
Release 2.1 (build 2019032801):
- Do not try to delete questions that are used by slots.
- Privacy API support.
Release 2.0 (build 2019010800):
- Deletion of unused hidden questions.
Release 1.0 (build 2019010600):
- Initial release.