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AEM PhoneGap Starter Kit


To provide you - the developer - with an AEM Apps project on your filesystem, ready to be built and installed to a running AEM 6.0 instance and committed to a version control system.


Get started

Clone this repository to your machine to begin.


This repository is built around two placeholders to enable quick customization: brand_name_placeholder and app_name_placeholder.

To customize this boilerplate for your own project, simply replace every occurrence of these two variables with (JCR-friendly) names of your choice.

For example, let's say my brand name is 'Geometrixx' (originality is not the goal here) and app name is 'ShapesCon'.

Note: the following has only been tested on OS X. YMMV.

The following lines will update each directory occurrence of the two placeholders with our desired values. Use your own names to customize for your application:

cd aem-phonegap-starter-kit
find . -name brand_name_placeholder -type d -execdir mv {} Geometrixx \;
find . -name app_name_placeholder -type d -execdir mv {} ShapesCon \;

You can ignore the 'No such file or directory' output.

Next, we'll replace every occurrence of these two strings in our project code:

find . -type f \( -name '*.xml' -o -name '*.jsp' -o -name index.html -o -name config.json \) -exec sed -i '' 's/brand_name_placeholder/Geometrixx/g' {} \;
find . -type f \( -name '*.xml' -o -name '*.jsp' -o -name index.html -o -name config.json \) -exec sed -i '' 's/app_name_placeholder/ShapesCon/g' {} \;


This project is based on the multimodule-content-package-archetype (with the bundle removed for simplicity), so it contains the same helpful profiles and properties to build and deploy your project with maven.

From the project root, run:

mvn -PautoInstallPackage clean install 

... to build the content package and install to a CQ instance. The CRX host and port can be specified on the command line with mvn -Dcrx.port=5502 <goals>

Edit in AEM

Once built and installed via maven, your new app should be editable in AEM. Take a look at the new Apps admin console to view the available apps on your instance.

A new app with the name you specified above ('ShapesCon' in my case) should be listed with the Cordova logo as it's thumbnail. If you followed the instructions exactly and have your author instance running locally on :4502, you should be able to access your new app via the following link:


Note: A keen observer will see that I replaced editor.html with cf# in the URL. This was done to avoid a conflict the new editor has with the Ionic styles. YMMV depending on which client side libraries your project includes.

A few things to try:

  • Add a child page. It will become linked via the Ionic Menu List component already included on the home page of your app
  • Add an image or text component
  • Install the aem-phonegap-kitchen-sink project to experiment with a number of other components that deal with PhoneGap's device level APIs
  • Click and drag the page to the right to reveal the left shelf menu

Run on the iOS Simulator

From the Apps console, navigate to your app, and through the English page to the first page of the app (it will have the Cordova logo as it's thumbnail). Enter 'select' mode via the checkmark button in the action bar, and select the app card (named 'ShapesCon' in my case).

With your app selected, tap the PhoneGap icon to download your application to the filesystem. Unzip the payload, and navigate to the folder it created using your terminal of choice.

Using the PhoneGap CLI, build and deploy your application to the iOS Simulator with the following command:

phonegap run ios 

Using with VLT

To use vlt with this project, first build and install the package to your local CQ instance as described above. Then cd to src/main/content/jcr_root and run

vlt --credentials admin:admin checkout -f ../META-INF/vault/filter.xml --force http://localhost:4502/crx

Once the working copy is created, you can use the normal vlt up and vlt ci commands.


Just testing the waters? No problem. From the package manager console, locate the package named ''. It should be at the top. Uninstall this package to remove your app, it's template, component, design, and supporting clientlibs.


Bootstrap your AEM Apps project







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