- 洞香春天
{{< mermaid align="left" theme="neutral" >}}
title French Words I Know
Alice->>Bob: hello
Bob-->>Alice: hi
Alice->Bob: talking
{{< /mermaid >}}
{{< notice note >}}
One note here.
{{< /notice >}}
{{< notice tip >}}
I'm giving a tip about something.
{{< /notice >}}
{{< notice example >}}
This is an example.
{{< /notice >}}
{{< notice question >}}
Is this a question?
{{< /notice >}}
{{< notice info >}}
Notice that this box contain information.
{{< /notice >}}
{{< notice warning >}}
This is the last warning!
{{< /notice >}}
{{< notice error >}}
There is an error in your code.
{{< /notice >}}