The following section list down some of the Data Visualization projects that I have worked upon.
- Analyzing Mumbai Real Estate Prices
- Use of eXplainable AI to genrate data driven attrition
MoRe Investment company is an Indian diversified financial services firm offering a range of investment products and services ranging from real estate, equities, mutual funds, insurance etc.
Across Mumbai, real estate prices are soaring high. The Company foresees an enormous potential in the real estate sector and has opened a new branch in Mumbai. The company observes a lot of footfall in their Mumbai office, but the conversion rate from visit into customer is marginal.
The Company is exploring alternate methods to approach their visitors, instead of the conventional face-to-face approach followed presently.
In order to build potential customer’s (visitor) confidence in real estate prices we propose to use a data-driven approach. We plan to build an interactive dashboard that can be used by customers during their visits to explore data according to their requirement and generate insights and analysis.
This is the homepage of the dashboard. It has four sections/pages, which take us through different reports. In the below animation we navigate to the Dashboard section and come back to the homepage.
Open Map Visual Section
The open map visual section can be reached by clicking the "Open Map visual" link on the homepage. Here we visualize house prices for sale across Mumbai.
In the left chart each dot represent a house up for sale and the colour gradient represent the price of the house. As we move towards South Mumbai the prices clearly increases.
Each circle in the right chart is a cluster of house prices up for sale.
Open Dashboard Section
On the dashboard section, we observe several numerical representation of our data. How many house are up for sale, what is the median price and price range. The visualization provides indicators to understand how each of them affect house price.
In India, people prefer to look at vastu (direction of the house), therefore a user can apply filter at the top based on their preferences. Once these filters are applied they remain active on all the sections of the dashboard.
Explore Variables Section
Open Tree View Section
This dashboard is a work in progress, thus we can expect changes in the text and images of the report.
Machine Learning Insight