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Developer Style Guide

Vurv edited this page Oct 4, 2023 · 3 revisions

In general, just fix any lints that appear from glualint in your PR.

✍️ Formatting

🔤 Casing

  • Constants should be in SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE
  • Locals should be in camelCase or preferably snake_case
  • Globals should be in PascalCase
  • Files should be in snake_case.lua

⚪ Whitespace

  • Use tabs, not spaces
  • Add space after commas, around operators and inside { curly braces } but not (parentheses) or [square brackets]
  • Files should end with a newline

⚠️ Banned Features

  • DO NOT use Garry's C-style operators (!, continue, &&, ||), they're not native to Lua and break most editors.

👨‍💻 Behavior

Code that goes into wire proper cannot favor specific addons not managed by the @wiremod organization.

Adding hooks/callbacks/interfaces to support external addons is fine.

wire-extras is exempt from this.

Expression 2 ⚛️

Tutorials (In learning order) 🎓

Extras ❔

Tools 🛠️

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Beacon 💡

Control 🎛️

Data 💿

Detection 👀

Display 💻


I/O 🔌

Physics 🚀

Utilities 🛠️


Wireless 🛜

Gates 🚥

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