This is an Individual Project and basically full stack application with backend and frontend implimentation.
- It starts with signup where user need to select his/her role as Student or teacher along with some other data.
- If credentials are entered correctly, only they will be able to Login with token saved in localstorage.
If role is student then they will navigate to #Teachers Dashboard where teacher can have access of each and every student information like age, name, email, alloted test etc.
In Teacher Dashboard teacher can create new student. They can create/allot tests for different student, delete perticular student data or perticular student's test data.
In Teacher Dashboard they can access functionalities like search for student name, filter by gender, sort by age, Pagination and limit etc.
For student role login they will navigate to Student Dashboard where they will find all alloted test by given teacher name.
For Student Dashboard, if they have already completed given test they can mark it as completed also.
These are the technologies used in this project which are available below:
For Backend : NodeJS, express, mongoDB, Atlas, mongoose, middlewares for Authentification & Autherization
NetlifyLink :
I would say, thank you for reading this here. I hope you will find it helpful. I have completed this project with full enthusiasm, focus, and hard work. It may have some bugs, but we will try to fix them soon.
Feel free to reach out to us for any feedback.