The VirtualBox provides a predictable development environment to run use Ubuntu LTS even if a university has Windows-based workstations.
- atom
- docker-ce
- postman - run postman & in terminal
- Andorid Studio
- python3
- python3-pip
- gitg and gitk
- firefox
- chrome
Notice: Please use docker to deploy, e.g., Jenkins.
- bash-it?
- sourcetree alternative - gitkraken
- soapui
Notice. For the tips on making ubuntu more performant, please check oracle docs.
You need to have Vagrant installed
Create a ready to use Virtualmachine. You can customize its setup in vagrant/ubuntu/Vagrantfile.
vagrant plugin install vagrant-disksize make ubuntu_desktop_vagrant_up
Stop the vagrant box
make ubuntu_desktop_vagrant_halt
Copy the machine to google drive to share with students. When starting the box, please rememner to remove:
- Virtulbox setting for the VM: mounting /vagrant in /etc/fstab
- disable the remote display
Get the saved VM as a vagrant box:
make ubuntu_desktop_get_box