The following chips were implemented in HDL:
- Not
- And
- Or
- Xor
- Mux
- DMux
- Not16
- And16
- Or16
- Mux16
- Or8Way
- Mux4Way16
- Mux8Way16
- DMux4Way
- DMux8Way
The following chips were implemented in HDL:
- HalfAdder
- FullAdder
- Add16
- Inc16
The following chips were implemented in HDL:
- 1-Bit Register
- 16-Bit Register
- RAM8 16-bit / 8-register
- RAM64 16-bit / 64-register
- RAM512 16-bit / 512-register
- RAM4K 16-bit / 4096-register
- RAM16K 16-bit / 16384-register
- 16 bit Program Counter
The following programs were implemented in HACK assembly:
- Mult.asm - Multiplication: in the Hack computer, the top 16 RAM words (RAM[0]...RAM[15]) are also referred to as R0...R15. This program computes the value R0*R1 and stores the result in R2
- Fill.asm - I/O handling: this program illustrates low-level handling of the screen and keyboard devices, as follows. The program runs an infinite loop that listens to the keyboard input. When a key is pressed (any key), the program blackens the screen, i.e. writes "black" in every pixel; the screen should remain fully black as long as the key is pressed.When no key is pressed, the program clears the screen, i.e. writes "white" in every pixel; the screen should remain fully clear as long as no key is pressed.
The following chips were implemented in HDL:
- Memory
- Computer
Assembler program that translates programs written in the symbolic Hack assembly language into binary code that can execute on the Hack hardware platform.
prompt> java -jar Assembler_project.jar Xxx.asm
This command should create a new Xxx.hack file that can be executed as-is on the Hack computer.
VM translator- focusing on the implementation of the VM language's stack arithmetic and memory accesscommands.
- add
- sub
- neg
- eq
- gt
- lt
- and
- or
- not
- pop segment i
- push segment i
prompt> java -jar VMtranslator_project.jar Xxx.vm
This command should create a new Xxx.asm file.
VM translator- focusing on the implementation of the VM language's branching commands and function commands.
- label LABEL
- goto LABEL
- if-goto LABEL
- function FUNCTIONNAME nVars
- return
prompt> java -jar VMtranslatorComplete_project.jar Xxx
This command should create a new Xxx.asm file. Where XXX is a single vm file or a directory which contains multiple vm files.
Snake Game implemented in Jack Language. Run it in VM emulator.
Compiler I : Syntax Analysis A syntax analyzer that parses Jack programs according to the Jack grammar, producing an XML file that renders the program's structure using marked-up text.
Tokenizing, a basic service of any syntax analyzer, is the act of breaking a given textual input into a stream of tokens.
parsing is defined narrowly as the act of going over the tokenized input and rendering its grammatical structure using some agreed-upon format. The specific parser that we implement here is based on the Jack grammar, and is designed to emit XML output.
prompt> java -jar Complier_1.jar Xxx
For every jack file present the in directory (Xxx) it generates a corresponding XML file.
Compiler II : code generation. The implementation is based on morphing the syntax analyzer built in the previous project(10) into a full-scale compiler.
The syntax analyzer outputs the following information as part of its XML output using the symbol table:
- The identifier's name, as done by the current version of the syntax analyzer.
- The identifier's category: var, argument, static, field, class, or subroutine.
- If the identifier's category is var, argument, static, or field, the running index assigned to the identifier by the symbol table.
- Whether the identifier is presently being defined (e.g. the identifier stands for a variable declared in a "var" statement) or used.
It mainly involves morphing the xml output to vm commands.
prompt> java -jar Compiler_2-1.0.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar Xxx
For every jack file present the in directory (Xxx) it generates a corresponding vm file. (provide the complete path of Xxx)
The following classes were implemented as part of OS:
- Array.jack
- Keyboard.jack
- Math.jack
- Memory.jack
- Output.jack
- Screen.jack
- String.jack
- Sys.jack
- creation of arrays
- disposing of arrays were implemented
- reading characters
- reading line of characters
- reading integers
- detecting keypress were implemented
- Multiplication
- Division
- Square Root
- max
- min
- abs were implemented using existing hack ALU operations
- alloc
- dealloc
- defragmentation were implemented as part of heap management
- printing characters
- printing strings
- printing integers
- newline
- backspace
- moving and displaying cursor using the designed font.
- drawing pixel
- drawing lines
- drawing rectangles
- drawing circles
- clear screen were implemented. The Hack computer is a 16 bit. For efficient display methods bit masking techniques were used to manipulate bits.
- creation of strings
- appending char to strings
- converting int to string
- converting string to int were implemented.
- Initialization
- waiting for certain duration
- displaying error codes
- halt were implemented.
[Nand2teris website link] (