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Unofficial docker image for etcd.

Supported tags

Images for etcd are based of Debian (Slim) and Alpine Linux base images. All Alpine Linux based images have -alpine postfixed in their tag after the version (example: 3.2-alpine).

  • 3.2, 3.2.19, latest, 3.2-alpine, 3.2.19-alpine, latest-alpine
  • 3.3, 3.3.1, latest, 3.3-alpine, 3.3.1-alpine


docker pull
docker run -ivt

Viewing Logs

Logs are sent to the stdout stream of the container. Use the following command to see the logs:

docker logs -f <container-name>

Using etcdctl

etcdctl comes with this container image and can be found in PATH.

While developing locally, you can connect attach an interactive shell in your container and just use etcdctl directly.

In production-like environments or where your etcd container is not running on your local machine, you can also use this container image to run etcd separately. Consider this example:

Run the server in a separate container:

docker run --name etcd_server etcd --listen-client-urls=',' --advertise-client-urls=','

Run the etcdctl client in a separate container like so:

docker run --link etcd_server:etcd_server etcdctl --no-sync -C 'http://etcd_server:4001' set foo bar

Note: In some older versions of etcd, --no-sync option is required to make etcdctl work with -C flag. See this issue.


etcd can be configured using command line flags and environment variables as documented here.

To change configuration for your container, you can pass the entire etcd command with arguments at the end of the docker run command, like so:

docker run etcd --data-dir='/opt/etcd/data'

If you prefer using environment variables, you need to execute docker run command slightly differently (notice the -e flag and the extra etcd command at the end), like so:

docker run -e ETCD_DATA_DIR='/opt/etcd/data' etcd

Where to store data (--data-dir)?

Preferrably outside the container. There are multiple ways of handling data with containers. You can read more about the approaches here.

The working directory from which etcd is executed is /var/lib/etcd. A directory is created here with the name as described here in the docs. The above path can be overridden using etcd's configuration options.

Depending on the storage option that you go with, mount your storage at /var/lib/etcd. As an example, here is how you would use host volumes:

docker run -v /my/data/dir:/var/lib/etcd

Similarly, mount an existing data directory at the default data directory path or another path you have configured for the container at run time to have etcd start with existing data.


This container image contains etcd is under the Apache 2.0 license. See the licensing information here.

Like other container images, this image contains some other software also (like bash) that may be under different licenses.


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