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Challenge for GSoC Project 'Ganga GUI'


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Ganga Project GSoC 2020 Challenge


Hello, I am Varun Bankar, an undergraduate student at BITS Pilani, Goa studying Computer Science. Doing this challenge was a very fun experience. It helped me understand the codebase and functionality of Ganga in a much better way. I would like to sincerely thank Mr. Ulrik Egede for helping me throughout whenever I needed help. Below is my solution for this challenge and information on my approach for each section of the challenge.

How to Set Up

As per the challenge instructions, this repository can be set up in the following way:

virtualenv -p python3 GSoC
cd GSoC/
. bin/activate
pip install -e git+


Part 1

Task 1 - Creating Simple Ganga Job

The Python file associated with this task is ./Part1/ and can be run by python I will briefly walk through the code below:

  • First few lines are the imports.
  • I noticed that we need to manually enable monitoring of Ganga job by using ganga.enableMonitoring() or the script won't be able to track the status of the job.
  • Function createBasicGangaJob(args="Hello World") - creates a Ganga Job with specific set attributes and returns it. Parameter of the function accepts the arguments to /bin/echo whose default value is "Hello World".
  • Function run_until_completed - waits until the jobs status turns to 'completed'.



Task 2 - Splitting PDF, Using Subjobs to Count Words, Merging the Output

The Python file associated with this task is ./Part1/ with the helper modules,,, This script can be run by python

  • The main() function can be divided into 3 parts:
    • First, A Ganga Job is created to split CERN.pdf into individual pages. & are given as input files.
      • - uses PyPDF2 package and splits the pdf into individual page pdf and saves them in the same directory.
      • - simple bash script to run
      • After the job is completed, all the files are stored in the outputdir of the Ganga job and information about them in job.outputfiles
      • Using the information in job.outputfiles , an array args is created containing the names of all the split files to be used for ArgSplitter
    • Second, another Ganga Job is created with splitter as ArgSplitter(args=args) , the job uses to count the occurrence of word the in a given file. Input files for the job is directly taken from job.outputfiles and output file is set to count.txt which will contain the numeric count of occurrence of word 'the'
      • - takes a file name as argument and count the number of occurrence of the word 'the' and stores the value in output.txt
      • After the job is completed, the output.txt of all the subjobs is merged
    • Third, CustomMerger() is implemented to merge the output.txt from all the subjobs and save in it the directory wordCounterOutput . This merger uses as module.
      • - takes output.txt of all the subjobs, converts the value inside it into integer, add all the values and save it in the file in wordCounterOutput
  • After all the jobs are finished, they are removed.



Part 2

Task 1 - Creating & Interacting with Database

The file associated with this task is ./Part2/

  • First few lines are imports for SQLAlchemy .
  • Next section contains the configuration for SQLAlchemy - for this demonstration I have used SQLite . But this solution can easily be migrated to a database server with just one change of line, that is DATABASE_URI
  • In the next section, I have described a class which will be used by SQLAlchemy to create table and do operations on it.
  • Function recreateDatabase - drops all information in the database and recreate it fresh - this is helpful for the task (not applicable besides prototyping)
  • Function addToDatabase - takes a Ganga Job Object as an argument and stores it's text format in the database
  • Function readFromDatabase - takes Database Job ID as an argument and return the text related to that Job
  • Function reCreateJob - creates a job using the text provided by readFromDatabase function
  • Function main() - using createBasicGangaJob from Task 1 create a basic Ganga Job, adds it to database, and using readFromDatabase the job text is stored in jobinfo variable, and using createJob function the basic job is recreated and submitted to run. After the job is finished, it is removed.



Task 2 - Measure Time

The file associated with this task is ./Part2/

  • First few lines are import for timeit
  • Function readFromDatabase_time - using timeit.timeit benchmarks the time it take for readFromDatabase function to run 1000 times.
  • Function reCreateJob_time - using timeit.timeit benchmarks the time it take for reCreateJob function to run 100 times.



Pytest Alt text Alt text Alt text

Part 3

For this Part of the challenge, I have used Flask web framework for Python to create a web server. Before going into the working of it, I would like to explain the structure of the project. All the files related to this task reside in ./Part3/ folder. The web server can be started by python

  • - used to start Flask server at localhost:5000
  • - has configuration related to flask stored in a class.
  • app - package which contains the core files.
    • - here resides the logic of what routes are available and what must be done when the specific route is requested.
    • templates - folder which has all the HTML file which are dynamically rendered using Jinja2.
    • static - folder which has static files such as main.css , home.js , jobs.js.

Now the basic structure is discussed, the core functionality lies in , home.js, jobs.js.

  • The GUI has 4 pages:
    • Home: Has a quick statistics section which gets updated every 2 seconds (time can be modified according to requirement) by making an API call to the server, has another sections which lists out 10 Recent Jobs which are also updated every 2 seconds by making an API call to the server and lastly, there is a section called "Programming Fun" which makes an AJAX request to a external API and fetches a joke, it is updated every 8 seconds.
    • Create: I have created the layout to showcase how the create page can look, but here only the deploy section is working. Deploy section has 2 buttons, one is to submit a Ganga Job to execute Sleep(60) and another is to submit 15 Ganga Job to execute Sleep(15), Sleep(20)...and so on.
    • Jobs: This page lists out all the jobs and their information in a tabular form, here also the status of the jobs are updated every 2 seconds by making an API call to the server. Here the "Job Info" button is just to showcase the layout of how the GUI might look.
    • Config: This page lists out Ganga config for each section in a nice tabular way with their docstrings and effective value.
  • Javascript:
    • home.js: Utilised by Home page, makes 3 AJAX requests.
      • One request is make to an external API to fetch a joke every 8 seconds
      • One is made to update quick statistics section every 2 seconds
      • One is made to update Recent Job status every 2 seconds (NOTE: the request is only made when there is atleast one job who's status is not in ["new", "completed", "failed"]
    • jobs.js: Utilised by Jobs page, makes an AJAX API request to the server every 2 seconds if there is atleast one job who's status is not in ["new", "completed", "failed"].
  • API:
    • localhost:5000/api/info - If "GET" request is made, returns information about every job in JSON format.
    • localhost:5000/api/info - If "POST" request is made and "job_ids" data is given, then returns information about the jobs with job id in job_ids in JSON format
    • localhost:5000/api/info/<int:job_id> - Returns information about job with = job_id in JSON format


HOME Alt text

CREATE Alt text

JOBS Alt text

CONFIG Alt text


Challenge for GSoC Project 'Ganga GUI'




