An elegant typing test tool.
Typing rule and interactions was inspired by the famous;
The app was created purely in react.
To join the community, please go to the website and hit "discord" icon.
- words mode
- Eng Hard: Random blogs Words data source
- Eng Normal: Top 1000 most frequent used English words
- CHN Pinyin Hard: Chinese top 1500 idioms
- CHN Pinyin Normal: Chinese top 5000 words/char
- support four tests duration 90s, 60s, 30s, 15s
- Numbers: add random numbers from 0-99 at the end of the regenerated word
- Symbols: add random symbols at the end of the regenerated words
- Sentence mode
- CHN: Random chinese short sentences
- ENG: Random English short sentences
- Support three sentences count setting: 5, 10, 15
- Stats:
- Accuracy
- Error analysis (correct/error/missing/extra chars count)
- Visualizations
- Pacing Style (word pulse/ character caret):
- Pulse mode: the active word will have an underline pulse, which helps improve the speed typing habit.
- Caret mode: a pacing caret, advancing character by character, which aligns normal typing habit.
- Vocabulary Source
- GRE vocab
- CET6
- CET4
- Multi Chapters Selection
- Words Card Navigation UI
- Recite Mode (word visibility off while phrase shown)
- free typing mode for test typing anything
- A QWERTY keyboard layout UI populating random key for touch typing with stats
- A spotify player
Static Themes
- Dark
- Tokyo night
- Piano
- Aluminum
- Terminal (matrix inspired)
- Cyber (cyberpunk inspired)
- Steam (steampunk inspired)
- Light
- Nintendo
- Araki Nobuyoshi
- Hero
- Budapest
- Cool Kid
- EdgeRunner (cyberpunk 2077 edgerunners episodes inspired)
Dynamic Themes (WebGL based, may degrade performance. experimental feature. Component Library used from UV canvas)
- Tranquiluxe,
- Lumiflex,
- Opulento,
- Velustro
- Browser refresh will bring back to the localStorage stored settings
- move header to footer.
- hide the setting menu. leave only timer, wpm stats.
- If music enabled, a compact spotify will be put in footer.
toggle to use the ultra zen mode when in words mode. The ultra zen mode can auto highlight and auto dim while you are typing.
- default: cherry blue switch
- optional: keyboard (hard)
- optional: typewriter (soft)
- [Tab] + [Space] for quickly redo
- [Tab] + [Enter] / [Tab] + [Tab] for quickly reset
- [Tab] + [Any Key] to exit the dialog
Regular Mode and Recite Mode
Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in your browser.
Builds the app for production to the build
Create a branch with proper name example 'feat/your-cool-feature', create the pull request and add authors for reviews. Please include description with details.
Thanks @rendi12345678 for his continuous contributions and making the feature of data visualization for the typing stats!