Testing your Rails project on every change should be a smooth process. With Jenkins pipelines you can describe the entire process through code. We did the hard work to make our rails testing and deployment library open source so you can benefit. It gives you a drop in pipeline shared library with a configurable Jenkinsfile.
This pipeline job assumes your project has the following:
- Capistrano based deployments
- Uses a single database the is cleaned up after each build
- Testing is done on a single node without docker
If you're new to Jenkins pipelines you should go read the documentation before proceeding to get a sense for what to expect using this code. The rest of the setup process will assume you have basic knowledge of Jenkins or CI/CD jobs in general.
- rvm installed in the jenkins user
- git
- build-essential
- Version: > 2.7.3 - tested on (2.89.4 LTS)
- slack
- pipeline (workflow-aggregator)
- git
- timestamper
- credentials
- sshagent
- junit
- docker
- AWS ECR credentials
When the job runs the first time you will need to work through allowing certain functions to execute in the groovy sandbox. This is normal as not all high use groovy functions are in the default safelist but more are added all the time.
The following modules work great to manage a Jenkins instance.
- maestrodev/rvm
- puppetlabs/apache
- rtyler/jenkins
rails {
MYSQL_DATABASE = 'db_name'
MYSQL_USER = 'db_user'
MYSQL_PASSWORD = 'db_password'
MYSQL_HOST = 'localhost'
RUBY_VERSION = 'ruby-x.x.x'
RUBY_GEMSET = 'gemset_name'
NODE_INSTALL_NAME = 'lts/boron'
RAILS_ENV = 'test'
OTHER_DEPLOY_ENVS = 'stage2, qa'
DEPLOY_VARS = [string(credentialsId: 'secret-text', variable: 'secret-text'), usernameColonPassword(credentialsId: 'git_access', variable: 'git-login-creds')]
SLACK_CHANNEL = '#deploys'
DEBUG = 'false'
SKIP_TESTS = 'false'
DOCKER_REGISTRY_CREDS_ID = 'access_docker_hub'
DOCKER_REGISTRY_URL = 'https://hub.docker.io'
AWS_DEFAULT_REGION = 'us-east-1'
SKIP_DEPLOY = 'false'
DOWNSTREAM_JOB_PARAMS = [string(name: 'rubyVersion', value: version), string(name: 'checksum', value: checksum))]
- MYSQL_DATABASE: Name of the test database
- MYSQL_USER: Username for the test database
- MYSQL_PASSWORD: Password for the test database
- RUBY_VERSION: Ruby version to use. [String]
- RUBY_GEMSET: Name of the gemset to create. [String]
- NODE_INSTALL_NAME: Nodejs plugin uses names to identify installs in Jenkins, enter that value here [String]
- SSH_AGENT_ID: Capistrano uses SSH to deploy code so you need to add the sshagent plugin and give the credentialsId here. [String]
- MYSQL_HOST: Set the mysql hostname. [String] Default: localhost
- RAILS_ENV: Set the rails env. [String] Default: test
- OTHER_DEPLOY_ENVS: Other deployment environments you want code pushed to. This should match up the a Capistrano deploy environment. [String (comma delimited)]
- CAP_VERSION: Set the version of Capistrano you are using. [String]
- DEPLOY_VARS: Credential strings you wish to have set during deployment only. See [Deploy Vars Configuration](#Deploy Vars Configuration) for more details. [List]
- SLACK_CHANNEL: Specify the Slack channel to use for notifications. [String] Default: #puppet
- DEBUG: Turn off Slack notifications and turn on more console output. [String] Default: false
- SKIP_TESTS: Don't run tests just checkout and deploy [String] Default: false
- SKIP_MIGRATIONS: Don't setup a database or run migrations. [String] Default: false
- DOCKER_REGISTRY_URL: The private Docker registry URL. Required to build with Docker. [String]
- DOCKER_REGISTRY_CREDS_ID: The private Docker registry credentials ID in Jenkins. Required to build with Docker. [String]
- AWS_DEFAULT_REGION: The AWS region of you Elastic Container Registry
- SKIP_DEPLOY: Do you want to skip deploying the code [String] Default: false
- DOWNSTREAM_JOB_NAME: Required if DOWNSTREAM_JOB_PARAMS is not null or empty. The name of the downstream job you wish to run. [String]
- DOWNSTREAM_JOB_PARAMS: Special map of parameters and their corresponding values to pass to the downstream job. [Map]
- MASTER_BRANCH: Specific what branch should assume the master branch role
- DEV_BRANCH: Specific what branch should assume the dev branch role
- STAGE_BRANCH: Specific what branch should assume the stage branch role
Testing supports rspec or minitest based on the test directory name. If it is unknown it will throw an error ==== Unsupported testing framework! ====
Dir Name | Test framework | Command |
spec | rspec | rake spec |
test | minitest | rake test |
If you need secure credentials in your deployment steps there is an input parameter that allows for this.
string(credentialsId: 'secret-text', variable: 'secret-text'),
<credential-type>(credentialsId: <cred-id>, variable: <var-name>)
I went ahead and left the first item in the list the same as above but changed the second to include explanations of the values. You can find these in the pipeline syntax section of a pipeline job. Once there select the withCredentials
step. Then add the credentials needed for the deploy step and click generate code. It will generate code that looks like the below example.
withCredentials([string(credentialsId: 'secret-test-stuff', variable: 'testing'), usernameColonPassword(credentialsId: 'git_basic_access', variable: 'login-creds')]) {
// some block
You will notice that inside the withCredentials
method there is a list of values. This is the list that you need to copy and paste (as is) into the DEPLOY_VARS
All test results are assumed to be in JUnit format and placed in a single directory named testresults
If a Dockerfile is present in the repo and DOCKER_REGISTRY_URL
are set builds will run with Docker. A sidcar MySQL container is spun up to use for the build then deleted when the build completes. All containers are cleaned up after the build completes. Gems are stored in a Docker volume per project per branch (eg. mysite_master-gems). This allows for faster builds since gems are cached between runs. Since this can lead to filling up the disk quickly it is recommended that you run a periodic clean job to remove old volumes. See Jenkinsfile.clean_example.
Note: The current setup only works with AWS ECR but can easily be adapted to work with other private registries.