Library for building control flow graph from Java bytecode.
mvn clean package
mvn clean verify
The latest release of the KFG is available through Vorpal GitHub Packages repository.
Add the link to the repository to your pom.xml
Simple example of how to scan Jar file
* @path -- path to the jar file to analyze
* @package -- package to scan in the jar
fun example(path: Path, `package`: Package) {
// create Jar file instance
val jar = Jar(path, `package`)
val target = Paths.get("updated")
// create ClassManager and initialize it with the jar
val cm = ClassManager(KfgConfig(Flags.readAll, failOnError = true))
// iterate over all found classes
for (klass in cm.concreteClasses) {
for (method in klass.allMethods) {
// view each method as graph
method.view("/usr/bin/dot", "/usr/bin/browser")
// create copy of the original jar with the updated
// classes in directory `target`
jar.update(cm, target)
Pipeline example
class MethodPrinter(override val cm: ClassManager) : MethodVisitor {
* should override this method and cleanup all the temporary info between visitor invocations
override fun cleanup() {}
override fun visit(method: Method) {
override fun visitBasicBlock(bb: BasicBlock) {
override fun visitInstruction(inst: Instruction) {
println(" $inst")
fun pipelineExample(cm: ClassManager, `package`: Package) {
executePipeline(cm, `package`) {