React application template for fast start develop. The template includes the next decisions:
- Typescript for typing the application.
- React router for routing the application.
- Redux for storing application data.
- Redux-saga for side effects.
- fp-ts for functional programming in Typescript.
- io-ts for IO decoding/encoding.
You can use generator-react-app to quickly install this template, or clone this repository.
This template includes a few scripts.
npm start
Runs the app in development mode. Open to view it in the browser.
The page will automatically reload if you make changes to the code. You will see the build errors and lint warnings in the console.
npm run build
Builds the app for production to the build folder. It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance.
The build is minified and the filenames include the hashes.
Your app is ready to be deployed.
Run tests with:
npm run test
Update tests with:
npm run test-update
Run watch mode with:
npm run test-watch
Run check with:
npm run lint
Run check in fix mode with:
npm run lint-fix
Scripts are temporarily not working due to this issue.
Run storybook with:
npm run storybook
Build static storybook with:
npm run build-storybook
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.