LCD display board, where message is sent through telegram
libraies required:
- CBot
- LiquidCrystal
Components required:
- NodeMCU
- LCD 16x2
- jumpwires
- Telegram API key
NOTE: Install NodeMCU drivers for arduino IDE.
- Goto sketch -> include library -> manage libraries.
- Search for "LiquidCrystal" by Arduino, then click on install.
- Search for "CBot" by Stefano Ledda, or (serach as telegramBot) then click on install.
- Replace "WIFI_SSID" with your wifi name and replace "WIFI_PSWD" with your wifi password.
- In line 9, Enter your telegram API key.
How to get Telegram API key:
In the bot father message, they will provide you a link for the chat related to the API key. open that chat and use "/start" command there to start your bot.
LCD --> NodeMCU
- VSS --> GND
- VDD --> vin
- VO --> from pot
- RS --> D1
- RW --> GND
- E --> D2
- D0 --> No connection
- D1 --> No connection
- D2 --> No connection
- D3 --> No connection
- D4 --> D3
- D5 --> D5
- D6 --> D6
- D7 --> D7
- A --> 3.3v
- K --> GND