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Volobot Advanced Systems

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  1. String-Picker-Android String-Picker-Android Public

    This is Stylish String Chooser for Android.

    Java 4 1

  2. DraftJsToRichTextFlutter DraftJsToRichTextFlutter Public

    Dart 1 1

  3. flutter_cameraview flutter_cameraview Public

    Forked from hramaroson/flutter_cameraview

    A Flutter plugin for Android and iOS allowing access to the device cameras, a bit deeper!!

    Dart 1

  4. flutter-two-letter-icon flutter-two-letter-icon Public

    This is Letter Icon Widget for Flutter

    Dart 1

  5. Country-List-Android Country-List-Android Public

    Get All countries name,dial code and code


  6. flutter_calendar_carousel flutter_calendar_carousel Public

    Forked from hyochan/flutter_calendar_carousel

    Calendar widget for flutter that is swipeable horizontally. This widget can help you build your own calendar widget highly customizable.



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