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Xen Orchestra Provider

The Xen Orchestra Provider lets you manage Xen Orchestra resources.

XO logo


This package is available for several languages/platforms:

Node.js (JavaScript/TypeScript)

To use from JavaScript or TypeScript in Node.js, install using either npm:

npm install @vates/pulumi-xenorchestra

or yarn:

yarn add @vates/pulumi-xenorchestra


To use from Python, install using pip:

pip install pulumi-xenorchestra


To use from Go, use go get to grab the latest version of the library:

go get


To use from .NET, install using dotnet add package:

dotnet add package Pulumi.Xenorchestra


Use pulumi config set xenorchestra:<option> or pass options to the constructor of new xenorchestra.Provider.

The following configuration points are available for the xenorchestra provider:

  • xenorchestra:url (environment: XOA_URL) - the URL for the Xen Orchestra websockets endpoint. Starts with wss:// Set either:

  • xenorchestra:username (environment: XOA_USERNAME) - the username for Xen Orchestra

  • xenorchestra:password (environment: XOA_PASSWORD) - the password for Xen Orchestra Or:

  • xenorchestra:token (environment: XOA_TOKEN) - API token for Xen Orchestra

  • xenorchestra:insecure (environment: XOA_INSECURE) - set to any value to disable SSL verification, false by default. Only use if you are using a self-signed certificate and know what you are doing.


See docs for examples.


See contributing for details on how to build and contribute to this provider.


For detailed reference documentation, please visit the Pulumi registry.