This version includes the new style inside the JTabbedPane
A first version of the Material theme for configuring the library with an interface MaterialTheme
This look and feel implement a method for theming personal, don't use the MetalTheme but implements
the complete system.
For the moment not is scheduler a documentations and this is considered a version alpha, if you want to
try the implement a theme for this look and feel, you can extend the abstract class AbstractMaterialTheme implement
the methods abstract, for more info look theme mlaf.thmes.MaterialLiteTheme
For a change the theme to runtime you can use this code
if (UIManager.getLookAndFeel() instanceof MaterialLookAndFeel){
MaterialLookAndFeel.changeTheme(new MaterialDarkTheme());
Look the example inside the test/java/integration/gui/mock
Stack Overflow
We are using the Stack Overflow to help the community, if you need the help, you can write a post
with these tags
java, material, swing, look-and-feel
ps: we use these until we have one of our own
Some screen