The 'Women in Research and Support System' survey project was led by a group of volunteers in 2018 in order to develop a data-driven report on the challenges faced by women in Science. A total of 219 international participants responded to this survey to help identify the gaps in the support received by women researchers in a professional STEM environment. The report from this survey is available as Open Source project. (more details below)
This project was designed, executed, coordinated and written by several scientists, located in different cities in India, Europe, and the USA. (see the articles below)
The raw file of the survey data is available in the data folder. Please note that any information that can be traced back to our respondent's identity has been removed.
Documentation and articles associated with this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Any associated source code is available under the MIT license.
Please attach a copy of these licenses along with the DOI listed in this page.
You can find the report of the data analysis, and related articles as a 5-part series.
Illustration by: Vibhav Nadkarni, PgDipSci, sponsored by Sci-Illustrate and originally published on
- The Work-Life Equilibrium: In-Balance or Imbalance?
- Authors: Aishwarya Swaminathan and Siddarth Chandrasekaran
Shraddha Lad took an important role of coordinating this project.
Please read our code of conduct, that outlines our expectations for participants within the WIS-CSG community. If you believe someone is violating the Code of Conduct, we ask that you report it to by emailing us via [email protected]. We, the core members of this community, will take the appropriate action to address the situation.
This repo is maintained by Malvika Sharan, on behalf of the members from the WiS-CSG group. This repository will be used to publish our dataset, source code, and articles under the Open Access and Open Source Licenses.