Builds Table of Contents for a given markdown file.
Note: this TOC is generated using markdown-toc-generator.
CLI options:
markdown-toc-generator [--with-heading] [--no-first-h1] [--bullets] [--append=<ending-markdown>] [--write] <file>
-h, --with-heading Add heading for the generated TOC
-a, --append=<markdown> Append a string at the end of the TOC
-n, --no-first-h1 Exclude the first h1-level heading in a file
-b, --bullets Use bullets instead of ordered list
-w, --write Write TOC in the beginning of the markdown file
instead of printing on the console (default
As of now, downloadable binaries are not available. So build from source.
- Stack and GHC (if not Docker)
Execute to following commands to setup the environment:
git clone [email protected]:vaidik/markdown-toc-generator.git
cd markdown-toc-generator
stack build --copy-bins
After this, you will find the binary markdown-toc-generator
in your PATH
Build the image:
docker build . -t markdown-toc-generator:dev
Use the image for running the container:
docker run -it -v "$(pwd)":/opt/markdown-toc-generator markdown-toc-generator:dev bash
Run GHC in the container:
stack ghci
or, build manually:
stack build