DECTalk for your Discord Voice Chat server!
This is a Discord.js bot that provides dectalk to your Discord's voice chat server. It runs in a docker container.
It requires DECTalk_web and is configured by default to run in the same docker network as it (dectalk_net, http://dectalk_web:3000)
It will permanently join your voice chat and will respond to anyones request who has access to the bot (usually everyone by default.)
- Create a discord 'application' in the developer portal (
- Under Bot section generate a Token and store it somewhere safe.
- Under OAuth2 > URL Generator, give select
scopes andConnect
voice permissions. - Copy the URL and paste it in to your browser. Have it join the server you are wanting DECTalk functionality on.
- Clone this repository.
- Edit docker-compose.yml you'll need to provide the bot token, the DECTalk_web service URL among other things. More info provided in the file.
- docker-compose up -d
- Verify your bot comes online and joins the voice channel.
/dectalk [DECTalk data here including phonemes]