Lang | Category | Repository | Description |
Java | Mobile | beacon-simulator-android | Bluetooth Beacon Simulator for Android |
Rust | Embedded | nrf52833-rgb-led-matrix-lib-rust | Driver for a RGB led matrix for a nfr52833 |
Rust | Parsing | llvm-tuto-kaleidoscope-rust | LLVM Kaleidoscope tutorial in Rust |
Rust | Parsing | json-parser-rust | JSON parser for Rust |
Rust | Graphics | game-of-life-rust-bevy | Game of Life simulation with Bevy |
Rust | Graphics | raytracer-rust | Ray-tracer in Rust |
Rust | Graphics | mandelbrot-rust | Drawing of Mandelbrot set |
Rust | Graphics | wgpu-lite-wrapper | Lite API and tests with wgpu |
Python | Parsing | sphinxcontrib-itemlist | Plugin for Sphinx to display list of items |
JavaScript | Graphics | vector-field-effects-js | Playing with webgl and particles |
JavaScript | Graphics | sketch-book | Sketch book of various graphical effects with shaders |
JavaScript | Game | vscode-tetromino | Tetromino plugin for VSCode |
JavaScript | Game | atom-tetromino | Tetromino plugin for Atom |
JavaScript | Mobile | freebox-zapper-webapp | Remote control for the FreeBox in Cordova |
C++ | Embedded | traffic-lights-arduino | Simulation of a traffic lights with Arduino |
Swift | Bluetooth | blesignal-cli-macos | To display Bluetooth Low Energy signals on MacOS |
Code practice
Lang | Repository | Description |
Misc | advent-of-code | Advent of Code coding challenge |
Python | dil-datascience-tuto | Machine learning training |
Sandboxes & various simple techno tests
Lang | Repository | Description |
Rust | bevy-sandbox | Tests with Bevy |
Rust | nannou-sandbox | Tests with Nannou |
Rust | microbit-rust-sandbox | Tests with a Microbit BBC in Rust |
JavaScript | threejs-sandbox | Tests with ThreeJS |
JavaScript | webrtc-sandbox | Tests with WebRTC |
GLSL | webgl2-sandbox | Tests with WebGL |
Haskell | haskell-sandbox | Tests with Haskell |
Swift | ble-ibeacon-notif-ios | Tests iBeacon scan with iOS |
Python | docker-echo-server | Docker image which echoes on a UDP and a TCP port |
Java | android-service-kill-study | Study on effect of killing an Android app on services |
Misc | hash-ipv4-sandbox | Tests various way of quickly compute some hashes of all IPv4 range |
Unfinished / staled / deprecated
Lang | Category | Repository | Status | Description |
Python | App | qrmeet-aws | Unfinished | QRMeet, social game where we have to scan other's QR code to find a peer person |
Go | Parsing | llvm-tuto-kaleidoscope-golang | Unfinished | LLVM Kaleidoscope tutorial in Go |
JavaScript | Graphics | string-art-web | Unfinished | Draw curves using their tangents |
Java | Mobile | wifi-status-android | Deprecated | Display the status of the WiFi with very low binary size |
Swift | App | lucarne-macos | Deprecated | Copy a MacOS window to a vignette |
Non programming
Technology | Category | Repository | Description |
Blender | Graphics | blender-sketches | Blender personal sketches |
Blender | Graphics | blender-tutorials | Blender tutorials I followed |
Jekyll | WebSite | | GitHub hosted website |