This is a set of scripts that allows to jail Citrix Receiver in a Podman image. This is useful for developers that want to keep their desktop clean, but are forced to use Citrix for their day to day work. This also allows to run citrix on musl based operating systems like VoidLinux or Alpine.
Go to the citrix download page
and download the latest version. Place it in docker/citrix
podman build -t citrix docker/citrix
podman run --rm -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -v /tmp/.X11-unix/X0:/tmp/.X11-unix/X0 -v $XAUTHORITY:/xauth --ipc=host citrix
- citrix currently uses X11, which is inherently unsafe and exposes all other X clients to Citrix. Run an Xwayland server in the container and let it connect to the hosts Wayland compositor.