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V Browser Extension Wallet

Install from Chrome Web Store

The V Browser Extension Wallet is now listing in Chrome Web Store. You can install it from here .

How to build and import to Chrome manually

  1. install node.js from

  2. clone this project

    $ git clone
  3. clone submodule

    $ cd v-browser-ext-wallet
    $ git submodule update --init
  4. install packages

    $ npm install
  5. build

    $ npm run build
  6. import to chrome Open Chrome browser, go to the chrome://extensions/ page and click the Load unpacked extension button and select the build folder (.../v-browser-ext-wallet/dist) for your extension to install it.

Web page interaction specification (for dApp developer)

Once extension wallet sucessfully installed, the Chrome/Firefox will detect window.vsys variable in page. You can open Chrome/Firefox with some domain (for example: ) and input the following JS code in console to test:

window.vsys && window.vsys.isInstalled

If return true, it means the V extension wallet works properly.

Load Extension Wallet Basic Info

The JS sample code of request:

async function getWalletInfo() {
  const info = await window.vsys.request({ method: 'info' })
  return info


    "result": true,
    "message": "OK",
    "name": "V Systems Browser Extension Wallet",
    "version": "1.1.0",
    "network": "Mainnet"	// or "Testnet"

Get Current Selected Address of Extension Wallet

The JS sample code of request:

async function getAddress() {
  const address = await window.vsys.request({ method: 'address' })
  return address


    "result": true,
    "message": "OK",
    "address": "AR7qzJzuHrKxxxxxxxxBMtct7F2JsZxu"

Get Public Key of Selected Account

The JS sample code of request:

async function getPublicKey() {
  const publicKey = await window.vsys.request({ method: 'publicKey' })
  return publicKey


    "result": true,
    "message": "OK",
    "publicKey": "2nCUEoyoquxxxxxxxxugG3ENdGcrRduGxnzC",
    "address": "AR7qzJzuHrKxxxxxxxxBMtct7F2JsZxu"

Get VSYS Balance of Selected Account

The JS sample code of request:

async function getAmount() {
  const amount = await window.vsys.request({ method: 'amount' })
  return amount


    "result": true,
    "message": "OK",
    "address": "AR7qzJzuHrKxxxxxxxxBMtct7F2JsZxu"
    "amount": "100.5"

Get Token Balance of Selected Account

The JS sample code of request:

function getTokenAmount() {
      method: 'tokenAmount',
          tokenId: '<Token ID>'
    .then((response) => {
        const tokenAmount =
        return tokenAmount
    .catch((error) => console.error)


    "result": true,
    "message": "OK",
    "address": "AR7qzJzuHrKxxxxxxxxBMtct7F2JsZxu"
    "tokenId": "TWZZfKFqcaNVe5xxxxxxxxnBRJMjDDByqv84",
    "amount": "200.8"

List Watched Token of Extension Wallet

The JS sample code of request:

async function getWatchedTokens() {
  const myTokens = await window.vsys.request({ method: 'watchedTokens' })
  return myTokens


	"result": true,
	"message": "OK",
	"token": [{
			"tokenId": "TWZZfKFqcaNVe5xxxxxxxxnBRJMjDDByqv84",
			"contractId": "CC8Jx8aLkKVxxxxxxxCSkn1GBLcjZ32k",
			"contractType": "TokenContract"
			"tokenId": "TWZ3nPYyCJAxxxxxxxxYJMQK4dpiQ1m6v4",
			"contractId": "IDCC3k8ExdySxxxxxxxxxXdX4dTHtFVs35s",
			"contractType": "NonFungibleContract"

The contractType could be the following value:


If developers want to get user NFT list, he/she can filter the result with NonFungibleContract type only to get the user's NFT list.

Listen for AccountsChanged and ChainChanged Events

The JS sample code of listening

//Accounts Changed
window.vsys.on('accountsChanged', (accounts) => {
  // Handle the new accounts, or lack thereof.
  // "accounts" will always be an array, but it can be empty.

// Chain Changed
window.vsys.on('chainChanged', (chain) => {
  // Handle the new chain.
  // "chain" is an object which includes `networkType` and `nodeUrl` two keys

Also, don't forget to remove listeners once you are done listening to them:

function handleAccountsChanged(accounts) {
  // ...

window.vsys.on('accountsChanged', handleAccountsChanged);

// Later

window.vsys.removeListener('accountsChanged', handleAccountsChanged);

Add Token to Watch List of Extension Wallet

The JS sample code of request:

function addToken() {
      method: 'addToken',
          tokenSymbol: 'my NFT',
          tokenId: '< Token ID >'
    .then((response) => console.log(response))
    .catch((error) => console.error);


	"result": true,
	"message": "OK"

Website Requests VSYS or Token Transaction

The JS sample code of request:

function sendToken() {
      method: 'send',
          tokenId: '<Token ID>',
          publicKey: '2nCUEoyoquxxxxxxxxugG3ENdGcrRduGxnzC',
          recipient: '<recipient address>',
          amount: '0.1',
          description: '<description>'
    .then((response) => console.log(response))
    .catch((error) => console.error);

If you send Token, you need to fill in tokenId. Otherwise, if not set tokenId, you will send VSYS. The amount can be Number or String type. To avoid the loss of precision due to very large numbers, we recommend to pass the amount parameter with String type.


	"result": true,
	"message": "OK",
	"transactionId": "2dSYyPQuh44J6ExxxxxxxNcEU4q4iLiVcahVc4n"

Website Requests NFT Transaction

The JS sample code of request:

function sendNFTToken() {
      method: 'sendNFT',
          tokenId: '<NFT Token ID>',
          publicKey: '2nCUEoyoquxxxxxxxxugG3ENdGcrRduGxnzC',
          recipient: '<recipient address>',
          description: '<description>'
    .then((response) => console.log(response))
    .catch((error) => console.error);


	"result": true,
	"message": "OK",
	"transactionId": "2dSYyPQuh44J6ExxxxxxxNcEU4q4iLiVcahVc4n"

Website Requests Deposit/Withdraw/Lock Token

The JS sample code of request Deposit:

function depositToken() {
      method: 'depositToken',
          contractId: '<Contract ID>',
          publicKey: '2nCUEoyoquxxxxxxxxugG3ENdGcrRduGxnzC',
          amount: '50.6',
          description: '<description>'
    .then((response) => console.log(response))
    .catch((error) => console.error);

The JS sample code of request Withdraw:

function withdrawToken() {
      method: 'withdrawToken',
          contractId: '<Contract ID>',
          publicKey: '2nCUEoyoquxxxxxxxxugG3ENdGcrRduGxnzC',
          amount: '50.6',
          description: '<description>'
    .then((response) => console.log(response))
    .catch((error) => console.error);

The JS sample code of request Lock:

function lockToken() {
      method: 'lockToken',
          contractId: '<Contract ID>',
          lockTime: ( + 300 * 1000) * 1e6, //Lock 300 seconds
          publicKey: '2nCUEoyoquxxxxxxxxugG3ENdGcrRduGxnzC',
          description: '<description>'
    .then((response) => console.log(response))
    .catch((error) => console.error);

The contractId must be lock contract ID or payment channel contract ID. The method can be withdrawToken, depositToken or lockToken. The amount can be Number or String type. To avoid the loss of precision due to very large numbers, we recommend to pass the amount parameter with String type. The lockTime is the timestamp of lock end. It is Number type and unit is nanosecond.


	"result": true,
	"message": "OK",
	"transactionId": "2dSYyPQuh44J6ExxxxxxxNcEU4q4iLiVcahVc4n"

Website Requests Executing Contract Function

The JS sample code of request:

function executeContractFunction() {
      method: 'execContractFunc',
          contractId: '<Contract ID>',
          publicKey: '2nCUEoyoquxxxxxxxxugG3ENdGcrRduGxnzC',
          functionIndex: 3,
          functionData: "G3ENdGcrRduGxxxxxxxxxxgG3ENdGcrnCUEo"
          attachment: 'HXRC'
    .then((response) => console.log(response))
    .catch((error) => console.error);

The contractId can be any contract ID. The functionIndex is the function index of contract. The functionData is the parameters of executing function. Every parameter is a DataEntry type. To generate functionData string, you need encode data of DataEntry array to bytes array and then use Base58 to encode the bytes array. The attachment is Base58 encoded string.


	"result": true,
	"message": "OK",
	"transactionId": "2dSYyPQuh44J6ExxxxxxxNcEU4q4iLiVcahVc4n"

Website Requests Contract Register

The JS sample code of request:

function registerContractFunction() {
      method: 'regContract',
          publicKey: '2nCUEoyoquxxxxxxxxugG3ENdGcrRduGxnzC',
          contract: 'VJodouhmnHVDwtkBZ2xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxcmTfB3KFW2M',
          initData: '152wXX2z3TJUooxxxxxmU3AA9SVPkBgtxzQRAq',
          description: 'My contract for xxxxx'
    .then((response) => console.log(response))
    .catch((error) => console.error);

contract is contract content which is Base58 encoded string. initData is the parameters of contract initialization. Every parameter is a DataEntry type. To generate initData string, you need encode data of DataEntry array to bytes array and then use Base58 to encode the bytes array. description is the contract description which is string type.


	"result": true,
	"message": "OK",
	"transactionId": "2dSYyPQuh44J6ExxxxxxxNcEU4q4iLiVcahVc4n"

Website Requests Content Signature

The JS sample code of request:

function signContent() {
      method: 'signContent',
          publicKey: '2nCUEoyoquxxxxxxxxugG3ENdGcrRduGxnzC',
          content: 'VJodouhmnHVDwtkBZ2xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxcmTfB3KFW2M'
    .then((response) => console.log(response))
    .catch((error) => console.error);

The content is the content bytes, which encoded with Base58.


	"result": true,
	"message": "OK",
	"signture": "2dSYyPQuh44J6ExxxxxxxNcEU4q4iLiVcahVc4n"

Common Error

  1. If the wallet is first time used without account created, any request will be failed, and the returned result is as follows:

        "result": false,
        "message": "account is not created"

    To solve this problem, the user needs to open the extension wallet and create a account before proceeding to the next step.

  2. When the wallet is locked, any request will be failed, and the returned result is as follows:

        "result": false,
        "message": "account is locked"

    To solve this problem, the user needs to open the extension wallet and enter the password to unlock before proceeding to the next step.