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Translate - Part 1
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Creating Procediementos for translation of the game
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rodriformiga committed Aug 27, 2014
1 parent 1440247 commit e13887c
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Showing 66 changed files with 1,240 additions and 593 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion AndroidManifest.xml
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<manifest xmlns:android=""

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.VIBRATE"/>
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605 changes: 605 additions & 0 deletions res/values-pt-rBR/strings.xml

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20 changes: 20 additions & 0 deletions res/values-pt-rBR/styles.xml
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@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@

Base application theme, dependent on API level. This theme is replaced
by AppBaseTheme from res/values-vXX/styles.xml on newer devices.
<style name="AppBaseTheme" parent="android:Theme.Light">
Theme customizations available in newer API levels can go in
res/values-vXX/styles.xml, while customizations related to
backward-compatibility can go here.

<!-- Application theme. -->
<style name="AppTheme" parent="AppBaseTheme">
<!-- All customizations that are NOT specific to a particular API-level can go here. -->

27 changes: 23 additions & 4 deletions res/values/strings.xml
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<string name="Sungrass_Buff">Herbal healing</string>

<!-- STRINGS OF AlarmTrap CLASS -->
<string name="AlarmTrap_Desc">The trap emits a piercing sound that echoes throughout the dungeon!</string>
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<string name="LightningTrap_Desc">You were killed by a discharge of a lightning trap...</string>

128 changes: 63 additions & 65 deletions src/com/watabou/pixeldungeon/
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public class Badges {

public static enum Badge {
MONSTERS_SLAIN_1( "10 enemies slain", 0 ),
MONSTERS_SLAIN_2( "50 enemies slain", 1 ),
MONSTERS_SLAIN_3( "150 enemies slain", 2 ),
MONSTERS_SLAIN_4( "250 enemies slain", 3 ),
GOLD_COLLECTED_1( "100 gold collected", 4 ),
GOLD_COLLECTED_2( "500 gold collected", 5 ),
GOLD_COLLECTED_3( "2500 gold collected", 6 ),
GOLD_COLLECTED_4( "7500 gold collected", 7 ),
LEVEL_REACHED_1( "Level 6 reached", 8 ),
LEVEL_REACHED_2( "Level 12 reached", 9 ),
LEVEL_REACHED_3( "Level 18 reached", 10 ),
LEVEL_REACHED_4( "Level 24 reached", 11 ),
ALL_POTIONS_IDENTIFIED( "All potions identified", 16 ),
ALL_SCROLLS_IDENTIFIED( "All scrolls identified", 17 ),
ALL_RINGS_IDENTIFIED( "All rings identified", 18 ),
ALL_WANDS_IDENTIFIED( "All wands identified", 19 ),
ALL_ITEMS_IDENTIFIED( "All potions, scrolls, rings & wands identified", 35, true ),
MONSTERS_SLAIN_1(Game.getVar(R.string.Badges_MonsterSlain1), 0 ),
MONSTERS_SLAIN_2(Game.getVar(R.string.Badges_GoldColleted2), 1 ),
MONSTERS_SLAIN_3(Game.getVar(R.string.Badges_GoldColleted3), 2 ),
MONSTERS_SLAIN_4(Game.getVar(R.string.Badges_GoldColleted4), 3 ),
GOLD_COLLECTED_1(Game.getVar(R.string.Badges_GoldColleted1), 4 ),
GOLD_COLLECTED_2(Game.getVar(R.string.Badges_GoldColleted2), 5 ),
GOLD_COLLECTED_3(Game.getVar(R.string.Badges_GoldColleted3), 6 ),
GOLD_COLLECTED_4(Game.getVar(R.string.Badges_GoldColleted4), 7 ),
LEVEL_REACHED_1(Game.getVar(R.string.Badges_LevelReached1), 8 ),
LEVEL_REACHED_2(Game.getVar(R.string.Badges_LevelReached2), 9 ),
LEVEL_REACHED_3(Game.getVar(R.string.Badges_LevelReached3), 10 ),
LEVEL_REACHED_4(Game.getVar(R.string.Badges_LevelReached4), 11 ),
ALL_POTIONS_IDENTIFIED(Game.getVar(R.string.Badges_AllPotions), 16 ),
ALL_SCROLLS_IDENTIFIED(Game.getVar(R.string.Badges_AllScrolls), 17 ),
ALL_RINGS_IDENTIFIED(Game.getVar(R.string.Badges_AllRings), 18 ),
ALL_WANDS_IDENTIFIED(Game.getVar(R.string.Badges_AllWands), 19 ),
ALL_ITEMS_IDENTIFIED(Game.getVar(R.string.Badges_AllItems), 35, true ),
ALL_BAGS_BOUGHT( "All bags bought", 23 ),
DEATH_FROM_FIRE( "Death from fire", 24 ),
DEATH_FROM_POISON( "Death from poison", 25 ),
DEATH_FROM_GAS( "Death from toxic gas", 26 ),
DEATH_FROM_HUNGER( "Death from hunger", 27 ),
DEATH_FROM_GLYPH( "Death from a glyph", 57 ),
DEATH_FROM_FALLING( "Death from falling down", 59 ),
YASD( "Death from fire, poison, toxic gas & hunger", 34, true ),
ALL_BAGS_BOUGHT(Game.getVar(R.string.Badges_AllBags), 23 ),
DEATH_FROM_FIRE(Game.getVar(R.string.Badges_DeathFire), 24 ),
DEATH_FROM_POISON(Game.getVar(R.string.Badges_DeathPoison), 25 ),
DEATH_FROM_GAS(Game.getVar(R.string.Badges_DeathGas), 26 ),
DEATH_FROM_HUNGER(Game.getVar(R.string.Badges_DeathHunger), 27 ),
DEATH_FROM_GLYPH(Game.getVar(R.string.Badges_DeathGlyph), 57 ),
DEATH_FROM_FALLING(Game.getVar(R.string.Badges_DeathFalling), 59 ),
YASD(Game.getVar(R.string.Badges_Yasd), 34, true ),
BOSS_SLAIN_1( "1st boss slain", 12 ),
BOSS_SLAIN_2( "2nd boss slain", 13 ),
BOSS_SLAIN_3( "3rd boss slain", 14 ),
BOSS_SLAIN_4( "4th boss slain", 15 ),
BOSS_SLAIN_1_ALL_CLASSES( "1st boss slain by Warrior, Mage, Rogue & Huntress", 32, true ),
BOSS_SLAIN_1(Game.getVar(R.string.Badges_BossSlain1), 12 ),
BOSS_SLAIN_2(Game.getVar(R.string.Badges_BossSlain2), 13 ),
BOSS_SLAIN_3(Game.getVar(R.string.Badges_BossSlain3), 14 ),
BOSS_SLAIN_4(Game.getVar(R.string.Badges_BossSlain4), 15 ),
BOSS_SLAIN_1_ALL_CLASSES(Game.getVar(R.string.Badges_BossSlain1All), 32, true ),
Expand All @@ -95,54 +95,52 @@ public static enum Badge {
"3rd boss slain by Gladiator, Berserker, Warlock, Battlemage, " +
"Freerunner, Assassin, Sniper & Warden", 33, true ),
RING_OF_HAGGLER( "Ring of Haggler obtained", 20 ),
RING_OF_THORNS( "Ring of Thorns obtained", 21 ),
STRENGTH_ATTAINED_1( "13 points of Strength attained", 40 ),
STRENGTH_ATTAINED_2( "15 points of Strength attained", 41 ),
STRENGTH_ATTAINED_3( "17 points of Strength attained", 42 ),
STRENGTH_ATTAINED_4( "19 points of Strength attained", 43 ),
FOOD_EATEN_1( "10 pieces of food eaten", 44 ),
FOOD_EATEN_2( "20 pieces of food eaten", 45 ),
FOOD_EATEN_3( "30 pieces of food eaten", 46 ),
FOOD_EATEN_4( "40 pieces of food eaten", 47 ),
BOSS_SLAIN_3_ALL_SUBCLASSES(Game.getVar(R.string.Badges_BossSlain3All), 33, true ),
RING_OF_HAGGLER(Game.getVar(R.string.Badges_RingHaggler), 20 ),
RING_OF_THORNS(Game.getVar(R.string.Badges_RingThorns), 21 ),
STRENGTH_ATTAINED_1(Game.getVar(R.string.Badges_StrengthAttained1), 40 ),
STRENGTH_ATTAINED_2(Game.getVar(R.string.Badges_StrengthAttained2), 41 ),
STRENGTH_ATTAINED_3(Game.getVar(R.string.Badges_StrengthAttained3), 42 ),
STRENGTH_ATTAINED_4(Game.getVar(R.string.Badges_StrengthAttained4), 43 ),
FOOD_EATEN_1(Game.getVar(R.string.Badges_FoodEaten1), 44 ),
FOOD_EATEN_2(Game.getVar(R.string.Badges_FoodEaten2), 45 ),
FOOD_EATEN_3(Game.getVar(R.string.Badges_FoodEaten3), 46 ),
FOOD_EATEN_4(Game.getVar(R.string.Badges_FoodEaten4), 47 ),
ITEM_LEVEL_1( "Item of level 3 acquired", 48 ),
ITEM_LEVEL_2( "Item of level 6 acquired", 49 ),
ITEM_LEVEL_3( "Item of level 9 acquired", 50 ),
ITEM_LEVEL_4( "Item of level 12 acquired", 51 ),
ITEM_LEVEL_1(Game.getVar(R.string.Badges_ItemLvl1), 48 ),
ITEM_LEVEL_2(Game.getVar(R.string.Badges_ItemLvl2), 49 ),
ITEM_LEVEL_3(Game.getVar(R.string.Badges_ItemLvl3), 50 ),
ITEM_LEVEL_4(Game.getVar(R.string.Badges_ItemLvl4), 51 ),
RARE( "All rare monsters slain", 37, true ),
RARE(Game.getVar(R.string.Badges_RareAll), 37, true ),
VICTORY( "Amulet of Yendor obtained", 22 ),
VICTORY_ALL_CLASSES( "Amulet of Yendor obtained by Warrior, Mage, Rogue & Huntress", 36, true ),
MASTERY_COMBO( "7-hit combo", 56 ),
POTIONS_COOKED_1( "3 potions cooked", 52 ),
POTIONS_COOKED_2( "6 potions cooked", 53 ),
POTIONS_COOKED_3( "9 potions cooked", 54 ),
POTIONS_COOKED_4( "12 potions cooked", 55 ),
NO_MONSTERS_SLAIN( "Level completed without killing any monsters", 28 ),
GRIM_WEAPON( "Monster killed by a Grim weapon", 29 ),
PIRANHAS( "6 piranhas killed", 30 ),
NIGHT_HUNTER( "15 monsters killed at nighttime", 58 ),
GAMES_PLAYED_1( "10 games played", 60, true ),
GAMES_PLAYED_2( "100 games played", 61, true ),
GAMES_PLAYED_3( "500 games played", 62, true ),
GAMES_PLAYED_4( "2000 games played", 63, true ),
HAPPY_END( "Happy end", 38 ),
SUPPORTER( "Thanks for your support!", 31, true );
VICTORY(Game.getVar(R.string.Badges_Victory), 22 ),
VICTORY_ALL_CLASSES(Game.getVar(R.string.Badges_VictoryAll), 36, true ),
MASTERY_COMBO(Game.getVar(R.string.Badges_MasteryCombo), 56 ),
POTIONS_COOKED_1(Game.getVar(R.string.Badges_PotionsCooked1), 52 ),
POTIONS_COOKED_2(Game.getVar(R.string.Badges_PotionsCooked2), 53 ),
POTIONS_COOKED_3(Game.getVar(R.string.Badges_PotionsCooked3), 54 ),
POTIONS_COOKED_4(Game.getVar(R.string.Badges_PotionsCooked4), 55 ),
NO_MONSTERS_SLAIN(Game.getVar(R.string.Badges_NoMonsterSlain), 28 ),
GRIM_WEAPON(Game.getVar(R.string.Badges_GrimWepon), 29 ),
PIRANHAS(Game.getVar(R.string.Badges_Piranhas), 30 ),
NIGHT_HUNTER(Game.getVar(R.string.Badges_NightHunter), 58 ),
GAMES_PLAYED_1(Game.getVar(R.string.Badges_GamesPlayed1), 60, true ),
GAMES_PLAYED_2(Game.getVar(R.string.Badges_GamesPlayed2), 61, true ),
GAMES_PLAYED_3(Game.getVar(R.string.Badges_GamesPlayed3), 62, true ),
GAMES_PLAYED_4(Game.getVar(R.string.Badges_GamesPlayed4), 63, true ),
HAPPY_END(Game.getVar(R.string.Badges_HappyEnd), 38 ),
SUPPORTER(Game.getVar(R.string.Badges_Supporter), 31, true );

public boolean meta;

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74 changes: 18 additions & 56 deletions src/com/watabou/pixeldungeon/
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public class Dungeon {

private static final String NO_TIPS = "The text is indecipherable...";
private static final String[] TIPS = {
"Don't overestimate your strength, use weapons and armor you can handle.",
"Not all doors in the dungeon are visible at first sight. If you are stuck, search for hidden doors.",
"Remember, that raising your strength is not the only way to access better equipment, you can go " +
"the other way lowering its strength requirement with Scrolls of Upgrade.",
"You can spend your gold in shops on deeper levels of the dungeon. The first one is on the 6th level.",

"Beware of Goo!",

"Pixel-Mart - all you need for successful adventure!",
"Identify your potions and scrolls as soon as possible. Don't put it off to the moment " +
"when you actually need them.",
"Being hungry doesn't hurt, but starving does hurt.",
"Surprise attack has a better chance to hit. For example, you can ambush your enemy behind " +
"a closed door when you know it is approaching.",

"Don't let The Tengu out!",

"Pixel-Mart. Spend money. Live longer.",
"When you're attacked by several monsters at the same time, try to retreat behind a door.",
"If you are burning, you can't put out the fire in the water while levitating.",
"There is no sense in possessing more than one Ankh at the same time, because you will lose them upon resurrecting.",

"DANGER! Heavy machinery can cause injury, loss of limbs or death!",

"Pixel-Mart. A safer life in dungeon.",
"When you upgrade an enchanted weapon, there is a chance to destroy that enchantment.",
"In a Well of Transmutation you can get an item, that cannot be obtained otherwise.",
"The only way to enchant a weapon is by upgrading it with a Scroll of Weapon Upgrade.",

"No weapons allowed in the presence of His Majesty!",

"Pixel-Mart. Special prices for demon hunters!",
"The text is written in demonic language.",
"The text is written in demonic language.",
"The text is written in demonic language."

private static final String TXT_DEAD_END =
"What are you doing here?!";
private static final String NO_TIPS = Game.getVar(R.string.Dungeon_NoTips);
private static final String[] TIPS = Game.getVars(R.array.Dungeon_Tips);
private static final String TXT_DEAD_END = Game.getVar(R.string.Dungeon_DeadEnd);

public static int potionOfStrength;
public static int scrollsOfUpgrade;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -355,21 +317,21 @@ public static boolean asNeeded() {
private static final String RN_GAME_FILE = "ranger.dat";
private static final String RN_DEPTH_FILE = "ranger%d.dat";

private static final String VERSION = "version";
private static final String HERO = "hero";
private static final String GOLD = "gold";
private static final String DEPTH = "depth";
private static final String QUICKSLOT = "quickslot";
private static final String LEVEL = "level";
private static final String POS = "potionsOfStrength";
private static final String SOU = "scrollsOfEnhancement";
private static final String AS = "arcaneStyli";
private static final String DV = "dewVial";
private static final String WT = "transmutation";
private static final String CHAPTERS = "chapters";
private static final String QUESTS = "quests";
private static final String BADGES = "badges";
private static final String VERSION = "version";
private static final String HERO = "hero";
private static final String GOLD = "gold";
private static final String DEPTH = "depth";
private static final String QUICKSLOT = "quickslot";
private static final String LEVEL = "level";
private static final String POS = "potionsOfStrength";
private static final String SOU = "scrollsOfEnhancement";
private static final String AS = "arcaneStyli";
private static final String DV = "dewVial";
private static final String WT = "transmutation";
private static final String CHAPTERS = "chapters";
private static final String QUESTS = "quests";
private static final String BADGES = "badges";

public static String gameFile( HeroClass cl ) {
switch (cl) {
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21 changes: 11 additions & 10 deletions src/com/watabou/pixeldungeon/
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Expand Up @@ -19,23 +19,24 @@

import java.util.ArrayList;

import com.watabou.noosa.Game;
import com.watabou.utils.Bundlable;
import com.watabou.utils.Bundle;

public class Journal {

public static enum Feature {
WELL_OF_HEALTH ( "Well of Health" ),
WELL_OF_AWARENESS ( "Well of Awareness" ),
WELL_OF_TRANSMUTATION ( "Well of Transmutation" ),
ALCHEMY ( "Alchemy pot" ),
GARDEN ( "Garden" ),
STATUE ( "Animated statue" ),
WELL_OF_HEALTH (Game.getVar(R.string.Journal_WellHealt)),
WELL_OF_AWARENESS (Game.getVar(R.string.Journal_WellAwareness)),
WELL_OF_TRANSMUTATION (Game.getVar(R.string.Journal_WellTransmut)),
ALCHEMY (Game.getVar(R.string.Journal_Alchemy)),
GARDEN (Game.getVar(R.string.Journal_Garden)),
STATUE (Game.getVar(R.string.Journal_Statue)),

GHOST ( "Sad ghost" ),
WANDMAKER ( "Old wandmaker" ),
TROLL ( "Troll blacksmith" ),
IMP ( "Ambitious imp" );
GHOST (Game.getVar(R.string.Journal_Ghost)),
WANDMAKER (Game.getVar(R.string.Journal_Wandmaker)),
TROLL (Game.getVar(R.string.Journal_Troll)),
IMP (Game.getVar(R.string.Journal_Imp));

public String desc;

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28 changes: 15 additions & 13 deletions src/com/watabou/pixeldungeon/
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package com.watabou.pixeldungeon;

import com.watabou.noosa.Game;

public class ResultDescriptions {

// Mobs
public static final String MOB = "Killed by %s on level %d";
public static final String BOSS = "Killed by the %s on level %d";
public static final String MOB = Game.getVar(R.string.ResultDescriptions_Mob);
public static final String BOSS = Game.getVar(R.string.ResultDescriptions_Boss);

// Items
public static final String WAND = "Killed by your own %s on level %d";
public static final String GLYPH = "Killed by the %s on level %d";
public static final String WAND = Game.getVar(R.string.ResultDescriptions_Wand);
public static final String GLYPH = Game.getVar(R.string.ResultDescriptions_Glyph);

// Dungeon features
public static final String TRAP = "Killed by discharge of %s on level %d";
public static final String TRAP = Game.getVar(R.string.ResultDescriptions_Trap);

// Debuffs & blobs
public static final String BURNING = "Burned to death on level %d";
public static final String HUNGER = "Starved to death on level %d";
public static final String POISON = "Died from poison on level %d";
public static final String GAS = "Died from toxic gas on level %d";
public static final String BLEEDING = "Bled to death on level %d";
public static final String OOZE = "Killed by a caustic ooze on level %d";
public static final String FALL = "Fell to death on level %d";
public static final String BURNING = Game.getVar(R.string.ResultDescriptions_Burning);
public static final String HUNGER = Game.getVar(R.string.ResultDescriptions_Hunger);
public static final String POISON = Game.getVar(R.string.ResultDescriptions_Poison);
public static final String GAS = Game.getVar(R.string.ResultDescriptions_Gas);
public static final String BLEEDING = Game.getVar(R.string.ResultDescriptions_Bleeding);
public static final String OOZE = Game.getVar(R.string.ResultDescriptions_Ooze);
public static final String FALL = Game.getVar(R.string.ResultDescriptions_Fall);

public static final String WIN = "Obtained the Amulet of Yendor";
public static final String WIN = Game.getVar(R.string.ResultDescriptions_Win);

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