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This repository contains the (WORK IN PROGRESS) integration of the DiNOV2 SSL layer from Meta and WRI with MMDetection. MMdet 3.X has been updated to include the SSL layer as a backbone. Example configuration for training a ViTDet with a Cascade RCNN head on a COCO-style dataset can be found in the configs-dino
An example notebook can be found here to train a DINO DETR with the DINOv2 ViT backbone.
Improvements to the DINO DETR detection model have been made in the past two years. Most notable are Rank DETR and Stable DINO. These models are implemented in Detrex, which is built on top of Detectron2.
Configuration files to train Rank DETR with the DINOv2 Vit-L backbone can be found here
Configuration files to train Stable DINO with the DINOv2 Vit-L backbone can be found here