This is a public archive of some of the Vega Strike Gitter Rooms.
This repository uses the a version of that has a few enhancements for our purposes to limit the number of Gitter rooms being archived.
The enhancements have been contributed back; if they are accepted we'll use the version from the original author.
To help with operating the tool, which is written for Python3, there are a couple helper scripts provided here:
To install the tool one will need the following:
- git
- Python3
- virtualenv
- Bash
Simply running will grab the required tools and do the appropriate installation so that can operate as expected.
$ ./
You will also need to go to to get your Gitter API Key for the tooling to use. Enter the Gitter API Key into config.json as the value for the token. The config.json will be created if it doesn't exist; or you can copy config.template.json if you need to reset it.
For the most part you will only need to use which will automatically run for you. The first time you run it with our default configuration provided by config.template.json it will only output the rooms that you can see. Simply identify rooms you want to archive and add them to the list of rooms in your config.json:
"token": "<gitter API key>", "all": false, "rooms": [
Once there are some rooms configured then it will archive those rooms.