iOS and Android Apps with HTML & JavaScript - develop, build and deploy - free and open source!
With App Framework, you could spend your time for your next amazing App and not for the tricky stuff around!
Setup your project:
- Creation of a lightweight and well-organized project folder, ready to publish on GitHub
Design your application:
- Printable template to design your application with paper and pencil
- Templates for your icon design - as PDF for sketching and PPTX for drawing
Develop your application:s
- Realize beautiful user interfaces with all well-known components and transitions, based on Framework7
- Easy to maintain single file components with reusable UI elements, based on Vue.js
- One code base for all devices with HTML, CSS and JavaScript - realized with Cordova, supporting ES2015
- Comprehensive icon fonts like FontAwesome, Framework7, Ion and Material Icons out of the box
- Well prepared to use Firebase authentication, realtime database and storage services
- State kept for history, tabs, scroll positions, focus, panels, modals, form inputs and page component data
- Global data object to use the same data and setting across your whole application
- Flexible routing with dynamic, nesting and login protection
- Offline capability, image preloading and multi-language support out of the box
Test your application:
- Integrated code check for correctness and automatic fix for standard conformity
- Local development server with live reload, perfectly to use together with Chrome DevTools
- Test your application on any iOS or Android device with an emulator or on your own device
- Use a development Firebase project with automatic database and storage rule update
Build your application:
- Build process with version bump and compression of all HTML, CSS, JavaScript and image files
- Generation of favicons, touch icons and splash screens out of a single image file
- Phone frame around your application on big screens, so you can offer desktop access with charm
- Automatic build as web application, to be used online and offline in the browser
- Automatic Apple Xcode project build with Cordova
- Automatic Android Studio project build with Cordova
- App Framework builds score very good at performance tests like Google Lighthouse or YSlow
Deploy your application:
- Deployment without downtime
- to any FTP server as Web App
- to the Firebase Hosting service as Web App
- to the Apple App Store as native iOS App
- to the Google Play Store as native Android App
- Easy rollback solutions
Backup your project:
- Download the Firebase database content and user list to local JSON files
- Snapshot creation of all important project files to backup on any external drive or cloud service