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Tanzu Labs Practices Contribution Guide

Joe Moore edited this page Apr 19, 2022 · 3 revisions

I just want to start writing!

Great! Please use this Tanzu Practice Template

Feel free to reference the rest of this guide as needed.

Where should I Publish This Tanzu Practice?

It depends!

The mission for this content is to help our people and others self-service their way to successful software product outcomes.

First ask “is this a Core Method?” A method can be defined as "any process or template that can be utilized to go from point A to point B, in order to help in decision-making and move the project towards success."

A Core Method should have the following properties:

  • Generally applicable to software product teams
  • Teams consistently see value from the method
  • Its success has been repeated
  • You are likely to use this method in the future, either on the same project or other projects
  • While everything evolves, this method is not under constant and dramatic change

If the method meets these criteria then it is a strong candidate for the Practices section of the public, open source Tanzu Developer Center.

If this method does not meet those criteria then it might be more appropriate to publish it internally to our company Confluence. For example, if you chose a Publication Status of "Not yet written" and Maturity of "Immature" above then consider documenting this method internally, applying it in more situations and have others do the same. Iterate on the method or practice until it is more stable.

Publication Checklist

In general:

  1. Initial rapid collaboration with your fellow Tanzu peers via Slack channels, DMs, Google Doc (template above), etc.
  2. If needed: sit-and-simmer by publishing to our internal Confluence to use and iterate upon in real-world situations. We might skip this for very established practices and workshops that we're only now "backfilling" and documenting.
  3. Share with the world by publishing the vetted, mature material to the Tanzu Developer Center.

Detailed Step by Step

  • Join #tanzu-developer-center (VMware employees only)
  • Read through the guidelines above and determine if it makes sense to add your content to the existing collection.
  • Is it in the Backlog? Take a look at the Content Requests and Progress backlog on GitHub to see if the method you are interested in is already listed there. Filter by "practices" If needed.
    • Yes: If it is, and it's in the To Do or In Progress column, add a comment to the Issue (aka Story) stating that you're interested in working on it.
    • No: It is isn't, you can add it. You will need a GitHub account.
  • Tell us about it: Join #tanzu-developer-center and announce what you intent to contribute. Remember, someone else might have the same intention.
  • Is there a Draft in flight? If it’s not there, create a new working document using the Content Template Google Doc with the method as the title.
  • Share it in #tanzu-developer-center now if you feel comfortable, but definitely later.
  • Start working: Research references, existing arts, our own Drive folders, peers, etc.
  • Add the links to any reference material you found in your search at the bottom of your doc (e.g. a core practice talk, or deck, or printable sheet, etc).
  • Adapt the content you find to follow the guidelines in the teamplate and other practices. Example: most "Why Do This?" sections have 2-5 reasons or a short paragraph. Do you have 15 reasons and 1000 words? Scale back.
  • Solicit feedback and make revisions. Broadcast your submission in #tanzu-developer-center and other relevant Slack channels, DM trusted colleagues, and otherwise do you best to get feedback and refine your submission as much as possible.
    • Note: You will probably go through a few rounds of feedback - that’s good! We are aiming for consistency in tone, language, structure, and the method/practice itself and it could take a few rounds of edits to get it to a consistent place.

Publication: Preview and Live Site

  • Add a comment to the issue/story that that it's ready to be published. We will deploy a preview version on Tanzu Developer Center.
  • Iterate on the preview version.
  • When ready, or feedback is quiet, comment on the issue/story that it's ready to go live. We'll publish it!
  • It's live!
  • Optional: Give us feedback: How can we improve this process?
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