This is a rails engine that provides a simple method for restoring file uploads from the server after a validation error. Typically users are required to reupload the same file to the server between posts if there is a validation error on a different field.
This tool is designed to provide components that work with the full stack, to provide this functionality in the simplest way for a user.
- Rails 3+
Additional Hooks (these will optionally add functionality out of the box, but these components are not required to use the other functionality)
- Formtastic (new input added for cached file uploads)
- CarrierWave (works with CarrierWave uploads to cache them)
- Make uploads work across redisplays
- Leverages hidden fields on the forms, to prevent reuploading the same binary data multiple times
- Allow a user to remove an asset
- Stores the cached file data in a cache instead of directly on the filesystem. By default it uses Rails.cache, but this can be configured to use any class that implements
write(key, value)
. This means that unlike the CarrierWave solution:- This will work on systems that are load balanced so long as they share the same cache
- Can be easily configured to use different stores instead of just the file system (redis, memcache, etc)
- Cached assets are served through the rails environment as dynamic content, instead of static content that can be served directly by Rack or a server like Apache or Nginx.
- Built in integration with the full stack. Formtastic integration & Javascript for dealing with the cached value
- Works with heroku without needing to change rack configuration file (
- Don't need to deal with cleaning up the data (caches can be configured with ttl)
Add to Gemfile
gem 'file_upload_cache'
Add integration to the model. For example, a field called avatar the following could be used to add caching on an existing image field.
cached_file_for :avatar
attr_accessible :avatar, :avatar_cache_id
Change formtastic input to use the uploader input, provided by this engine
f.input :avatar, :as => :uploader
Add the following javascript to the pages that have the input in it:
window.file_upload_cache = window.file_upload_cache || {};
window.file_upload_cache.initialize = function() {
$.each($('.cached_file'), function(index, element) {
var id = '#' +,
$id = $(id),
$cache = $(id + "_cache"),
$replace = $(id + '_replace'),
$existing = $(id + "_existing");
$($replace).click(function() {
$(function() {
Optionally add this to your stylesheet to have the fields displayed inline:
.cache_existing { display:inline; margin-left:10px }
An example of using file_upload_cache with carrierwave can be found here: The demo of the gem can be viewed here: